Who do they pay and how do I get in on it?

I'm only going to ask this once, How in all that is good and right, DO THESE MANY EXIST and how do they get their views?

And yes this is technically a cartoon.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah these things are pretty nutty. Like it just seems to be a "monkey see, monkey do" situation. Everyone making the same thumbnails, video titles, all these different channels calling Boss Baby one after another, every video also pausing to mention they are not being paid to advertise the Boss Baby, the completely random voices on the other end that neither attempt to sound like the character being called.

Though it kind of makes sense as an evolution of other non-content. The next step after Minecraft RPs, ASMRs, Finger Familys, Spider-man & Elsas, Game Theories etc.

>Kid goes on Youtube

>Kid looks up Boss Baby.

>Kid finds videos.

>Something to watch, since the movie only offered two hours.

>Kids can't into ad block very well, so the youtubers get all the views, thus encouraging more of them to do it.

.....So are you going to link one of these or no?

The "Calling The Boss Baby" video is when our parts of the internet finally caught wind of this stuff, but it's been going since just before Christmas judging by the amount of "I called Santa"/"I called an Elf" vids that are present.

They are absolutely not worth watching, you're getting everything from the thumbnail.

There's nothing suspect about the people making the vids when you watch them, it's just lame kids 90% of the time. The fact all these kids have caught on to the thumbnail/title mimicry is a little worrying. I wouldn't approve of my kids clickbaiting.

At the risk of getting banned I Do this...


Please turn on ad block for these cunts

>Jane Doe
Holy shit, that urban legend is fucking ancient

>Says constantly that he's not being sponsored.

>Constantly doing the ok hand motion.

>Is clearly sponsored.

Wow....This is shit.

Oh dear God, this was in recommended.


So, you need more clicks OP?



It's always interesting to see these trends in areas I don't know. Instagram, Youtube, Pintrest, whatever all have these tendencies and trends I know nothing about.

It's interesting.

I hope a smurf is in boss baby's belly. Because the second one there indicates we'd get sweet sweet mutual recursion.

>Chucky came to my house and killed me
>posted by Andy

Shit looks morbid.

What the hell is wrong with the current generation? I just don't understand what the point of these kind of videos.

What is it with these "children" videos and featuring cartoon characters in these bizarre, fetish-y situations?

I mean it's hilarious but I wouldn't let my child watch that shit.


Shill the fuck down!

It occurs to me that while this is unprecedented this has roots in essentially the same as telling someone a short version of a story that is far more interesting than the long one but still hooking them in and forcing them to listen to the long version.

>When Chucky pulls a knife on you, but you're already dead inside.

Jesus all it took was a few more clicks and I'm on some next level shit.


En EspaƱol

I hope DreamWorks gets Chapter 7'd for creating this atrocity.

Dear Sup Forumsmrade, you obviously don't know modern day parents.

Think about it, if gave a crap what their kids watched do you think the minion cancer would be as bad as it is now.

The truth is most parents just plop their kids in front of the screen while they go on facebook, twitter or whatever social media cancer and post pictures of their kids or what they fucking ate 5 minutes ago, or straight up post links to some other obnoxious clickbait.

If you really wanna go down this rabbit hole, search 'finger family' on Youtube

Remenber when normies used to come to Sup Forums, ED or type "Deep Web" on google to brag that they saw some fucked up shit?

Can they even compete today?

Don't do it, my 5yo kid was hooked on that shit for months until I showed him some old cartoons

These videos are globalist attempt to slowly normalize child sexuality and other adult situations.

Pass it on.

>Not Elsa/Spider-Man fucked up shit
You poor, naive mortal.

I called the Boss Baby and he drank my milk and called me a bitch

Anyone think these shit videos are legitimately terrible for children?

I mean, I wouldn't mind them watching cartoons on Netflix or those YouTube Red shows (I think there's an animated series there now), but all of these "toy channels" are just utterly terrible garbage that features really fucking bizarre shit that I'm not sure kids should be watching.

>these videos will be some kid's own candle cove in eighteen years

If kids somehow get sex from this I would question whether there is something wrong with them to begin with.

Kids below 10 really should not be on the internet without supervision, handing them a phone or a tablet to get them to shut up is a terrible idea unless you have it locked and with preloaded stuff. Heck even a gameboy or whatever would be better, the internet is a giant pit I'm not even sure adults brains are designed to handle.

The Peppa Pig snake cartoon has a bunch of backmasked dialogue spoken by Mommy Pig.

Here's the first line spoken by Mommy Pig, it plays how it plays in the video first, then reversed: vocaroo.com/i/s1ECmRtqQvPW

Here's three more lines of dialogue spoken by Mommy Pig (just my reversed edits this time):
vocaroo.com/i/s0E33xxdYDtw (this one very clearly not gibberish)

Although I expected something sinister when I noticed it in the video, it seems more like they were too lazy to record more dialogue at some point and just reversed existing lines to use as generic gibberish.