These aren't even bad, is hating them just a meme?

these aren't even bad, is hating them just a meme?

reddit letter media made it cool to hate on them

they were a big disappointment when they came out, though

have you seen the last jedi

yea. what does that have to do with this thread

>these aren't even bad
yes they are
>is hating them just a meme?

Ep 3 is legally amazing it’s like Shakespeare in space

God, do you people actually think that people love the prequels until plinkett? is everyone blind AND stupid?

They're bad, don't pretend they're not. That said they are mostly bad as Star Wars movies, because they fuck up the universe and make a bunch of stuff all stupid, also a lot of bad acting/awkward dialogue. If you can get over the cheese and some wooden actors they're mostly fine.

To everybody's surprise, some fucking how The Last Jedi managed not only to be a terrible Star Wars movie, fucking up the universe much more than all three of the prequels combined, but also just a terrible movie in general. Bad acting/awful awkward dialogue, plot is complete nonsense, poorly edited, somehow bloated but too fast at the same time, bad music, absolutely terrible shot continuity, retarded situations constantly happening, like literally everything is wrong with it

It's fucking astonishing how bad it is

besides the shitty cgi, nothings wrong with them
episode 3 is my favorite out of the whole star wars thing

>You are so beautiful
>Its only because I'm so in love
>No, it's because I'm so in love with you
>Then love has blinded you

yes they are
rougue one is better than all of those three in all designs

>general grevious fight was shit
>jar jar brinks was shit
>the cgi was shit even at its time
>the swords fights were shit as well

Such a disappointment that people camped out for all of them.

Again, has nothing to do with what we're talking about. There are like 20 threads right now to vent your Last Jedi spleen.

>these aren't even bad

Episode III is literally the best film of all the Star Wars films.

People camped out for Last Jedi, point invalid

Bro, let this sink in: the prequels are better than TLJ. Objectively.

Who cares?

They are bad, but hating them became a meme too.

the reason they’re memorable is that Lucas at least rolled the die and tried something new. doesn’t mean they’re still not bad films.

Disney’s neo-wars’s “””plots””” are decided in coporate meetings, and every hook is based upon the the logic of “how will this maximize shareholder value??”

If they're not even bad, why do you make 10 threads a day begging for people to like them?
They're a sad, broken joke of storytelling.

They're so bad they're good.

Thats what I thought until Last Jedi. One guy wrote it, and made every wrong decision. makes you think

I just find them pathetic and boring.

They are better than the OT. Episode III is the best Star Wars has ever been

They're movies that are kind of easy to love for their earnestness, especially compared to shit Disney Wars.

>Crazy new worlds and creatures
>Great worldbuilding
>Not rehashes
>The most ambitious sense of scale in films on par with Lord of the Rings
>The skeleton of a good story is hidden in there somewhere

They're not great, or even good, but thinking back on them as a whole makes me accept them more than their separate parts. And at the very least, they extend the original trilogy in a logical way, turning the saga from the story of Luke Skywalker to the fall and redemption of Anakin.

I came of age during the prequels' releases. Even at 15, I knew TPM was off. AOTC was so bad I didn't think I'd even bother seeing ROTS in the theater until a friend asked if I wanted to check it out. My thoughts of "the good one" were, at that time: oh great, let's just ruin every last one of the potentially good moments left in the lore. They were bad then, they were bad when I watched them with my wife (who had never seen them) last year, and when I rewatch them in 10 years, they'll still be bad.

Why is Mace Windu on every poster? Was that in Samuel L's contract?

I rewatched TPM recently and it's not too bad aside from the obvious stuff (Anakin, the Chosen One bullshit, Jar Jar. Its biggest sin is being occasionally a bit dull, but it succeeds at feeling like an adventure. Even the dialogue is mostly alright compared to the weird shit in AotC and RotS.

fucking stop!

you sound like a buttmad brainlet

I think it's funny that prequel love comes from a place of intellectualizing rather than a visceral enjoyment of the movies.
>the prequels were great because at least it felt like actual star wars
>lucas did better worldbuilding than disney
>disney is an eeeeevil corporation and therefore they suck

It gets shit on, but TPM is my pick for best prequel. Still shot on film, still uses majority practical sets, the John Williams score is so good it almost makes you think its a good movie at times. It's the only one that feels like it is in the same universe as the originals - an actual Star Wars movie, though a bad one.

