Injustice 2 Thread
Darkseid Trailer:
Joker Trailer:
The game is 17 long days away, and the mobile version is coming on the 11th. All that's left now is DLC speculation and the waiting.
Injustice 2 Thread
Darkseid Trailer:
Joker Trailer:
The game is 17 long days away, and the mobile version is coming on the 11th. All that's left now is DLC speculation and the waiting.
So Superman becomes dictator again when?
When Boon?
He has to beat Batman to the spot.
Fuck, I wasn't on board for scarecrow originally, but Robert Englund is too good.
Doctor's Fate ending
>1 year until Mortal Kombat 11 announcement
So they're almost assuredly going to do a Watchmen character as DLC, which will it be? I'm thinking one of these two are the only real likely options. NiteOwl is too similar to Bats, Comedian is just another gun guy and Ozzy/Silk Spectre aren't as popular as these two.
I'm thinking they'll choose Rorschach. While he lacks powers making a moveset for him would still be relatively easy and he'd work fine with the gear system. Manhattan while a major part of Rebirth doesn't really mesh well because he never really fights and he doesn't wear clothes.
Here's some more Multiverse gameplay.
So it's safe to say we're getting three guest characters:
>Non DC/Marvel character
>MK character
>Watchmen character
Who do you think it'll be? Who do you want? For me it's:
>Want Spawn, it'll probably be Spawn
>Want Johnny, it'll probably be Sub Zero
>Want Ozy, it'll probably be Rorschach
As for the other six, I'm predicting
>Red Hood
>Black Manta
>Constantine (or Etrigan, God willing)
The last spot is up for grabs but I'm thinking it'll be a woman. Vixen or Mera in that case. I'd be fine with either of them but I'd much prefer Plastic Man.
Thoughts? Also what kind of premiers do you think will be added? Grid isn't a well known character so it looks like they'll be diving at least a little deep. Maybe Talon or Cassie for Damian? Orm for Aquaman?
gonna be disappointed if that isnt a legendary gear
why is it safe to say that?
Rorschach is the most likely choice. Manhattan or Dreiberg could be incorporated into his super though. If he does get added I'm sure he'll be lots of fun. But they'll probably have to take some creative liberties.
I'd like to see Ozymandias. He's basically like the ultimate hand-to-hand fighter so it would be cool to have a character rely solely on that. And his banter could be entertaining.
I want to say Mera since she will be in Justice League so it will help there. Also i just want Mera.
Mk had 4 guest characters and they said they sell the most. 3 seems like a possible number but im hoping its 2 max.
I want to hug Wonder Woman
I want to kiss Wonder Woman
Boon did some polls a few month back asking about guests for Injustice 2. One was for non-DC/WB properties, one was for MK characters and one was asking about Watchmen. Guests sell well and Boon has said multiple times they're doing them again.
Holy crap Scarecrow
That's rad as fuck.
Injustice wonder woman is ugly and mean.
Do you have an ugly, mean woman fetish?
>why is it safe to say that?
If you're referring to the guest characters, Boon made 3 polls pertaining to them. They involved Watchmen, MK, and miscellaneous.
Spawn and Sub Zero won their polls and the Watchmen poll was only to decide whether the fans really wanted a Watchmen guest.
And since the DLC character will probably be revealed in sets of 3, we'll probably get one guest each from each respective guest-category.
but MK is their own IP and they can do whatever they want with it. I doubt DC wants to see their characters being beaten by another comic's company character.
BUT I guess we'll find out once the game is released. Or if someone has uploaded the endgame credits, we'll have to search for trademarks of other companies, like in MK's Friday the 13th's ost trademark.
What is Red Hood's trait gonna be?
Maybe his chest taser as a combo breaker, or hell give him chain grapples
last thread I asked you a question, lad and you didnt answered.
Friendly reminder that Manta's model was updated, possibly hinting at him being DLC
Swampy takes on a Parallel Earth, including the Big Guy
Him Red hood Starfire and Spawn or a good bet at getting in with how much cry out there is for them and boon with what boon said about Dlc.
>NRS can't design a beautiful woma-
Didn't the leaker mention the redesign?
Holy crap, that's great.
Maybe a clone of Blue Beetle's buff where he gets pic related
Injustice Mobile gameplay
>Heroes are a paranoid lot
I have no idea why that made me laugh.
He better have purple venom
what's wrong with Firestorm voice? Look's like a 40something chain smoker
He feel like he did. Anyone have a screencap to confirm?
>from the fiery depths of Apokolips
But Darkseid isn't from Apokolips, he created it and lives there.
He's from Genesis.
