Today I will remind them.
Killer Frost is one of the Endless
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I hear it's actually going to be that Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy AND Killer Frost will all have to temporarily become Endless.
I don't really care about her being Desire, I'm more interested in knowing if DC will finally make The Freeze Force canon.
>Killer Frost officially replaced Catwoman as a Siren
Wait what?
What would her name be? Decay? but that's basically the same as Destruction right?
Dkiller frost
In a preview in JLA, we see Killer Frost in Destiny's garden. He calls her his sister and says she has a choice to make.
She's either Decay (because she violates the laws of thermodynamics and eliminates energy in the universe) or she's a piece of Death that has been split off somehow.
Just someone who keeps spamming this picture to "remind us" every few days.
There's a page in the JLA: Rebirth issue that has a "next year on the JLA" that shows KF talking to a robed figure, that people like OP assume is Destiny (it does look like his garden)
How many times is considered spamming?
Why are Snartfags always so mad?
This is fucking dumb. The Endless always work better as seperate but still connected to the DCU.
Give me one good reason why DC's greatest character should not be elevated to the ranks of the most powerful entities in their universe?
I've seen this so many times now that I hope it's true. I hope she teleports behind the other ones and drains them of their powers.
Because you're a dumb waifufag.
>reddit spacing
>captain reddit posting
But Harley Quinn is already the 3rd pillar of DC's trinity. How much higher does she need to go?
Killer Frost has beaten Superman. By Kung Fu rules that means she is now his superior and takes his place.
And Harley Quinn punched Superman out once very recently, what's your point?
That the Trinity is now Batman, Harley, and Killer Frost.
But Harley has also defeated Batman and KF, so what now?
Wait what
What a dank meme.
okay the trinity is now Harley, Harley, and Harley
Suicide Squad (comic) Harley, Suicide Squad (movie) Harley, and Harley solo Harley, it fits.
Imagine getting this upset at a preview fakeout that you need to post multiple times a week about it
If OP wants to post this multiple times a week, they can at least post the other relevant images
Destiny's garden from Sandman
Destiny's garden making an appearance in Lucifer
What if the sister bit is referring to somebody outside of the shot, in reference to Killer Frost, and not KF herself?
Spam is against the rules
She's a human aspect of Dawn of the Endless who was really either the first or second Endless, she came into being after the dawn of creation and afterwards went through a change like Delight into Delirium and became Dusk of The Endless, the embodiment of Entropy.
How many times have they used this format recently in DC with the JLA and JSA just to have it boil down to a one panel gotcha moment?
Thats what I'm saying it is in here.
"Wha? Why did you call me sister?!"
"All of humanity is like my family"