Has Sup Forums become one of Sup Forums's colonies?
Has Sup Forums become one of Sup Forums's colonies?
Blake Harris
Other urls found in this thread:
Carson Nelson
The people you think are from Sup Forums are all over the internet, especially social media like facebook and twitter. They would post here whether Sup Forums exists or not. On this website, Sup Forums is the only thing distracting them from posting here much more often.
Lucas Perez
Dunno. But /vg/ is a Sup Forums out post, fuck omniggers
William Young
Heil hitler
Luis Jackson
since 2010 or 2011
Ethan Nelson
since 2016 Sup Forums became nu/pol/
Sebastian Phillips
no, people who don't enjoy degeneracy can be found anywhere
John Smith
Shut up faggot I hope you get injured horribly in a house hold accident, take your worthless thread and get the fuck out.
Julian Russell
Evan Foster
They are us