Why didn't women care about nerd culture until 07/08?

Why didn't women care about nerd culture until 07/08?

iphone, facebook, etc
the second IT-boom started

They had yet to run every man under 40 out of everything else before then.

because social media told them to

Money is to be had of the grander that is the eighties toy lexicon.

Because pop culture hadn't told them it was ok until then.

They still don't

I wanna fuck that jew on the left.

beacuse women only care about the phone, once internet was on there it was Game Over (that's a video game reference)

I weep for childs and their shitty toys.

Teddy Ruxpin!!!!!!!!!!!1

Women always did but they were hardcore shunned from it.

Nerd culture needed just enough normies for women to get interested enough to come and ruin it.

Baby boomers had kids. I was one of those.

Soon America ain't like it used to be.

Eighties toys are better.

Because they were ridiculed or objectified by every male in that nerd culture. Constantly spammed in chat boxes or forums, propositioned to, been sent lewd pictures without consent, begged for lewd pictures back etc. I can speak for all women when I say that the nerd culture in general can be a toxic environment for women. It's getting better though. The wave of "show boobs" responses this post might get will prove my point.

Fucking soy boy faggot. Your post reeks of estrogen.

Everything about that pic is bullshit

unironically normies

t. woman
what's it like never having your own unique thoughts

t. roastie

>undesirable nerds just didn't WANT women to take interest in the only field where these nerds could take the lead.
I doubt you assumptions.

show asshole

show yourself out

literally everything there is true
prove me/it wrong

>soy boy
when will apes be gone and stay gone

Imagine being this retarded.

>nerd culture
I think you mean ironic consumerism.

I sure hope so because I'm a woman. I wouldn't want it to reek of testosterone

Before 07/08 the internet was still mostly for nerds but then Facebook, Twitter and Youtube got REALLY popular. Also there was a new device in your purse that allowed you access to the internet (the iphone).

Name me a toy you bought for tour kids and I will best it with an eighties toy. Fuck a cpu

Lego has become awesome, though.


Because it wasn't a fad before then.

I love anything that keeps my mind off of being.


My mistake, you're not a whiteknight of the soy, just ignorant.

show us your penis


t. millenial
Women were always part of nerd culture, it's just that some didn't want to associate with it for the sake of their image. When nerds became acceptable/popular, they wanted to be jump on the hype train.

The overwhelming majority of people move with the herd because it's safest, women are no different.

No, you are. Actually, you're either ignorant of such behavior (unlikely because that kind of treatment of women in online forums is EVERYWHERE) or took part in such abhorent shit yourself and are now trying to excuse yourself by pretending it didn't happen, asshat. I've been propositioned out of nowhere literally thousands of times on every platform and online game imaginable.

Because that's when The Big Bang Theory first aired.

>Because they were ridiculed or objectified by every male in that nerd culture.
Objectively wrong. There's roughly the same percentage of female Roleplayers today as there were decades ago here in Germany. The only thing that has changed is public perception of nerdism due to LOTR, TBBT, etc.

Oh, fuck off... or post tits. Your choice.

Women havent ever been part of nerd culture. I know "nerdy women" Their interests were never nerdy things only popular things. They still let it slip.
The number of fake nerdy women on social media is epidemic. They just use it to exploit vulnerable males for cash.

I revealed my gender because it was relevant to the discussion, which, in case you can't read, is about women in nerd culture. I think I, a woman in nerd culture, have a bit more knowledge on the topic then you

do you have an outtie or innie?

If people are propositioning you constantly it's probably because you offered nothing more to those communities other than the prospect of a wet hole. Harden up or fuck off, cunt.

>by every male
Stopped reading right there.


Normalfags needed pop-culture and trendiness to tell them it's okay to like things.
It became cool to be a "lolnerd" with big glasses all of a sudden. Much like Star Wars, video games and anything awesome, it's been stained by casuals and morons to the point of being tiresome.

at first it was to be cute and out of curiosity about male activities, then they saw it could be used for material gain and power politics which was even better than being cute

Interesting how when my gender is not in any way revealed in the game (through my avatar or username), I don't get sent dick pics at all even though my gaming performance is still the same.

No one wants femoids to be a part of our culture though?

All your gaming tags were probably "Gamer Gurl", "Princess something" or some variation of that. I have no doubts you advertised yourself as a girl rather than just a player and got the attention you craved along with some you didn't want. Can't have it both ways.

I don't give a shit, you moron. The barrier to entry is to like a particular movie, book, game, or television show.

Get bent.

Then don't advertise it. It's inconsequential and unnecessary information.

because nobody made it cool until RDJ came along.

literally only jews say this.

No, they were either a variation of my name or a fantasy themed female name. If you can name yourself Aragorn in WoW then I have the right to name myself Galadriel. If you can name yourself Mike1992 then I can name myself Jane1992. You literally have no argument here. It's just pure misogyny and discrimination and double standards.

What, when, where is this mythological game you're playing that boys are sending you dick pics?

