Dago (The Comic) Storytime: Part II (cont)

Okay; I started this in the morning but no one seemed to be reading and the thread went under.
Where were you, eurocomic-reading anons? Seriously, this thing is so damn good!

At least I'll finish the volume here (Hopefully).
The previous part:

And the story from the beginning:

Other urls found in this thread:





































Guess there's not much interest this afternoon either. I guess I'll put up one more chapter and call it a day, then. The next one is not a bad stopping point.











So, I guess I'll leave it at this for now.
All the chapters I storytimed today and then some are in this,

Maybe storytiming them is not the best option. From now on I may just throw them in the Win'O Thread or something.
Anyway! user; if you stumbled upon thiese threads and had a good time with the story, know that was all I was after.

Thanks for the story time,