Dago (The Comic) Storytime: Part II

Venice, sixteenth century. Cesari Renzi had it all; high birth, wealth, a promising career in the navy and a beautiful bride. However, four men envious of his and his family's fortune came together to destroy it: The Greek banker Kalandrakis; Ahmed Bey, envoy to Sultain Suleiman the Magnificent; and Cesare's own best friend Giaccomo Barazutti followed the lead of Prince Bertini, who stood to become the city's new ruler.
The Renzis were slandered and murdered, and Cesare only managed to survive to be captured by a passing ship and thrust as the newest cog in the Ottoman empire's machine. Stripped of his title, his dignity and even his name, now he is Dago, the slave; a creature of shrewdness and hateful brutality that will stop at nothing to survive and claim his vengeance.

Join me for the telling of this timeless tale, good user, and share a bump if you love adventure.

Previous chapters:
Volume One - The Slave

Last time we left Dago living at the house of Hussein Bey, an honest Turkish nobleman with whom he somewhat bonded after surviving an outbreak of the plague together. However, the dreadful pirate Redbeard, Master of the Mediterranean, has grown tired of Hussein Bey's dissent and criticism and began his move against him. Can Dago survive and protect his master from one of the world's most powerful men?



Euro comics, nice. My country too. Can't stick around atm, but thanks for the storytime op.




Just how many times can a squad of black-clad killers break into Dago's house to kill everyone?









That escalated quickly.





























>Was I supposed to bring the gold or the sandwiches?












>His face when























