Disney paying for fake reviews on rotten tomatoes?

There are a lot of suspicious reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Some reviewers don't have any profile page (404 page not found). Other reviews are written by members who joined the site this month and haven't rated anything else. I've seen the same picture on different posts.

> rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_the_last_jedi/reviews/?type=user

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Are you surprised?
It doesn't matter they still made profit and will continue to make millions

Justice League had major problems but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as The Last Jedi. Yet it sits dangerously close to the single digits on Rotten Tomatoes while Last Jedi is considered basically perfect. If it's not obvious by now that The Mouse has leverage on Rotten Tomatoes / critics then you probably think The Last Jedi is a good movie.

Let's expose them. We need more evidence.

>leadership philosophy
I hope this person has some handlers who stop him from eating poopoo