I'll start. This fucking piece of shit sat in a shack and lives with his mom.
ITT; Post Failures
Didn't he make his own stand-up vegetable comedy jam?
>Post Failures
>picture of OP.jpg
>be Fat smelly Hawaiian
>middle aged working in a fast food joint
>only friends are special kids who ride boards all day
Didn't he get himself banned from his own stand?
She gets fucked every season
2 of them being literally crippled
The one where he had to take advice From fucking Chowder?
He read a recipe book, and only Mung laughed.
Can't kill one man
Sits at home like a whiny bitch
Has ultimate power and still cries
>going on an image board is a failure
Nigga I make 50,000 a year
I still need a place to shitpost without having my opinion silenced
All Aku had to do was learn that Jack lost his sword and he would rip him a new one
Technically Scaramouche is the failure for not telling him
>why do you keep calling me bitch
>get caught selling fake tickets to heaven
>claim that Jesus set you up
>look for image of charlie brown
>find this instead
those were the days
You are not OP. I Am OP. Stop larping.
>But Sir, we're still on our own planet!
Baby want a bottle?
>Doesn't have any people that will listen to his shit without abandoning him
Sounds like a loser to me.
None of us would be here if we were decent people
Good grief
You blockhead!