At least they had great characters and inspired good series and games, the new trilogy despite being set in the future and having way more creative liberty barely has maybe 2 good characters in them.

My favorite, the proto DC defense
>they were just too smart compared to the orignals


>if you can get over the bad parts of a movie, it's actually a good movie then
lol this is one of my favorite prequel apologist mindbenders

Man, people hate the new movies so much they think the prequels were good.

you know those mr plinkett reviews are like one of the founders/pioneers of the modern "internet critics" style of mixing some humor and sarcasm with real opinions of the movie. Pretty much every modern critic from Stuckmann to cinemacins got inspired by Mr plinkett (and yeah the two latter are both shitty, that' not my point).

mr plinkett is the least reddit thing out there

and also the prequals fucking sucks. your delusional if you think otherwise, it's just 'hip' to love em again because you're going against the stream.

fuck off faggot, the prequels were always good.

Don't use your fucking kike pilpul arguments with me.

First thing I said
>they're bad, don't pretend they're not

What I never said
>it's actually a good movie then

1 and 2 are fucking atrocious
3 is actually fucking good and it shouldn't be grouped with the first two

The only way in which the PT is better than Disney Wars is that you can laugh at the sheer idiocy of them, which is a more emotional experience than the silent, depressing boredom of the new ones.


>If you can get over the cheese and some wooden actors they're mostly fine.
the best part of textual communication is how easy it is to reference earlier comments

>mr plinkett is the least reddit thing out there

There's plenty of idiocy in the new ones too, unfortunately.

No they weren't and Lucas even knew it

Prequel apologists are contrarians and trolls and their opinions should be filed under "stupid shit that people believe", along with scientology and flat earth theory. The Disney movies are forgettable brain candy, but at least they're competently made (can't speak for TLJ).

I'd agree. Even the lightsaber battles are more grounded and less forcibly drawn out and laughably choreographed than in II and III.

>flawed but mostly fine
>actually a good movie

Seriously, jew, stop

They're not good movies, like the guy said, but if you can get past the glaring fuckery (like the acting), it has a few saving graces. The plot is quite interesting - the story of a republic that gets taken over by a politician who orchestrates outside threats in order to provide justification for a powergrab.

Compare that with FA and TLJ which have no saving graces that would make them into mediocre movies, just pure shit through and through.

The new one has some unintentional hilarity, but I doubt that ol' "By The Numbers" Abrams will give us any of that in IX.

calling a movie competent has lost all meaning and is now just a buzzword people say when talking about bland movies devoid of any sense of importance but arent the room

Oh I'm sorry, English is my first language. "good" and "mostly fine" are analogous adjectives.

I disagree. Prequels had better music, more interesting settings, better costume/character/set designs, and were shot better. TLJ really is a travesty.

You're an actual retarded person if you think the prequels are 'underrated', 'flawed masterpieces', or 'good'

>These aren't even bad
They are all objectively badly made movies. ROTS less so than the other two

How about this: the Disney movies (besides TLJ which I haven't seen) have superior cinematography, more sensible pacing, less cringey dialogue, better performances, and rely far less on CGI. I'm sorry, if you're into actors doing bad performances of atrocious dialogue against a green screen filled with Toon Town footage shot dead on which are fully reliant on the music to communicate you pham.

Why do people get so made if you actually like these movies? seems weird.

unironically mouse shills

>besides TLJ which I haven't seen
just stop

You forgot ship designs. But it evens out by the fact that TFA had at least somewhat coherent directing and writing (coherent, not good or interesting), so I still maintain that the only major strength of the PT is that it gives me an emotional response (laughter).
You'd have to clarify what you mean by "shot better", too.

