What did they mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 this thread gets raided by The Donald.

We need diverse casts now more than ever. In a post-Trump world we need to get minorities in to the spotlight to raise up the disenfranchised youth to show them what they can achieve and that not all white people are racist.

inb4 r/the_donald

Get Out was genuinely anti-white. That's what 'woke' means.

You should wait for other replies before samefagging.

>The florida project
I've literally never heard of this movie
>Get out
Forgot that even existed

>White British person.
>Using 'woke' to unironically.
>In a headline for a formerly prestigious newspaper.

The absolute state of journalism.

How was it anti-white? I thought it was beautiful and honest. I cried in the theatre.


Goddamn, these people poison everything they touch. Not that hollywood was pristine before, but it's getting to the point where they're just openly shitting out propaganda and then proudly admitting it. Headlines like this just read like they're saying "fuck you, what are you going to do about it?"

>And while trump may have killed off satire
I literally never saw this shit happened, in fact Satire has pretty much been making a come back, but of course all the satire can be is "lol, trump" again and again, to the point where you can just bet every comedy movie in his term will be instantly dated in a year or so.

Do black people even say woke? I've literally only ever heard or seen "right-on" white middle class social liberals use it.

once whites appropriate black shit blacks find it unconscionably corny and invent new shit

They're really gonna push the hell out of history-with-niggers I guess.

>not finna be woke af
yo AAVE be way-ay we-eak

oh wow a new pic, that must take you up to what, two dozen?


I'm not well versed in ebonics

>got woke
Niggers were a mistake

>everyone buys into materialism at face level emotional affirmation

SERIOUS question, why is all this nigger shit pushed so hard ? Everyone apart from niggers hates it

>inb4 jews

People finally realized that gender differences are the result of different hormonal profiles and that IQ is mostly genetic? Is that what they mean by woke?

The only satire I've seen die this year was a parody feminist site that closed up shop after the Washington Post published a serious facsimile of one of their joke articles.

>what did they mean by this?
The term "woke" is used when someone or something parrots the establishment political and media talking points and tows the line with 100% conformity, while simultaneously believing they're anti-establishment and non-conformist without irony.

It was a weird cuck movie but the message was that white people's fetishism of niggers is creepy and weird and pathetic, which it is.

It's a very simple way of being progressive without trying, and then brand everyone who has doubts about it racist, when really, it's about as world changing as using a paintbucket tool on some random square. It's not like a black family is going to escape poverty every time you cast a black person in a movie, but for some reason, it's treated as such, like just now they got into movies, when really they've been in movies for pretty much the past half century or so.

its the jews senpai

and then all the praise for it was more nigger fetishism


>He thinks t_d "BASED CIVIC NATIONALISTS" cucks are anti-diversity

exactly, thus proving the movie's message right, yet lost on deaf cucked soyboy ears


>"SERIOUS question, what does 2+2 equal ?"
>inb4 4

Woke is probably the worst word to have been invented in the 21st century.

>we need to show that not all white people are racist
>that's why we need to force white people to systematically lower the standards for blacks and force them into everything rather than encouraging them to independently rise to the occasion and create their own content

You're not serious, right?

There is literally systems in place that promote whites over blacks for no reason other than skin color. Blacks are on unequal footing so they have to be pushed to the top.

Such as?

[citation needed]

>There is literally systems in place that promote whites over blacks

Proof. Now.

> for no reason other than skin color.

Race isn't skin color. How could you actually not be aware of this?

> Blacks are on unequal footing

Nobodies footing is equal.

>so they have to be pushed to the top.

Says who?

How about every director being a fucking white guy for a start? You think that they're not actively hiring their "own people" over ethnic minorities? It's utterly disgusting, I would have thought the Sup Forums board would know about black actors being suppressed and not being allowed to voice their opinions.

It really doesn't.

"Proof. Now."

Look all around you, look in the media, look at movie billings, look at acting schools, look at directors and execs. Literally open your eyes, dude.

"Race isn't skin color. How could you actually not be aware of this?"

I really wish it was as easy as there not being a difference between color in humans but we know this to be fundamentally false, this is not to say they are different in any other aspects other than country of origin, we know there is no difference in IQ or physical capacity, for example, from recent scientific and biological studies.

"Nobodies footing is equal."

You are just being deliberately obtuse. All footing is unequal but some people's footing is more unequal than others.

"Says who?"

Says every decent human being ever. This has to be done to create a better society for everyone.

>this entire post
Good Lord...

