Does anyone else think the ending did not have any romantic development?
I did not like this ending
The ending was the romantic development. It was literally the first step in them starting a relationship.
It wasn't a well-written ending, but I'm still glad they did it. Not doing it would have ended a boring series on a boring note.
I especially love how the previews of that Korra comic would have us believe there was romantic development to some of the few Korra/Asami interactions in the show, like "Remember when you let me drive? I totally wanted to eat your pussy right then and there!"
It's better than good, it's PROGRESSIVE!
But Korrasami is boring as fuck. Atleast by not ending on it they could have done something worthwhile with the ending.
You must not know a lot about romance
It didn't. Shippers would claim certain scenes as development as far back as season 1, but where wrong according to everyone, including the creators. Now though Bryke is revising the show through comics, once again pandering to certain fans, so that it started in season 1.
The ending was an asspull, are we really supposed to believe all this time they were fighting over Mako was it so they can suck the juice molecules of the other off his dick, its pretty far fetched if you ask me.
I just know you're baiting people to shit on Korra so you can go complain about Sup Forums faggots on /u/ and circlejerk in Avater general. Alas
Look, every romance in LoK was handled poorly. Honestly, it was a mediocre show overall. Not like the lesbian ending made any difference. I dropped the show after season 1 because I was so disappointed. Came back for season 3 and parts of season 4 but I couldn't handle it. It felt hollow, characters acted because the plot demanded them to not because they had goals on their own. Their interactions were superficial and lacked any depth. The story felt forced and pointless, there was no excitement. I felt amused at the Korrasami ending, it showed that they had some good intention but weren't able to properly execute them.
It's always one side saying that Bryke used Korrasami to shield themselves from critisism and other side saying people were mad becuase they couldn't self-insert in relationship with Korra, or are mysoginists.
Both claims are equally absurd.
I'm only in it for the Kyhu art, bless her girlboner
I can believe them starting a romantic relationship at the end, there's enough to justify it, but if you aren't going to properly explore it then what's the point? It felt half-assed.
Her art is shit as fuck. She doesn't know how anatomy works whatsoever, she draws some ugly lumps where muscles are supposed to be. It's always the same 3/4, cropped at the waist portraits. Also sameface. ZERO sex appeal.
She never improved in those 4 years, like what the fuck.
Too bad it's kinda dead now, or it would be if she drew some things that aren't korrasami.
Once again Sup Forums does it better.
Can't really argue with that. If anime does one thing right it's properly showing affection and developing feelings through body language, well-timed camera close-ups, unambiguous signs and the like. You can see how the character feels, because they go an extra mile to show it. It's the emphasis on emotion that I appreciate in anime.
It's out of nowhere.
All they share is being dumped by Mako and like 2 or 3 moments of being something above level of acquaintances
A lot of people point out that they were pen pals for half a year, but, like, fucking so, I am pen pals with lots of foreign people, doesn't mean I'll be sucking their cocks or whatever they have..
Could not give less of a shit about the 4th season, this was probably the only good thing about it.
>A thing in 4th season
Them entering the portal together is literally all you get.
Which animes are they? I like the art
it was an asspull to appease the fanbase
anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional
It's called we're poor writers so we created a deflection from criticism in the name of diversity and progressiveness. Had Aaron Ehasz been overseeing them like AtLA I believe Korra would have been a great show and could have actually had well crafted homosexual relationships.
But we got this instead.
I just thinkt he ship itself is boring. Neither character bounces off each other very well and we're just kind of told/shown they are now super-good friends regardless of how uninteresting they are together. Aside from the driving scene in Book 3, banter is almost non-existent between them.
Honestly, Korra's at her best when none of the Krew is present. That's a major failure on Bryke's part; Korrasami being shit is just a symptom.
Did anyone else drop the show sometime between season 2 and 3? It was boring me to tears and a disappointment compared to ATLA, i couldn't even get to Book Four
Yes, but at least it fucking ended.
The only hints of them having any sort of relationship happened in book 4 earlier. Asami being the only one Korra wrote letters to, and her complimenting Korra's haircut. Still a shitty out of nowhere ending, plus somehow I doubt a 1920s parallel of an Asian cultures will be accepting of Kung fu Jesus being in a lesbian relationship.
>Honestly, Korra's at her best when none of the Krew is present. That's a major failure on Bryke's part; Korrasami being shit is just a symptom.
I agree, Korra always did best when she was with other characters, especially the older ones like Tenzin and Lin.
to me the show was a shit relly i stop give a shit after season 2 and they turne the show into shitty triangle love and over power character and pure writing, i really hate
I gave up on S4 the moment the giant laser cannon was strapped on the arm of a giant shitty cgi mech.
Welcome to three years ago.
The critical about KYHU It is more interesting than the theme of this threat.