>not buying a hardcover of a trade
because muh third wave feminism
She's probably being given these books from an exec. This picture was taken before the film had a director, so there was nobody to really say "This is the take on Carol we really want to go with."
Mind you, I've never read a Carol comic myself, so what are her best runs? 2000s Ms Marvel?
Why does a board that never actually buys comics always complain about them?
All-New All-Different
Look how bored she is. That was my face reading KSD's run too.
Hey man I pay for my Marvel Unlimited subscription!
Marvels trades are expensive enough. Plus marvel probably gave it to her as a gift package similar to what dc does and was just too cheap to give a more expensive version.
should have made her read the Brian Reed run desu, a lot of the more integral solo Carol stuff was there
More like turd wave.
Anyone who doesn't buy the comics they enjoy on this bored is a piece of shit and only has themselves to blame when books they like get canceled due to low sales.
Why the fuck would you want an overly expensive pain in the ass hardcover?
Everyone who's been in a Marvel role bought the comics themselves.
DC are the ones who give out their comics as well as the actors going out to buy them themselves.
>DC are the ones who give out their comics
>>Looks at Eisenberg
That's a gigantic pile of bullshit.
Doesn't mean they all read what's given to them.
Eisenberg was still a good Luthor
Wasn't Eisenberg originally auditions for jimmy Olsen before Snyder decided he'd make a better luthor? Dc does give out massive amounts of stuff, Ezra miller tweeted out all the flash stuff he was given when he signed on to be the flash and it was pretty much every trade for the flash currently on sale
>Eisenberg was still a good Luthor
>Check out this totally candid pic if me reading this comic
It would be more convincing if she wasn't reading Volume one honestly. Especially considering she is wearing a captain marvel jumper in that picture.
Ms Marvel by Brian Reed, probably the best Carol has ever been
It's the hip new thing to be a comics "nerd" and complain on the internet about them like you do video games
I remember the guy who made Suicide Squad kept posting up Ostrander's comics on his tawtter, it made me hyped. Then I saw the finished product....
>implying the story wasn't pure Ostrander
It really wasn't, it tried it's hardest to adapt the Incubus storyline and completely failed. The most Ostrander thing that happened in the movie was Slipknot blowing up, beyond that and the basic frame work it was pure New 52
>cape movie
>trying to faithfully adapt anything
Casual much?
>completely failed
Ostrander liked the movie, so no it didn't fail in any respect.
>Ostrander liked it
This means nothing, Stan said he liked Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2, Millar said he liked BvS, and I'm sure DnA said that GotG was great.
>This means nothing
It does, my stupid friend. If the creator of a book likes the adaptation, the movie is good.
>trusting lying thieves like Stan Lee or Mark Millar
Those are the ones to read. After that ANAD where she leads alpha flight is ok.
>my created works is getting a movie and I'm making a portion of the money, I better not say anything bad or else the WB will cut that percentage down
You can believe that if you want, but the creators of these comics become literal shills once a movie is being released, of course they're going to say nothing bad about the film because they want it to be a success.
>implying Ostrander is working for DC anymore
>implying he has to lie so as to get royalties
How little you know about DC.
WB =/= DC, shill.
>DC isn't a WB company
OK bud.
WB produces the same amout of DC comics as Disney produces Marvel comics.
Maybe you should try Sup Forums, it seems as though you'd fit in quite well there
You seem like you're trying to pass as an expert, and failing terribly.
Even if you ignore shilling it's much harder to look in the faces of fellow working professionals and tell them they made a big pile of shit.
A lot of Hollywood bullshit talk is just people trying to act like they love the sweater Grandma bought them.
That's not how royalties work, you imbecile.
Buying comics is for plebs