*blocks your puberty*

*blocks your puberty*

they should be arrested for child endangerment.

>*blocks your puberty*
Too late, my dick is huge.

>dilates your neovagina

Parents can raise their children to believe in any religion so I don't see why mothers shouldn't have the right to raise their sons emasculated.

>american television



Sup Forums makes fun of trannies, but if there was a way to 100% turn into a real girl and not look like an abomination, most of Sup Forums would go for the procedure.

only cuz girls have it easier in life

Sup Forums is fine with adult trannies. Some even prefer traps to real girls. But if you think it’s okay for kids to undergo gender reassignment surgery and take hormone suppressors, you’re a sick freak.

>high heels
>pregnancy and childbirth
>physically weaker
Litterally why would anyone choose to be a woman?

Can someone please tell me this kid's name, I've been trying to find it for the past half hour

>not shaving your legs every weekend
>not wearing a pretty dress while shitposting on Sup Forums

>eunuchs are now a thing again
>female progression is sending the world back to the dark ages

I just WWIII to end it all lads

Society has a vested interest in the next generation of functional, productive people being raised, which is why there's such a big push to shame all the manchildren and other MGTOW scum who won't contribute.

*broadcasts the fact you have a microdick on national TV*

Sup Forums helped start the current tranny craze don't forget

She looks like the type to live vicariously through her mentally ill child.


I don't want to generalize the type of men who become attracted to the sissy stuff. There must be alpha males who get caught up in the same thing.
However, when beta males turn themselves into sissies I wonder if they are motivated by the desire to have a more active sex life? Betas often struggle to get dates from the pretty girls and even have difficulty being successful with girls in general.
I consider myself a beta. I'm not terrible looking but I have shy and unassertive body language. I'm not very charismatic or exciting to be around, and unfortunately I have a smaller penis than average. When I found sissy hypno and it told me to be a girl and serve the alpha males, this had a powerful effect over me.
In a weird way it seems like a beta male feminizing himself takes the pressure off of his failures with women. The beta reinvents himself and develops a different mindset toward his sexuality.
I'm not saying any of this is good but I think for many betas it is the way they feel. And I feel that in the future the sissy phenomenon will get worse before it gets better. Today's growing MGTOW movement will likely end up pushing many of those men into sissification.

>Morbidly obese people
>Shows glorifying single motherhood
Is TLC trash television for trash people?

when is the dick cutting service being performed?

>Jazz can't find a straight man who wants to date a tranny
>Is now experimenting with "her" sexuality and going lesbian

How long until he gives up on love entirely?