To me is clear at this point that
1) the guardian is desperate for money
2) they found a way to get some

Also, why do you guys even care? Are you really that threatened by minorities coming to the fore-front? Well, your going to have to get fucking used to it because every European country has an ever-growing minority population and in 100 years, you will be the minority and then they will either look back on all the good things you have done for them and appreciate you or they will see all the bad stuff you did and probably punish your descendants, beating them, raping them, deporting them, etc. Think about what you are doing in the here and now and how that will affect the future of everyone.

>How about every director being a fucking white guy for a start?




The rest of your post was nonsense.

>It really doesn't.

Assuming your troll, but oh well.

>Look all around you, look in the media,


>look at movie billings,


>look at acting schools, look at directors and execs. Literally open your eyes, dude.


Nigerian film schools.

>we know there is no difference in IQ or physical capacity

You've got to be kidding.

>You are just being deliberately obtuse. All footing is unequal but some people's footing is more unequal than others.

You absolute faggot.

>Says every decent human being ever. This has to be done to create a better society for everyone.

Ok you're right, I agree. I am a faggot.
*shits pants*

Well, just think back to the first time you became woke.

I don’t like niggers brah.

>Proof. Now.
>Race isn't skin color.
Guess who wrote this post?

*bobs head side to side*


We're not talking about obscure foreign cinema that lumps all these ethnic groups in to little boxes, we're talking about American, white-European and Western cinema.

"we know there is no difference in IQ or physical capacity"
"You've got to be kidding."

Do you have any studies to the contrary? Any proof you would like to share that refutes this basic fact?

Well, I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Cletus.

Must be annoying trying to stay ahead of the self-hating white bootlickers that chase after you, desperate to rim your ass while proclaiming they're "one of you".

You say reddit like it's a bad thing.

>We're not talking about obscure foreign cinema that lumps all these ethnic groups in to little boxes, we're talking about American, white-European and Western cinema.

"wah wah, most people in White countries are white, wah wah".

>Do you have any studies to the contrary? Any proof you would like to share that refutes this basic fact?


>once whites appropriate black shit blacks find it unconscionably corny and invent new shit


Hahhahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha ahhahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahaha haha.

I'm sure it is very annoying, but that is what happens when a group of parasitical people who have no culture of their own start chasing the new hip thing. Maybe if their people didn't have hundreds of years of history of being slavers, killers, abusers and monsters, then they might be proud of themselves. I actually think cultural-appropriation should have it's legality debated.

reminder this is just corporate entities trying to chase additional demographics, but ultimately failing as all they can pull are college students, who are themselves minority demographics.

Sup Forums gives infinite supply of Civic Nationalists(Tm)

>Also, why do you guys even care?

You're the ones whining about race.

>Are you really that threatened by minorities coming to the fore-front?

You're the ones threatened about race.

> Well, your going to have to get fucking used to it because every European country has an ever-growing minority population and in 100 years, you will be the minority and then they will either look back on all the good things you have done for them and appreciate you or they will see all the bad stuff you did and probably punish your descendants, beating them, raping them, deporting them, etc.

"you think niggers are a problem, well let me tell you something buddy, how would you like to be raped and murdered?"

>Think about what you are doing in the here and now and how that will affect the future of everyone.

Well, I was going to say that I didn't agree with you but after you threatened to rape and murder my great great grand children I guess I should welcome diversity and anti-White sentiment with open arms and not oppose it with every tool at my disposal.

Who invented the music genres popular in the 20st century

Yes, let’s send blacks to prison for sleeping in houses rather than mud hurs

I'm not calling you a redditspacer but who the fuck does spacing like that

t. Justin Trudeau

Niggers have no identity beyond mass-produced corporate pop culture.
Lmao, imagine being an entire demographic with identity problems, an entire people equivalent to the school shooter archetype.

>You say reddit like it's a bad thing.

>Who invented the music genres popular in the 20st century

Not blacks if that's what you're thinking.

I know you are you subhuman nigger. I'm asking you why I should care.

Imagine being such a pathetic race that you refuse to go back to your continent of origin and sit around demanding that other races depict you more often in shitty movies and shitty video games.
African americans are like the niggers of the Black world. lol. Even the African blacks didn't want them.

Oh my goodness, what an outcast!

Sources: some random, racist, old white dude and a Wikipedia article on insects and mollusks.

I'm afraid that is not going to cut it.

"You're the ones whining about race."

You're the ones trying to make a big deal over equal representation in film.

"You're the ones threatened about race."

I'm not threatened at all, my conscience is clean.

