ITT: Underappreciated characters

ITT: Underappreciated characters


What is there to appreciate?

Can't wait to see her again next week in Venom #150.
Hopefully Flash will take her with him to New York.

*this week

He was a great villain in Uncanny X-Force

Nobody ever appreciates a good toady until they're gone.

All of them

I miss him in Uncanny Avengers

What is their team dynamics about

Its so random

Alex will never be Cyclops, no matter how much he wants to be it will never happen.

>Alex will never be Cyclops,
Well yeah, he's alive.

I like his wings. Why did they have to do the whole fiery bullshit?

I keep hoping they're going to start doing a wing transformation thing like they did with Archangel's metal Death wings.
The notion that he's asleep in bed with wings made of Celestial fire tucked in under the covers just annoys me.
As for why, he's an Angel.
Adult Warren became the fallen Angel of Death and Apocalypse.
Now you have the second taking the exact opposite route and getting Celestial wings of light'n'fire'n'stuff.
It's a theme.
But originally Angel got the cyborg treatment because the Grimm/Gritty era demanded nothing lighthearted.

I'm ok with the fire. I absolutely hate the mechanical part of it. Organic fiery wings would offer so many possibilities for great art. Just imagine, in a passive state they are white, with sparks and small flames dancing on the surface. But as he powers them up, the feathers darken and shrivel and burn. How cool would that look.


My boy Ult!Reed.

I miss him

he really should have step up as the leader when cyclops died

Incredible herc was literally and objectively the best comic ever written.

I disagree about the stepping up.
I really like seeing everyone that tries to lead the X-Men fall flat on their face without the Cyclops who everyone underappreciated continuously pulling their buns out of the fire.
And besides, Havok's in a pretty messed-up place right now.
But he definitely needs some major story focus, and soon.
We don't even have confirmation if he's still all morally AXIS-reversed, or if he's ever going to get in touch with one of the mutant healers out there for his face, and if not then why not?
We've never even heard his final opinion on Scott's disgrace and demise.
And face fixed or not, is he keeping the beard?
They've put him in the background of some pretty major events and never followed through with any of it.


>only Sup Forums cared for him



Flight as a superpower, while it would be *awesome* in real life, is effectively only a panel-crosser in the comics. The heroes need to get to where heroing needs doing so it just happens, between panels they'll get to where they need to be. Blackbirds, Quinjets, JLA transporters, whatever... nobody is going to show an issue of nothing but flight time from point A to point B. Its such a non-power, a non-issue, that there is a team were every single member is granted flight as a team benefit so the travel issue is removed entirely.

The result is that Warren effectively has *no* power of note. On the scene his power is... he can fly to the next scene. In combat he becomes a mundane human.

I'm still not sure what Stan was thinking here. He knew that Warren was a dead-end character at the time, superheroes with flight or other travel powers as a secondary function had been around forever, flight itself was, in the comics, boring. Lets face, the O5 were the weakest of the Marvel revolution, they were phoned in, and the only reason we still speak of them is purely on the strength of the Cockrum relaunch team, built upon by Claremont and Byrne. The O5 would be bouncing from cancelled project to cancelled project just like their failed equivalent over the on the DC side, the Doom Patrol.

The point of Angel was that appearance wise, he was essentially just a normal human, but his huge bird wings made him stand out as a mutant. You say his power is basically useless, even in his era? Now compound that with the fact that he's a target of discrimination because of them. The main point of the first class of X-men was never about the powers. It was about the political and social problems they faced for being different and misunderstood.

he's just a damn bird though.


It would have made sense for him to have Air Manipulation as a power he evolved wings to better harness it
Then evolved into plasma blasting since that what you get if you compress and ionized air.
If they are going to with the avian thing

If divine then turn him into full mercy from overwatch.
Limited healing regenerative energy powers that he can cast on other people

Pre Archangel transformation of course

>> omg white batman XD

His powers are too great so he has to be a weak idiot

Figure a SCIENCE-tist would experiment and use portal SCIENCE, but no, his brain is full of holes or something

The Spot is great. He's in the current Jessica Jones book which I am enjoying

>He's in the current Jessica Jones book
given that my interest in her is zero, how much screen-time does he get?

Ice Man please go.

A few pages across 2 books. He's the hired muscle. The story follows on from a minor detail in Civil War II, but it's mostly her and Luke yelling at each other or bitching about each other.


>tfw you will never buy Japan

Went from most trusted confidante to only being shown in 3 issues in the last decade.

She really needs more love.

He's really hot


What happened to his superpowers?

This. Love me some Moon Knight.

Moon Knight is silver

Huh forgot about that. I don't think it was mentioned again, it was a forgettable thing anyway.

Itachi did nothing wrong