/rlg/ reylo general
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*blocks your path*
He's gonna carry that trilogy
True love.
Kylo is a big guy
This is exactly what was going through his mind at that moment:
Working title for IX is apparently Black Diamond.
why does it make me think of Kylo
>why does it make me think of Kylo
Because that's exactly what he is, only he's the good kind of black.
>Sup Forums bans shipping threads
>Sup Forums bans general threads
>Sup Forums users reject both of these things
>Disney shills come in and shill their shitty 50 Shades of Dark Side bullshit to deflect away from criticism of the movie
>Sup Forums users start eating it up because fuck twitter and tumblr and le ess jay doubleyous lmao
>Sup Forums starts allowing shipping generals
so this... is the power... of viral marketing and contrarianism... whoa...
>it's another Death Star
Thanks JewJew
“As a real, natural diamond, these stones share all of the same meanings and symbolism as traditional white diamonds, such as strength, wisdom, eternity, and everlasting love. Italians in medieval times believed that black diamonds wielded the power to restore the relationship of a married couple, and the Black Orlov diamond had a reputation for bestowing happiness and good fortune on anyone who touched it”
>remember Kylo being a skinny dweeb in TFA
>he is an absolute monster in this film
SS+GOMAD for sure
What the fuck happened?
He filmed Silence before TFA. You can see how skinny he is in the teaser trailer.
5/3/1 >>> SS
search your feelings, you know it to be true
He pumped up for extra husbundo factor.
>you lived long enough to see Sup Forums become tumblr unironically
teaser trailer of?
They've really been teasing this for a while, haven't they?
Nice bulge
tumblr despises Reylo though. It romanticizes abusive relationships and makes Rey's character depend on a man. If Sup Forums became tumblr, Sup Forums would be REEEEEEEEEEing about this. This is Sup Forums becoming Sup Forums or any of the myriad of fanfiction sites were women post fapfics for themselves to masturbate to.
They had the actors for Kylo reciting lines from Pride and Prejudice and other old-timey romances. There's absolutely no way they weren't at least considering it right from the start, and it's as good as confirmed now.
TFA, 00:49.
>tumblr despises Reylo though
The screechy purple-haired SJW lobby might have congealed around Tumblr, but they're still a small part of the site's larger userbase, and Reylo is REALLY popular amidst the wider community. Normies have latched on to this ship in a big way.
You're confusing the SJW side of tumblr with the porn, erotica, and shipping side of tumblr
Holy shit, gomad
>implying that there's a difference
Hey I just don't want Finn anywhere near her.
>Rey picks the edgy Chad over the virgin janitor
At least Finn, aka best guy, got Rose, aka best girl
So is this like the female equivalent to guys slobbering over shitty tsunderes who insult and belittle them at every opportunity, or something?
The ship and Adam Driver are #1 on tumblr
Yes. Absolutely. Girl kinks are just as weird as boy kinks.
>TLJ is meant to take place very shortly after TFA
>Kylo has somehow put on 40lbs of lean muscle in that time
Girls love the thought of taming a bad boy
Kylo would be an oujo kuudere/tsundere/yandere if he was an anime girl.
>Tumblr despises Reylo
Reminder that Jedi can't love and Rey left Kylo to hang out with the multicultural posse.
Am asking for Kylo this Christmas and you guys?
Well, Adam Driver had to film Girls S6 in between TLJ and he's famous for his body in it. He even has the same hair length.
He consulted the holocron of Darth Rippetoe
Neither of them are Jedi. She was giving him the cold shoulder
>TLJ is meant to take place very shortly after TFA
>Kylo has somehow put on 40lbs of lean muscle in that time
The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities that some would consider to be... unnatural...
I don't remember him taking off his shirt in TFA
>banning decent discussion related to films
Is it possible to acquire these gains?
It's pretty clear he is much, much thinner in it regardless
*Blocks your path
We can still see his body.
The weak should fear the strong
Not from a curlbro.
Oh, she's right. She's so very right.
Holy moly, how big is that man's dick?
>Dark side gives you more gainz in a few days
How can Jedi even compete?
this is the 13th reylo thread.
keep that in mind for next OP
In just 4 days.
tfw OP of the first 5 generals
what a kino community we've made
>Holy moly, how big is that man's dick?
No wonder Daisy wants to fuck him
OWO what's this?
Very comfy and cute one.
comfiest general
>ywn have terrible facial structure and features yet somehow still be a top qt3.14
>you will never be 6'3, built like a fucking house, with a massive dick to boot
>ywn have an incredibly powerful deep yet soothing voice
>ywn be Adam driver
Why even live
they look like some old timey rural couple
Post >yfw "but not to me"
Trips proves Daisy's lust
>this kills reylo
he's clearly finrose now
Finnreyfags can get out, he got palmed off on the fat asian for a reason.
You can definitely tell that Daisy has a little crush on Adam.
Some part of me thinks that Rey is going to end up with Poe because "MUH FUCKING WHITE MALE!"
I'm still Reylo, though.
the stiff pose and severe lookt is very american gothic
I have some of this. 6'5". Extremely large build in general. Nice hair. Deep voice. Small dick and not fit though.
>Finnwhale so deep in denial, trying to stay cheerful while getting BTFO harder than Sheev in ROTJ
There's something almost beautiful about it.
I knew he had a big dick.
He sounds like a real nice guy too who just wants to live a comfy life with his wife.
Nah, there's no way. They've barely exchanged two words so far, and there's been too much set-up with Kylo to throw it out.
The only way Poe is going to win the Reybowl is if Kylo dies and Rey, tormented by guilt and regret, tries to live a normal life and gets with Poe out of pure convenience but never finds true love or joy with him.
Reylo won't happen though. If you redeem Kylo he loses his entire bad boy appeal, and Disney doesn't have the balls to make Rey fully fall to the dark side.
But the fact that it can't happen only makes people want it more so. It's very Romeo and Juliet.
I really like this picture of them it's AESTHETIC
That and the "please" fucking killed me, Adam is kino.
>Women have a soft spot for mass murderers.
Kek. This movie is redpilled as fuck.
When you have a bad boy, part of the appeal of him is turning good. He won't ever be fully pure and nice, he'll still probably be a snarky little bitch, but he'll be Rey's snarky little bitch.
They would have some hideous children.
Lukelust generals were even comfier. Too bad they were banned, I miss them so fucking much.
>implying that's his only appeal
People really like the fight scene of them for a reason. One of those was because he's a sympathetic character that people have grown to like and they thought he was turning to the Light Side and being redeemed.
also the reason people want them to be together isn't just because of Romeo/Juliet shit but because they SHOULD be together. They want to be together and are literal soulmates/kindred spirits. It's frustrating that they split up in the first place.
The separation is good for prime angst and longing, but them not ending up together just feels unsatisfying and disappointing.
>it's very romeo and juliet
please stop posting
*cockblocks your force bond*
Damn how will Kylo ever recover?