"you think niggers are a problem, well let me tell you something buddy, how would you like to be raped and murdered?"

Well, that will be the ultimate outcome if you don't pay them the respect they are due. They will throw off this oppressive system and you would do well to be an ally when the time comes, whites had their time in the sun, that time has now passed and they should celebrate the rise of the future generations.

Black user here. I'll speak instead cucked whiteboi.

2017 was one of the most trashbin fire years on record in cinema. A select sampling of TV shows was the only redemption. While hollywood filled w/ kikes and ignorant liberals tried to appeal to minority viewers to engaged an untapped market they claimed was too poor to afford movie tickets in a made dash of shit tier black face rewrites and ape transplants who sweat in every scene like boyega... Various tv shows managed to capture blacks and minorities of Americas as they are : Americans just like everyone else w/ some of the same cultural norms. While niggers behave a certain way and that goes for the niggers of all ethnic groups, those who are rising up and already doing so. They rose up collectively in the 90s/00s w/o any help from shit tier hollywood. They had true actors/actresses to look up to of their skin color who were portrayed in true stories about their struggles. There were true badasses like wesley snipes who played in a number of kino films.

Now we got some nigger running around who is portrayed as a janitor who gets water spritzed on his face to make him appear sweating who says ignorant shit like : Cinema is woke now that some kike and liberal put me in starwars w/ the backstory as a janitor running around in the backdrop like a fucking ape. No nigga you've been played by kikes and the money is so significant that you don't give a fuck how you're portrayed or how that reflects on blacks. Boyega will never be a wesley snipes, denzel washington, and/or Morgan Freeman. Cinema was woke along time ago its just that bitch bois like him were sleep...

And ayo.. I don't need your liberal white ass speaking for me on here or in some contrived shit tier cinema.. Got that? You must be besides yourself thinking you've been given the green light to speak for minorities. No one asked you to say shit.

Blues is a music genre[2] and musical form originated by African Americans in the Deep South of the United States around the end of the 19th century. The genre developed from roots in African musical traditions, African-American work songs, spirituals, and the folk music of white Americans of European heritage.

Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s,[1][2] from African-American musical styles such as gospel, jump blues, jazz, boogie woogie, and rhythm and blues,[3] along with country music.[4]

Hip hop music, also called hip-hop[3][4] or rap music,[4][5][6] is a music genre developed in the United States by inner-city African Americans in the 1970s which consists of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.[4]

Rhythm and blues, often abbreviated as R&B or RnB, is a genre of popular African-American music that originated in the 1940s.[1]

Jazz is a music genre that originated in African-American communities of New Orleans, United States,[1]

Disco is a musical style originating in the early 1970s that remained urban and largely underground until the middle of the decade when it began to emerge from America's urban nightlife scene, where it had been curtailed to house parties and makeshift discotheques, and began making regular appearances mainstream, gaining popularity and increasing airplay on radio. It achieved popularity during the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. Its initial audiences in the U.S. were club-goers from the gay, African American, Italian American,[1][2] Latino, and psychedelic communities in Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, and New York City during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

That guy honestly doesn't look bad at all.

Fucking trash.
Black user here.
White liberals and kikes.
You see any minorities writing these trashbin scripts? They're just the stage hands acting out whatever the kikes hand them for gibs.

This, meme t-shirt aside, he looks like a regular functioning person of society
>inb4 he quotes that and posts another "Everyone who disagrees with me is the guy in a silly rtd picture"

>hundreds of years as slavers, killers, abusers, and monsters
user, please. Not all Arabs are like that.

Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid-1960s when African American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and rhythm and blues (R&B).

Soul music (often referred to simply as soul) is a popular music genre that originated in the United States in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It combines elements of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues and jazz.

House music is a genre of electronic music created by club DJs and music producers in Chicago in the early 1980s.[5]

I'm sorry that you feel this way, brother, I'll bear it in mind for the future. I didn't think that a black user would show up in this thread but believe me when I say I am an ally to the cause and will be by your side when we dismantle the corrupt system, I truly appreciate that you would type this, thanks, man.

> How about every director being a fucking white guy for a start? You think that they're not actively hiring their "own people" over ethnic minorities? It's utterly disgusting, I would have thought the Sup Forums board would know about black actors being suppressed and not being allowed to voice their opinions.
This man gets it. Any minority can clearly see some ignorant liberal and/or kike writes most of the scripts for these token minorities and does so in an underhanded attempt to undermine them.
> mfw they literally had Boyega running around like a fucking ape in the background
> Literally gave this nigger a Janitor backstory
> Literally spritz'd water on his face to make him appear like a sweating buffoon

You think a black person authored this shit? No..
Meanwhile, this on the dole fucboi is talking about being woke?
> To Boyega : Bitch you sleep

true detective season 1

He would look good without the beard and the meme shirt

aaaaaand right on time here they are

>I'm afraid that is not going to cut it.

