seriously, god damn.
>ashi kills mom
>ashi generally not being a piece of shit
>ashi going bloodbath mode
>jack redeeming himself
>explanation for sword loss
>jack goes on spirit walk
>jack defeats inner demons
>jack meets gods and gets a new sword
>jack gets his robes & bun
the way he lost the sword was fuckin dumb but all and all i'm impressed, especially after episode 6 being so shit.
I think genndy just redeemed himself
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't forget
>No forced Romance
Based Genndy.
I thought him losing the sword at first was weird, but the more I thought about and saw the reasoning of anons the more it made sense.
I don't think he redeemed himself
Because I think he didn't need redeeming, unlike you perfection wanting assholes, I've been enjoying this season quite well
Episode 6 was decent though. I also like it how in the case of both episodes the people complaining are blatantly people who never watched any of the original episodes.
Also why was this thread deleted like what the hell
This. I've loved every episode so far, especially watching it with Sup Forums.
Is that the one where OP was complaining about complainers? Most of the people didn't notice OP wasn't bitching about the episode for some reason.
I guess it explains why Jack never bothered to come back for his sword.
Tho Ashi mowing down an army was ridiculous, not cause she couldnt, but I would have her fighting the rest of the instructos of the cult of the daughters. (Including the extra thicc one)
The pacing was way too fast and awkard but he only has 10 episodes to work with so i guess it's okay
>Is that the one where OP was complaining about complainers? Most of the people didn't notice OP wasn't bitching about the episode for some reason.
Weird behavior but eh.
is there a mega
Gotta leave plenty of time for the finale
I figure they want to maximize these last two episodes
The only episode i actually disliked was the 6th, it had the boring scaramouche subplot and the cringy fanservice.
literally pure kino and the flashback was just like the original
i didn't like the 6th episode because of a number of reasons.
they missed a major chance for ashi to build up a resistance movement.
ashi's new outfit is really bad.
almost the whole thing was riding off of nostalgia and tits.
in general i thought the whole suicide arc was kinda bad and forced for the edge factor.
i really hate sing and dance numbers.
i hated the rave episode from the older seasons.
the S scene made me legitimately cringe. i'm not exaggerating.
>new sword
It's not a new sword, compare the scene where he gets it to the scrne where his father gets it.
>Here's your sword K bye
That was the only gripe I had with the entire episode. Thank god Ashi pierced her bitch of a mom. And everything else was great.
>Ashi's mom appearing out of nowhere for no reason
>Ashi's cringing dialogue delivered by that hack Tara Strong
>Ashi soloing an entire army army without getting hurt once
>the sword fucked off for 50 years just because Jack inadvertently killed a few sacred goats
>getting the sword back was basically the plot of Jack vs Mad Jack but reduced to a 30 second sequence
>god sequence was incredibly rushed
If we're saying that Genndy made a better episode than E06, then kinda. It still was forced as fuck, but it wasn't as bad as what we got last week. If we're talking about if this was better than say, The Quest for the Broken Blade, then no. Season 5 had a strong start, and Greg/the art team definitely shaped up for Aku this ep, but they need to turn this around if they want to end this with something better than the comics.
>but they need to turn this around if they want to end this with something better than the comics.
and then there's this hipster cunt
That's what happens when you only get like 20 minutes an episode.
Wish we could have hour long ones.
Same here, every episode has been so damn good to me. I always get anxious about the show's direction because waiting a whole week and whatnot, but week after week I keep getting impressed by all the right choices by Genndy.
Brilliant rebuttal. You've done him.
The pierce was ok, but I hate that Genndy still hasn't gotten over his hard on for his "repeat the same action THREE TIMES did you SEE THAT I WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME" shit that made me lose interest in the original show.
THIS. unlike most of Sup Forums i didn't just bandwagon into this show, I've been watching since day one, i knew what to expect and it's what I'm getting. loved every minute of it.