Why do leftists want to destroy everything we hold sacred?

Why do leftists want to destroy everything we hold sacred?

They won’t be happy until every street in America looks like a Brazilian favela.

>m-muh coca cola man

Even CNN is blood thirsty for views?

Why did I pick a literal dead industry to study ?

Why do Sup Forums soyboys want to constantly spam this board with their stupid shit?

But user, that what total equality will look like.
But the party leader's house must be impressive though, to remind the proletariat of what their work can accomplish!


Should we re write the story of Muhammad so that he doesn't marry a 6 year old and start raping her by the age of 9 until his death, forcing her to clean his cum stained clothes?

Yeah turn him into a black transgender LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ with white males as the reindeer

Entirely this. Destroy everything that worked, make everybody argue with each other over trivialities and nobody will suspect you or what you're doing because they're too distracted
>I fully expect somebody to argue with me over this, because they truly can't resist their very (manipulative) nature

>tfw believed in Santa until I was 10


tfw never believed in santa

>tfw still believed in santa until I read this thread
FUCK YOU FAGGOTS! There's spoiler tags for a reason you bunch of cuck niggers!

>Burger Sinterklaas


Is Santa Claus circumcised?

Go back to Israel or Iraq.

Well, we're given our presents by the Holy Infant, so whatever. As a Slav-scum I've never really understood what does St. Nick have to do with Christmas anyway.

>Why do leftists
i.e. jews

answer is jews jewing

Why leftist care about what kids think, it's like if they actually have them instead of their cats and dogs

He wasn't an american, so no.

He's the original god who gave out the gifts.