Women only care about what is popular.

Sure their are anomalies, and they are always great in bed, but the are weird. Possibly ugly.

>Nerdy girl pretends to be lol so nerdy.
>when no ones looking shes listening to rap and liking pics of seedy guys and fellow whores on social media.

then you'll take shit for it, missy

We don't want you in our culture, you ape.
Go make your own culture ya pathetic parasite.

Almost everything about that picture is accurate with the exception of the fact that the original group doesn't consist solely men, but there are a few women there too, usually in a proportion of up to 20% of the original crew, they're usually regarded as one of the guys.

I've never seen an lolsoneardy girl actually put effort into appearing like a "nerd" other than saying "I'm such a nerd". They're all blatantly vapid 24/7 from my experience.

Literally asking for it.

This ^
Pop culture is not nerd culture nor will it ever be.
Pop culture adopts and mutates various cultural trends effectively nullifying all traces back to the original. Comic reading isn't nerd culture. Playing on ipads and iphones isn't nerd culture. It's currently : Consumerist culture.

Here comes this faggot w/ no real world experience with an educated female nerd. Sorry, they aren't ridiculed.. The true ones are insulated and protected.
> Objectified by every male in that nerd culture....
Sorry, this doesn't occur. There are tons of women who work in Silicon Valley. They are seen just as anyone else is. Everyone's to busy getting shit done to give to fucks about you and your gender. If you get the work done, you're as good as any other man.
> Constantly spammed in chat boxes or forums, propositioned to, been sent lewd pictures without consent, begged for lewd pictures back etc.
Yeah, meanwhile in the real world.. At tech companies all across the world this doesn't occur. This isn't 1980s IT fuckface. Women are all over the place nor is any of the shit you mentioned tolerated. You'll be fired and black listed from all tech companies so fast your head would fall off if you did this.

> I can speak for all women when I say that the nerd culture in general can be a toxic environment for women
No faggot or bitch.. whichever applies.. you can't. No one gave you that right nor do any statistical samples support what you said.

> It's getting better though.
Yeah, women are learning how to behave like professionals in a work professional merit based work environment and thus are being treated as such.

> The wave of "show boobs" responses this post might get will prove my point.
One thing you don't seem to ever grasp which is why you're not favored for hanging out at the big boys table at the cafeteria.. To lighten the load and stress men like to fuck around and joke around... cunt.

Women have their own make-up, fashion and reality show culture. It fucking sucks and no man wants anything to do with it, so of course a lot of women are going to take and own and set rules for male culture like it's always been theirs.

Any game on Steam. Literally any. I play CS:GO a lot and that happens all the time. A player adds me, I accept and BOOM sex talk, image links etc


>I play CS:GO a lot and that happens all the time. A player adds me, I accept and BOOM sex talk, image links etc
Whoop dee fucking doo.

I know that sarcasm very well. Thank you for seeing my point. It's so frustrating. Imagine playing your favorite game with your username you've always used and being constantly spammed. It's a nightmare

Why do you consider nerds "culture?"

Some are actually very convincing. It seems like some have learned how to fake it.
they still often give it away.
Probably the funniest thing being a 90s guy is how so many lol nerdy whores have learned to hold their tongue.
Believe me back in the 90s no woman alive would suffer a berdy guy talking to them. They would very bluntly tell you to fuck off.
Now I have gorgeous super model looking whores that will literally sit and listen to me say all sorts of nerdy shit.
Why do they do this? because nerds are their money maker. So they learned to hold their tongue.

Look on the bright side, you can build a massive library of dick picks for those days when it snows in.

Prepubscent boys are hitting on her because she goes out of her way to declare she's a female and open to such comments.

> Literally play a wealth of games on STEAM w/ female mods who don't tolerate any bullshit nor do any of the mature men give them any. Literally still toss around sexy talk and bantz even though a number of them are married because they're not stuck up cunts who know how to have a good time w/ the boys.

Why are you mentioning work and professional settings? We are talking about online gaming and nerd cultures

if you actually think "dudebros" and "alphas" or "chads" or actual men, whatever you want to call them, will flock to these types of games to attract women, then, well, I understand why you're here

don't play online games with russian cutthroats and pent up arabs then

Yeah wow imagine the opposite gender being sexually interested in you, what a drag, h-heh

>Imagine doing something and experiencing ramifications and not changing anything about it

Alright, so what's the problem? Decline and block. You think males don't have to deal with their share of trolls and ragey morons on a daily basis? Do you want to see my inbox? Why do you think online harassment is a female problem?
Also, you're angry at stupid kids aging from 9-19. That's hardly cause for concern. If I had a nickle for everytime I've been called a nigger, 3rdworlder, cunt, shit, fuck, kys just for my country's flag on my profile picture, I'd be going apeshit in a casino right about now.

Just wait till its not popular to shill nerdy shit. Women will go back to their true evil whore forms.

