There will never be a Strip Search season 2

>there will never be a Strip Search season 2
>Sup Forums will never have huge Strip Search threads again
>you will never have waifu wars over the Strip Search women with Sup Forums again
>you will never root for Maki the Pineapple again
>you will never stare in awe as Bald and Piglike literally DEVOUR the losers comic

And worse of all...

>you just realized that most of Sup Forums is probably too young to remember Strip Search

Feels pretty bad.

>best girl won

And all was well.

Never forget.



Going to have to disagree there.

I remember this being announced and then hearing almost nothing about it afterward. Then they announced a winner and nothing about the winner relative to Strip Search ever seemed to mentioned again.
I dunno if I just wasn't paying enough attention or if the comic community outside of Sup Forums barely cared about any of this stuff.
Did I miss some fun stuff?

As far as reality shows go, it was pretty fun. Sup Forums rather enjoyed it at the time. Bald and Piglike were pretty funny during their segments, and they actually showed a really human side that you don't normally see whenever they talked to the losers after eliminations.

The winner's comic is still ongoing on hosted on the Penny Arcade site, and in fact, most of the cast of the show ended up doing things for Penny Arcade or PvP and I'd say that most of them ended up as a success because of Strip Search.

I'd say check out a few episodes, see if you like it.

There were threads for a new episode

I wish ronnie had gotten in

>the one who traipsed around half-naked because she misunderstood that the name of the show was a joke

Wait did Ronnie actually try to get in?

Fuck, that would have been amazing.

coincidentally today I learned that Lexxy got $80,000 from kickstarter for her 8 page webcomic. Who was the real winner in the long run?

She learned how to scam from the best.

Erika's webcomic, Oh Joy Sex Toy, is still ongoing for some reason.

How did Sup Forums react to her originally?

>tfw you were living in another country when season 1 came out so you couldn't apply
>season 2 probably never, don't even care about winning, but getting to hang out with a bunch of random webcomic people for a week would be super fun

>Sup Forums will never have huge Strip Search threads again
Huge? They were pretty meh, IIRC.

>Erika Moen

We were all disgusted with her back then too.

I like DAR (we still call Erica, "DAR" at our house)

I watched it, but that was before I started using Sup Forums.

the way this armor clips always bugged me.

I'm still butthurt they picked an industry professional, felt like a slap in the face to the rest of the underdogs.

What is this show?

It was rigged from the start, Mike Krahulik just wanted to work with Katie Rice so she could teach him how to draw hair or something, so they came up with this elaborate scheme to hire her.

And he still draws hair like construction paper, so it was all for naught.

I still say Mac got fucked over just because they wanted to give their friend Lexxy an undeserved second chance. His comic was fine, but it was "2Deep" for them to even start to grasp.

That's not Monica


Who tried out any of the 1 hour comic challenges?

>it's an elimination episode with Abby
Goodbye sides, I don't need you anymore

Saw him at an indie comic con last year. Not a huge turnout for him, and it was kind of a dinky con all around.

Most artists who aren't Kate didn't do much with their e-fame.

I think that Alex kid who went out in Week 1 even stopped making his webcomic within a year of the show.

She didn't deserve to go out the way she did

Thanks for the cash, nerds.

She's the cutest thief

Abby was the funniest but they were right about her work ethic, she doesn't update her comic ever.

>She will never beat you up for your lunch money
Why even live?

She put out a book and still updates JSPH and the Last Halloween. That's better productivity than most of the rest.

Once a month? Once every other month?


>shes a cutter

damaged goods, into the trash it goes

You know you can get white lines on your arm without being a cutter. I have a couple from cat scratches and random manual-labor-related cuts.

Damaged girls (generally) have less reservations in bed. This is only a bonus.

I was abby all the way. Do you even tangents?

Erica is fucking scum. I wish she'd never gotten the promotion that this show gave her.

Care to elaborate?

>literally being this desperate and degenerate

That she writes absolute and utter debased trash and anything assisting her to those ends is by nature a bad thing.

Sounds like you have some sexual hangups.

Haven't you ever wanted to be in a neopolitan~?

>That she writes absolute and utter debased trash and anything assisting her to those ends is by nature a bad thing.

What happened to you to make you so jaded and bitter?

Vanilla is, and I mean this with no hint of irony, the best flavour. It has been shat on by companies for too long. If you use real vanilla in things, anything really- driks foods take your pick- you will see why it's a main stay. Corporate vanilla is just trash and people are too hyped up on bombastic flavours to appreciate the soft details of real vanilla. Bad show.

>getting pegged
>getting cucked
>wearing flaccid plastic cocks
>calling me a molested bully
If you're that deviant you're probably desperately trying to make sense of something unhealthy that happened to you- not me man.

I say a girl has less reservations in bed.
In your mind you go straight to pegging and cucking. Sounds like you're the one that's got something on your mind...

>quote my response to another post
>reply to that
>pretend I said that about your original post
Sorry lex that isn't how it works. I was clearly talking about the comic you deranged loser.
Points for effort.

>watch him flail

Lexxy and Erica are, like, two different people

He's grasping at straws. Let him stew.
The inability to actually respond with anything other than denial and reaction images will kill the thread which is basically a win in my book.

>this fucking scumbag makes a comic I dont like HOW DARE THEY WHAT A TERRIBLE PERSON

And I'm a different person from him. You're a fucking retard.

Lexxy is the cutter.

Erica is the degenerate that enraged user.

Just called him desperate for liking a cutter and he responded to my comment about Ericka's comic. I know who is who, he's just being a) retarded b) difficult so he can get some dignity back

Every elimination with Abby was a riot.

>"Do you think Erika deserves to go home?"
>"So you should go home?"
>"So why don't you just quit now then?"
>"Why don't you just go suck a dick?"
>Mike loses his shit

Truly the best. For me it was just her and monica.

"I want more cats and all the D I can get"
- Abby Howard, 2013

alright Sup Forums you have been selected to pick the next contestants for the new strip search season but they all must be webcomic people you despise

To bad they all became fat SJW who no longer do anything of value.

except for pure wiafu Monica Ray who now works on Harvey Beaks.


Abby was too try hard and memey. God she annoyed me.

She did have some pretty good quips during elimination rounds, though.

Maki is great. He used to post in the Sup Forums stripsearch threads.
He's a funny guy.

Those scars don't look intentional to me.

Remember when her and the gay guy ruined The Trenches, but we're just ghost writers/artists so they didn't even get credit for their garbage?

>You will never boop Katie's big nose

How the fuck does she still have an online presence?

Cause she's a fit white girl who shows off on instagram.

Like I want to boop John K's used goods


>first elimination
>acts very cold and doesn't answer any personal questions
>tfw she made the silly prompt into an extremely touching comic about her personal struggle as an artist seeking acceptance that completely lays her heart bare
>still eliminated
Forever and always the best contestant. I'm happy she's doing well in life.