ITT: We post our favorite movie/tv spaceship designs.
ITT: We post our favorite movie/tv spaceship designs
Enterprise D is the best Enterprise design.
ye, pyramids were just tombs... move along
When I was 12 years old and saw this thing rocket out of the hanger on Naboo I lost my shit.
Did you get the Happy Meal toy version? Shit was cash.
Is that the Long Shot?
No, but I wound up getting a miniature toy of it AND getting the fuckhuge playset version of it. I was all about that starship.
I think it was inspired by the design of this.
Smooth, silvery ships are very pleasing.
>spaceship with a warp drive that just takes you straight to hell
essentially this
The B stands for Best.
>tfw you will never have wacky space adventures with your bro's on bestship
>tfw you will never live in a gravity-free cloud of mind expanding drugs and bend time and space with your incomprehensible mental powers
the USS "Why Bother?"
Best shuttle.
Runabouts aren't shuttles, but the Delta Flyer is.
Terran battlecruiser is pretty cool too desu.
The size of the runabout always confused me. They look like large shuttles, but then they evacuate all the civilians off DS9 with 3 fucking runabouts, and evacuate colonies, and I just wonder how big is it really supposed to be?
They are correctly scaled in the pic, when they evacuated people with them I assumed they just did short warp jumps to bajor, beamed everyone off, then back to ds9 to repeat until everyone off station.
You can see the rear quarters of a runabout in TNG's Timescape. They must have had them squeezed in like sardines.
>all these plebs Star Wars and Star Trek anons
pic fucking related
Its still a 3 hour trip to bajor. And in the arc where the circle pulls a coup on bajor jake and nog talk about how they're being sent to different colonies.
DS9 in general was always kind of shitty about scale.
now these monkeys showed promise
Dash Rendar had all the cool shit bitches!
>cargo ship
>no room for actual cargo
What did he mean by this?
It’s a sedan compared to the falcon which is a pickup truck
You classy motherfucker.
>Free Planets Alliance ships are all utilitarian
>Galactic Empire ships are all more svelte
>Galactic Empire flagships are downright gaudy
It was literally just a current model-year falcon.
What’s literally your point?
The prequels had great aesthetics in their spacecraft
So its not a Sedan and a Pick up truck. It's a 1950's pickup compared to a 2014. Or more accurately, a bitchin hot rod.
was gonna post the same pic
Im just starting season 2 of B5. These are the only interesting things in the show so far. Also I thought star trek was pretty jewish but this show is on whole other level of commie bullshit.
That caption is so fucking r*ddit
She's supposed to have transwarp drive
Probably my favorite star trek ship.
I prefer the Ent-B variant, but I know the reason why it was made.
Take comfort. At least Sinclair introduced the atheist first.
My absolute negro
Sexy af, the one at the start of episode 2 is better imo
>we'll never see these in a SW film
do you all have ass burgers
Why do you want that bucket of bolts?
Basically every military ship (Colonial or Cylon) in this whole series.
The interior of the Galactica was GOAT
this or Defiant are the only good starfleet ones
He takes this up to the mothership so im counting it. All the designs in this movie are great
This ship makes me hard.
I've never understood why it's called a b-wing and not t-wing, am I just too much of a brainlet
LCARS is computer kino
Fuck all Goold.
Absolutely loathe star trek ships. The design does nothing for me.
What is it specifically that you dislike about them?
Excellent choice
The shape is too ugly just in my opinion. Some ships here have weird shapes as well but there is a pattern to them which makes them somewhat ok, or they have reasons for their designs, I dont understand Star Treks design though, it would look much better in my opinion if the lanky engine bit was just a flat "u" shape attached to the disc. Sort of like this
This guy wins.
Nothing screams glory to man greater than a fuck huge cathedral in space manned with artillery designed to kill fucking planets
Get that Soy Trek trash out of my face.
Brunhild is the best LoGH design
Probably my alltime favorite here
where are my stargate homies at?
Daedalus ships were the bomb
and of course the classic
This shit was always gay. Doesn't fit book navigators at all.
>posts on Sup Forums
>doesn't understand film adaptation of novels
I loved trek and Babylon 5 is total kino so far, is there any other sci fi on that level i might enjoy?