>be actor with literally zero range
>best of friends with Harvey
>defender of Roman Polanski
>seen as mommy to new generation of actors
>corral young actresses up and lead them towards old Harv
>tell them that what he asks them to do is just part of the business
>get rewarded with prestigious awards for completely forgettable roles in boring movies
Is Meryl Streep the most evil person in Hollywood?
Be actor with literally zero range
the Hollywood version of hellary
Yes. Yes she is, it's a known fact. But really you just need to look at her.
She is. She is the wicked evil witch of Hollywood. She is excellent at portraying the persona of "lovely sweet grandma that can do no wrong", but some people can see through that gig. She has built in deniability also which makes it hard to take her down. If you dare say anything negative about her, or assume anything about her, that will automatically get turned around on you.
You forgot:
>makes bland empty political and social speeches every year that are far beyond her realm of grasp and gets standing ovations from the entire country every single time
But Polanski makes great films. And what about all the people who worked with him after the fact? Like Ewan McGregor in 2010 on The Ghost Writer.
Only in Hollywood would someone’s filmmaking talent be used to excuse anally raping a 15 year-old.
cant you see it in her eyes? i can.
OJ Simpson was a great football player. He still murdered two people