i know you faggots hate syfy but you donkt know what you miss with this
ep. 3 was even more brutal than the first two... and all this almost at christmas eve!
i know you faggots hate syfy but you donkt know what you miss with this
ep. 3 was even more brutal than the first two... and all this almost at christmas eve!
>quits hugely popular tv show to be on syfy
did he secretly get kicked off svu?
idk, maybe he wanted something new
He hasn't been on SVU for years. Seems like he took a break from acting or something.
I like the show too. Fan of Christopher Meloni though, the show wouldn't be as good with someone else. This and Expanse are the only good shows Syfy has put out since it actually became "SyFy"'
Happy is Grant Morrison's worst work.
merry christmas mother fuckers, here's some webms
that fight between him and santa was pretty fucking kino