>more sensible pacing
I hope you dont mean TLJ because RIP this argument
>less cringy dialogue
>quips every 5 minutes
>we are the spark blah blah

For me, it's cause they're not good movies. Entertaining, sure, but not good. But hey, opinions man.

They aren't "bad" bad, they are "not as good as they could've been" bad. They certainly aren't the steaming pile of shit that is the sequels.

It's the confidence people have in their bad arguments that the prequels are good movies on any level. They're terrible and if you think otherwise, just admit you enjoy shitty movies sometimes. We all do. I think the movie Mindhunters is great, but I would never try to argue that it's anything close to a good movie. But I think prequelfags know that they're bad but just like getting a rise out of people.

>more sensible pacing
Cue characters going on a side quest to fucking Monte Carlo
>less cringey dialogue
"Our friends are about to be liquidated by the imperial fleet but at least we saved runny runny camel aliens, it was worth it"
>better performances
Luke drinking green cum of a space walrus menacingly
>rely far less on CGI
Cue faggy minion-owls in every Milenium Falcon scene

In TLJ there are a lot of noticeable continuity errors and scenes which don't mesh with the previous scene, such as guard room fight, Finn and Rose walking back to the base, soldiers in the trench disappearing, Phasma teleporting across the room despite standing right over Finn, the planet only being visible when they first mention they'll land on it, etc.

Dramatic zooms in all action scenes. Lack of universe establishing shots, in TLJ the galaxy feels really small because we never get to explore it. Even the prequels had this.

>ignoring the disclaimer of not seeing TLJ
This is how I know prequel apologists are mostly trolls and autists. I guess telling them their opinions are shitty is a form of ableism. You know what get a gold star for liking the prequels. Good job.

>I think prequelfags know that they're bad but just like getting a rise out of people
for what? having the audacity to enjoy a movie? you sound retarded and full of yourself

If you think there aren't thousands (millions?) of people online who like to be contrarian just to rile other people up, you haven't been on the Internet very long

Oh yeah, you got me, I hope you have fun watching TLJ in that case buddo. We can talk about Force Awakens if you want, it wasn't really any less shit, but it differed in that it recycled the original trilogy & didn't try anything new.

Just because TLJ was divisive as fuck doesn't mean the prequels stopped being unanimously considered shit.

wasn't even the point I was making

Actually just watched phantom menace again and was surprised to find even jarjar couldnt hinder my enjoyment. Worldbuilding in it puts tlj to shame, ships, locations and costumes all feel original but believable, whereas disney wars is content with continuing with the empire/rebellions aesthetics. I also never realized how Portman killed her role as the queen, most of her scenes are kino af, like the one where she pleads her case in the senate. The politicking plot shits on whatever tlj tried to do with its "story".
I feel awful, we were way too hard on Lucas and deserve to have star wars killed by disney.

"Fine" and "good" could also be used as synonyms for "okay" but common use says they are not. You mentioned "referencing textual communication" but you deliberately took out of context the last part of what I said so that you could falsely argue against it. In the full context, it would be immediately obvious to an English speaker that my use of "mostly fine" was NOT equivalent to "good".

Pure sophistry, you kike.

Why does Obi Wan and Qui Gon follow Jar Jar to his home? I can't remember. All I remember is that they run into him, Qui Gon saves him and then they follow him.

My bad. I spaced out on your post just like I did with nuwars. God what a chore to watch.

Have fun with TLJ

They need a shortcut to the Naboo city and end up going through the planet core in a submarine. Qui Gon sagely reminds us that there is always a bigger fish.

Attack of the clones was the best star wars film

When episode 1 was released in 3D I realized how boring it actually was. The other two are great, it’s just mainstream (yet, also edgy) to hate them.

And despite that its unironically it is the best Star Wars film period.
>Rogue One
>better than anything other than TLJ
Pointless film, pointless story, pointless drama, pointless fluff, and stupid directing and editing that makes it haphazard. Nice meme though pal.

TPM and AOTC are overall very poor, but have a decent plot and a few scenes that are brilliant (eg. Duel of Fates, the battle on Geonosis).

ROTS is objectively better than ROTJ, and deserves it place in the saga