I feel like we don't get much Regular Show threads. Can we discuss it?
I feel like we don't get much Regular Show threads. Can we discuss it?
Probably because it's dead.
Show was fantastic, but I've discussed it to death now. It's a good show man, but let it go, it's over.
>I feel like we don't get much Regular Show threads over the seven fucking years it's been airing
Well it just seems like you missed out, faggot
Then how come there's a Fillmore thread right now?
I don't know man, it only ended 3 months ago.
I think Sup Forums hates this show sadly
I want this show back!
Me too, but it's probably not going to happen
Mordecai was best character
You should've been here before season 5 if you want to talk about Regular Show on Sup Forums
Now there's nothing left to talk about and the decline it went through in the second half made it a lot less fun to talk about.
Sup Forums only brings up regular show when they're discussing betacai/mordecuck stuff in other show threads, when that ended in season 7, eventually so did Sup Forums being aware the series existed, except 3 eileen waifufags
the subreddit is planning on being deleted and as you can guess, tumblr is just humanized gay lesbian trans art and even that's like once a week. for a 7 year long series it made very little impact after it's premiere burst of saving CN
no where is talking about it anymore is my point, which is why i brought up the two buzzword sites, it's a sad fact but fans have to enjoy the series in silence now, sorry op
Yeah. He was.
>the finale didn't get a sticky
>Sup Forums only brings up regular show when they're discussing betacai/mordecuck stuff
Basically everyone get angry over season 6 in general.
>everyone get angry over season 6
>subreddit planned on being deleted
Wut, source?
maybe they're not thinking on it now but last month had an infestation of repeat thread makers, off topic posts like political conspiracies, a bunch of porn spam, this show sucks! spam, etc. and it was multiple people and they kept getting around bans i guess
a mod said they were considering deleting the whole thing since no one was using it and they wanted to preserve the shows' dignity or whatever, it's still up though and i'm not seeing any issues, but the reddit is still d e a d by traffic numbers
Nice thumbnail
Its over user, its time to let it go.
Can I still watch Regular Show?
this sums up everything I hate about this show
it turned into fanfiction trash real quick
>friendship zone guardian on makeout mountain episode because mordecai couldn't make a move
>real. goddamn. episode. produced.
>We finally got to see Muscleman's Mom.
>No Thomas.