I thought everyone knew that NRS doesn't read comics
think again
Apologize right now
What question
Apokolips is where he resides so he considers it home. I doubt he has any pride in New Genesis, especially if he's going by his post-Flashpoint origin.
He lives on Apokolips, why wouldn't he say he was from there?
It's where he's billed from
Of all the women in the game, you chose the one that's really not hot at all?
>Darkseid created Apokolips.
>Bitches that NRS doesn't read comics.
>Clearly doesn't read comics themselves.
but its his domain. He is the god of Apokolips. I guess autism makes people understand things literally.
>Apologize right now
Diana is supposed to be CUTE
Totalitarian Injustice Hag is NOT CUTE
m/f/k from the female roster WITHOUT repeating Wondy. I did provide an ass pic to incentivize you
>Mfw Captain Cold gear being shown
>Mfw ne never puts his hood up
what a terrible shooter, Only one of three shots was aimed right
Don't call her a hag, apologize right now
Oh this post. I had no idea what mfk was
Black Canary
Cheetah furfags btfo
The amazons are shooting at her as a test. They don't know what a gun is, they call it "the flashing thunder" and are terrified of it.
you are ok in my book, wonderfag. nice taste.
Cheetah, she'll be too busy with her own shit to bug me.
Power Girl if premium skins count. Supergirl if not.
>MFW Boobjobs at the speed of sound
Ivy, fuck plants.
So who's getting nerfed first
>not marrying Power Girl, and sniffing/licking each and every inch of her sweaty body after she's done crime fighting
>we can go be him a hat
Hell yeah
Never 4get.
Other Manta mention
I don't like any of Bane's gear nor do I like the fact that his backbreaker isn't in his base moveset
He was my main in the first game, who should I main in this one?
Faggots ask for Red Hood, partricians demand Red Tornado
Harley Quinn
didnt the backbreaker appear as an enhaced movement in the first as well?
What happens if you get both?
It was
Arkham Knight in Injustice 1 mobile, wouldn't be surprised if they borrowed from this for Red Hood if he's in
Gameplay starts four minutes in
But we already have flash.
Nobody will be expecting someone to main Blue Beetle.
they already borrowed most from Deadshot, so it's most likely
To be fair, Deadshot was released like a week before he was announced for Injustice 2
Please tell me that we're going to do an update to this cover.
That was gold? Fuck, I am more colorblind than I thought. I saw it as green.
There was something I saw where Batman was telling Robin he has to wear a different color Batsuit every night
I keep suggesting but I'll probably stop after this thread.
Didn't some user start making a cover with Brainiac holding shrinked superman and someone else but didn't finish it?
Somebody started on this
thats fucking dumb that and it'd be even dumber in motion. Hes more likely to cut himself than to cut his opponent
I hope that user returns someday and finish the job.
Because Boon is an asshole
>Hes more likely to cut himself than to cut his opponent
Elaborate. While the sword wings are a super dumb weapon, I'd imagine it'd be hard as hell to cut yourself with blades strapped to the outside of your arms.
by not paying attention and slicing his arm or his calf. Also where the fuck does he store those damn things?
you don't move your arms much, do you?
I'll try to touch it up a bit, and maybe post the results tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.
Good luck user.
Here's the original artwork, in case you need it.
>"How Supergirl came to Earth!"
It all comes together.
Scarecrow I can already see it
Thanks user. Looking forward to it.
>it will probably be subby z
You know damn well it will be scorps
you'd do God's work.
Not him but what's so great about Scarecrow? I haven't paid much attention to him at all since I have no interest in playing him.
Admittedly I've never dislocated my arms in such a fashion as to allow me to stab myself with a sword attached to my elbow. The flat of the blade would be the part that'd impact your body even if you were to do so.
You do realize that same argument can be made against Damian's sword and virtually any edged weapon, right?
fucking bullshit range. his F3 goes half screen. His trait seems really good too, plus a teleport, and tickthrows
What's his trait?
I swear, I don't want to play a game with Scarecrow as the top-tier character. Still think that's a boring choice.
basically, he activates this aura that does damage over time when near opponents. the damage it does, in addition to other fear gas attacks builds up a meter. When this meter is full, you can activate it to gain access to a ground pound that reaches full screen and is guaranteed to allow for a follow up combo
Is it bad I wanna see Snowflame as DLC, only to see how batshit crazy the moveset could be & what kind of dialog he'd have with The Joker?
therell be some alex ross gear though, right?
I figured they could make it more practical, like Nightwing's gauntlet blades in 1. I just posted the previous pic because it was Red Hood using a version of them, ableit a more ridiculous version
Looks like I'm gonna have a lot of fun playing as Scarecrow.
They won't use the same DLC character twice in a row. And Zero won the MK guest poll.