You thought race was skin colour. Hahaha.

>You're the ones trying to make a big deal over equal representation in film.

There's no such thing as representation. You represent you. That's it.

>I'm not threatened at all, my conscience is clean.

Your underpants aren't clean though.

>Well, that will be the ultimate outcome if you don't pay them the respect they are due.

"give stuff or we break, please don't oppress us in the mean time though"

> They will throw off this oppressive system and you would do well to be an ally when the time comes, whites had their time in the sun, that time has now passed and they should celebrate the rise of the future generations.

It's going to be funny watching Jews and Chinks turn blacks and mexicans into coat hangers.

>I can spout bunch of stupid nonsensical outright false bullshit and call names before people call me out on my bullshit.

I always said the ultimate fight to end civilization will be right whites vs left ones, and not a race war.

>my counter argument is that people are responding

notice they don't count the fact that all that music is based off of European music and used European instruments. So 50 years ago you could say that popular music was stolen by blacks from whites.

>and here are the people calling me out
why are you surprised

>I always said the ultimate fight to end civilization will be right whites vs left ones, and not a race war.
yeah a race war won't work out too well for you

>Steve Rose

Can guarantee he shortened that from Rosenberg or some shit, slimy kike.

African tribal chants were stolen from European music in 1900?

fucking americans, i hate the term woke, white cunts in the uk use it all the time, i hate niggers FUCK


I'm convinced you're just a baiting retard just asking for The donald to come in and derail every Sup Forums thread


Notice they don't count the fact that all humans come from Africa and Europeans are based off Africans. So 500,000 years ago you could say that European society, including music, was stolen by whites from blacks.

Why oh why didn't you archive that shit

> Also, why do you guys even care?
I'm black.
I think most of the roles and shit tier movies centered on minorities are insults to my fucking face. I think they are underhanded and sometimes overhanded attempts to undermine minorities. I think its obvious.

> Are you really that threatened by minorities coming to the fore-front?
No, as a minority I'm not. If you want minorities at the fore-front, step the fuck out of the way and stop crowding the stage.. Stop re-spinning white history w/ black faces. Its an insult to whites and blacks. Stop being such a lazy faggot and go learn about the real history of minorities and make some truthful films based on that. I don't wanna see Sherlock Holmes blackface edition. I don't want to see niggers running in dashekees fighting the evil white man. That's a white liberal's story not a minority's story.

> Well, your going to have to get fucking used to it because every European country has an ever-growing minority population and in 100 years, you will be the minority and then they will either look back on all the good things you have done for them and appreciate you or they will see all the bad stuff you did and probably punish your descendants, beating them, raping them, deporting them, etc. Think about what you are doing in the here and now and how that will affect the future of everyone.
You're clearly not a minority.. Were tired of this shit. You beat our asses, you enslaved us, you really fucked us.. we get it and were over it. Were middle class Americans now. We eat kale. We had degrees. We listen to post-rock. Were not slave niggers w/ shackles anymore. Come out of your ivory towers for a chance and learn who these minorites are that you keep awkwardly portraying in your kiked out trashbin cinema. You can do that or you can pray you don't have another trashbin year at the box office. Take your pick.

>Notice they don't count the fact that all humans come from Africa
Nope, that's not true.

Notice you didn't mention that black people's palms and soles are whites because the original African was white and GTFO while the idiot ape people stayed to get sunburned?

What the fuck? if this is b8 bravo.

Alright, I'm starting to see the problem; you're bit of a fucking racist bastard, aren't you? What, did a black interviewer not hire you? Did you get replaced by a black guy who can do your job better? Did your significant other/daughter/son date/marry/fuck a black guy/gal? Get over it, idiot, shit happens.

>a fist fight is comparable to full scale war

Would you bet on China or Africa if the two went to war?

Africans seem to be the only people that doesn't know how to actually fight wars. Europe, Asia and the Middle East have all had their shares of great armies, huge wars and brilliant generals.

The original African was brown

prove it

i didn't see a fistfight in that webm, whitey just got put to sleep, same thing will happen to you


Do you have a degree more qualified than the Smithsonian folks

Your skin gets tan when you are out in the sun a lot and they hadn't invented suncream yet.