This is terrible
This is terrible
Wow rude
No. YOU are terrible, and you are just projecting. You are crazy, and antisocial. Living alone on an island for years does that to you.
You are the one that has kept the past hidden.
The only terrible thing about this episode was the orc army. If less time had been spent developing a LoTR reference, Jack's banishment of his darker side wouldn't have been so quick and awkward. Maybe Ashi could have even had a longer confrontation with her mother, and we would actually get interesting insight into her character and the nature of the cult. But no, we need squirrel memes with generic copypasted orcs.
I feel bad for your parents for having such an utter retard for a son.
At least I have a past. You lived on an island all your life, with no friends, and no gf.
Absolutely this
whole fight should be just with Ashi's mother
the same could be said of you, user.
God, this episode was fucking boring. I'm only 14 minutes in and JACK SHIT has happened. I might aswell watch the episode previews instead of the epsiode. My god.
Have you ever watched Samurai Jack before?
There's a dozen fucking Jack threads up now.
Stop making new ones.
You shits need a containment board.
There's nothing else worth talking about on your shit board, user. Not with the audience you usually have.
I liked the contrast between meditating Jack and Ashi guarding him from orcs and mother superior. Kind of Matrix reference.
If this was truly "samurai kino" we would have seen Jack's introspection with a potential chance for Ashi's introspection by confronting her mother.
However, this was instead weakly split up from her confronting orcs to confronting her mother, which overall reduces the impact of both scenes.
Shut up you goddamn contrarian. You fucking faggots probably didn't get it or watch the show.
Quit being dumb contrarians.
Eh. Honestly, I feel the new series is too dialogue heavy in comparison to the pervious four and is paced different.
Its sucks because episode 1-3 of season 5 actually got the pacing down really well. Maybe because it mostly focused on Jack like in the pervious seasons.
Its still enjoyable, I aint going to let stuff like that stop me from enjoying it but at times it does feel extremely barebones and in places rushed.
That would of been nice, it would of kept everything more tense. It could of been Ashi unable to know who was scaling the mountian before having the fight scene conclude with at least a little more substence for The High Priestess.
Oh, it is funny. It is as if Sup Forums is lecturing me regarding board quality.
I have friends, you only had your island and your tea.
Man, I swear to God I'm the only who thinks the pacing was a jacked up in Episode 1 as it is in the past few episodes.
the pacing was fine though,
Fuck you asshole make your own goddamn tea then
>Now you are ballanced
>Jack didn't make the right tea after that
I was really dissapointed that Jack didn't make tasty coffee after rid off hallucination Jack
Apparently anyone who doesn't hail every single episode of season 5 Samurai Jack as a masterpiece of western animation is a retard contrarian.
Season 5 has pacing problems because they tried to do too much with too little. Accept it and get over it.
yea i have cunt, but this episode, and the last one before it were fucking terribbbllleeee
god damn i hope this show picks up a bit.
You'd better believe it, my dude, made it just for you and your hospitality.
Where's the fucking sword?
This. They probably should of made this final season in 12-16 Episodes to pace it out better but they have done quite a lot with only 10 Episodes.
At least they fixed Ashi's face in the next episode.
>turns out it's an Ashi imposter and the monkey one has to kill her
Stop crying you stupid fuck if you want to talk about the problems them do it what you stupid fucks are doing is saying the show and everything about it is shot and doing some hard baiting
And apparently anyone who doesn't think Samurai Jack Season 5 isn't sjw pandering rushed shit is a cuck.
Pacing issues don't erase all the other good points.
>sjw pandering
Kek what? Has Sup Forums officially gone full retard?
They don't influence the art direction and fight coreography which are still immaculate, but the story is influenced. And since this season is story and plot-oriented, pacing is highly important. And it has suffered due to the inconsistent pace.
Where have you been, Sup Forums has been like this for years
It's still important to see how the plot plays out until the end. My biggest problem right now is what Scaramouche's point is.
The plot can have a great payoff, but the road to it has been bumpy. As for Scaramouche, he is comic relief and will bring Aku the news of Jack not having his sword which will prompt Aku into action, kicking off the season and series finale.
>what Scaramouche's point is
He will inform to Aku that Jack lost his sword
Happy Aku will go to find Jack
Aku will find out that Jack has sword and make many comedic faces
The final battle and the end of series
here is how we fix the episode
>it starts with Scaramouche getting to akus fortress to tell him about the sword, as soon as he gets there and starts talking he gets kicked by someone else running towards aku who tells him first
>aku does aku
>we cut to jack and jill flying towards the mountain to retrieve the sword, we give it a bit more time beyond showing the falshback
>inside the cave jack loses his shit looking for the sword and finally sees something shiny, turns out to be the skull of the thing he killed
>instead of sending an army aku sends a team of mercenaries
>jacks spiritual journey involves jack having to make the tea again and again until red jack comes out
>jack stops ashi from killing with his sword, we dont see jack getting the sword or clothes back
>Let me tell you how my fanfic would be better!
Jesus that chin could kill someone
Or six
Did the guy ever finish the gaijin 4koma for this episode?
Who made YOU the king of tea critics?
>Kino tier
>Really damn good tier
>Decent tier
>Not so good tier
That was terrible, I'm never coming back here again!
Now that I think about it, he kind of does resemble the hungry pumkin
> this post
Redditard spotted
Fuck you, little buddha
>Angry Jack was the sword all along