Work on your Art

Its the weekend and you guy's have been slacking. You have no excuse to not work on your art.

As always, don't steal

here's a little doodle i decided to color. Give me pointer. Im my own worst critic so there isn't anything you can possibly say that will hurt my feelings.

arms seem really small compared to everything else

Been Futzing around character designs for a super hero themed comic I wanna make sometime soon.




I drew a cute kot.
Yes, her face is in italics.

>Lewd thought.jpg

its cooch seems a bit off center

I've been very active this past week, and I've been trying to get into a habit of drawing my own characters outside of comics more often again. Even if it's just a headshot or a very simple pose.

Basically, I'm trying to re-learn "just draw it. Not every doodle has to be some 'complete' picture. Just have a bit of fun."




Last thing I worked on

you like midgets, son?

I had a free week with not much to do this week so I drew a lot of self indulgent shit. Here's the last thing.

When I first made these characters was right off the back of me watching Panty and Stocking so they all turned out sorta short.
Not to mention the fact that they're all meant to be high schoolers for the most part.

But I am quite fond of shortstacks, yeh.

The only thing I did for the entire month is a semi-lewd doodle of Amy for some furfag, I don't really give a shit about drawing anymore so it's been like that for a year.

That's about it.

The WORST thing you can do for your art is to try and simulate hyper stylized stuff like anime.

It's not like I'm trying to simulate it. I'm just saying that was the headspace I was in when I originally made them (about 5 years ago). So when I go back and draw those characters it's sort of the vibe I tend to lean towards.

Do you think it looks bad or anything?

No, not really, the worse thing to do with anime style is starting to draw WITH IT.
If you already established your basics, it won't be a problem

it doesn't look bad, but it's not notable either. it's very "dime a dozen" tumbler. Reminds me off

Drew this last Thursday, hoping to color it soon

I can certainly try to push the characters a bit more but I'm not gonna change them too much from how they are now.

Spent the entire day cleaning my apartment and I'm tired as fuck.
But here is today's work. /ic/las/ is taking its toll and I miss you guys...

Who's right? Both sound pretty damn persuasive. Also, opinions on the Preston Blair book?

Oh damn. Was this inspired by that hajib thread we had recently?

Resize, try not to go over 1000x1000.


wtf is this even is?


I made it specifically for the thread and posted it there. Unless we had another one that was based on Hijabs from the start.
We had a thread about fetishes in comics which was semi-derailed into a thread about how sexy burqas and hijabs are

/sug/ dogshit

this was an old drawing i liked that i decided to ink after buying some fancy pens. hows it lookin?

looks like steven universe but with some weeb flair, good shit
shit, thats me to the T
i learned to draw when I was like, 4 from watching DBZ and naruto, I've spent the last 5+ years trying to unlearn anime and focus on fundamentals

Looks sick.


Don't be afraid to to destroy your creations, you'll reach a dead end faster than you'd think if you can't change them.

you did good. cringey as fuck, but you got scale and perspective down pretty solid. Id recommend just trying to improve your painting technique. Also I get the feeling that you use the same face for every woman you draw.


>looks like steven universe but with some weeb flair, good shit
Not really what I was going for so I'll have to work on that.

Well for the time being I'm only bringing them back to test my ability to make a webcomic anyway.