>goes out of her way
I've addressed this. If you can use "Mike1992" I can use "Jane1992", if you can use "Batman360noScope" I can use "Wonderwoman360noScope". I don't go out of my way to do anything but I certainly won't change my tastes and talking patterns just to avoid revealing I'm female. That's the discrimination and toxicity I'm talking about.

mfw user hits the nail on the head :
> Why do they do this? because nerds are their money maker.
> Why do they do this? because nerds are their money maker.
Women yet again showing that they're nothing but a tribal pack that follows dominant trends, money, and power...
mfw tons of articles in the 90s and early 2000s were about detailing to men that techies are the new money makers and how to appeal to a techie.
mfw women obviously have integrated this into a cultural norm to get w/ stable tech bux anons

>Alright, so what's the problem? Decline and block.
Or better yet, report them. Unsolicited dick pics is a bannable offense on Steam.

Shut up you selfabsorbed cunt. Men get more abuse than women online.

Its not women who are the problem its the white knight faggots who constantly enable their bullshit in guilds. I remember posting on a forum where I got banned because I made a female member cry, apparently the admin was a pedo who wanted to fuck her and allowed her to break the rules all the time, she sent me death threats, tried to dox me, and the admin did nothing. The other admins didnt give a shit about this incident siding with the biased white knight faggot who enabled this nasty cunt who cyber bullied anons for fun but she got away with it because shes a "pretty girl".

The problem is the frequency and specificity. Everyone gets trolled, male or female. The difference is females get trolled BECAUSE they're females, while men aren't targeted specifically, just general trolling

Several subcultures have been taken over by normies for attention whoring reasons

Just recently

>grunge, goth, metalhead
>scene, emo, chav
2008-le current year
>hipsters, nerds, gamers

sometimes i meet someone who is truly autistic about something else that i know absolutely nothing about. my reaction is just about always one of genuine respect and enthusiasm for their passion. it's truly awful to consider that there are large swathes of society that immediately react by demanding that they make their hobbies immediately inclusive and that they need to remove all barriers to entry and totally gut their hobbies of their distinctive characteristics or they will be immediately shamed and disenfranchised in every possible way. worse yet is that said group then proceeds to take no interest in the gutted hobby - they simply move on to the next target

Thats bs men get sexually harassed a lot online just look at this fucking site.
Its worse for men, your pestering is hetereosexual and natural.
Men get creeped on by insane faggots.
Ive experienced both forms of abuse (retard confuses you for a woman happens) the stuff males get is worse and more disturbing.

Those are good points. I was more talking about when I try to actually talk video game/anime/comic book shit with a girl whose entire false persona is that itself, then the conversation awkwardly divulges into her saying she doesn't really play/watch those anymore and she's too "busy" to blah blah blah. This has happened me to a few times, and the next day the pretense continues.
It's like someone wearing an marine uniform and you ask them their division and they go "...ummm."

It goes hand and hand.
Nerd = a tech oriented highly intelligent person.
A low IQ brainlet who reads comic books is not a nerd. A neet faggot who spends all their time online isn't a nerd. A female who knows fuck all about anything tech related nor is involved in anyway in their professional careers w/ tech who watches capeshit and plays CS:GO and PUBG is not a nerd. The term nerd was confiscated by marketing groups when tech became the number one consumer category some years ago. Nerd = Tech consumerist junkie now-a-days. In the past it reflected a person who was highly educated and enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge mostly. When that centered mainly on tech it evolved to reflected highly educated tech workers.

I guess you don't know shit about the history of the word thus think it weird that I'm associated Nerd w/ tech related work. How stupid and lost you've become.

Online gaming, capeshit, comics, iphone apps, social media aren't nerd culture.. It's post modernist consumer trash

Men are not gynocentric like women thus women are unable to understand why men dont freak out when other men are messed with. Women are like a herd you mess with one and every cunt chimps out thats why if you mention any negative thing about women online all of a sudden a swarm of femanons will pop up out of nowhere virgin shaming you.

What are you a kid or something? Everyone gets trolled online... the most effective trolling is personal. Pick any attribute someone can key off on and if they're a good enough troll they key in on it. From your responses, you either are a female or a soyboy. So, if I have colorful words to say to you, its going to be about your most stand out feature.

Are you this fucking new to the internet or just a female who doesn't get how things work?

Sorry for being normal and using the word in a publically accepted way. No one in the real world would bat an eye at me calling the people at ComicCon "nerds". You're just pedantic and unironically mansplaining

2007 was also the most recent year I recall film being great. Democrats really did fuck things up.

This is hilariously sad. I don't think it's a conspiracy, but it sure as fuck seems oddly coincidental.
I think the net and geek culture went to utter shit around 2011, though. It was around the time when Sup Forums itself went to shit. I blame facebook about 70%. Facebook released the stupidity of the general public onto the internet.

The nerd culture(cómics mostly) jumped to the mainstream culture about that time when the first iron man and the dark knight made a real difference,as women always do they assimilate whatever is popular just to fit