Realistically speaking, is it possible to save Star Wars at this point, even by normie standards? Rian Johnson pretty much broke all the storylines that JJ Abrams was trying to set up and now Abrams is coming back in to do Episode 9. Is there enough of Episode 7's setup left to finish a trilogy with?
Realistically speaking, is it possible to save Star Wars at this point, even by normie standards...
Retcon the last jedi as Rey crazy dream after training with Its not a good idea but the tears would be fun
we shall see.
Run with the ending scene of TLJ. It was literally all made up by those slave kids in the stables on that casino planet... All of it even TFA. Have Han Solo accidentally recue the kid, figure out he's force sensitive, and then drop him off at uncle Luke's school of witchcraft and wizardry... I mean, Jedi temple.
Disney would make fucking bank by mixing the harry potter idea into the Star Wars universe.
Time travel.
The only way to save it would be to get a non meme director like scorcese or mel and not even in a milion years would they work for disney
no you idiot. that was just to show that the rebellion (and the force) are alive throughout the galaxy, and despite the actual rebels being down to like 10 people, the spirit lives on.
Watch it just be a giant fucking space battle. Battle of Five Armies, but Star Wars. There really aren't enough plot threads for anything else.
The resistance does not deserve to be lionized with how stupid their leaders are.
"it was all part of reys training simulation"