Be winning 50-0

>be winning 50-0
>opponent seeker randomly catches a glimsp of a tiny flying ball and catches it
>lose 50-150

>be winning 50 - 48
>opponent player randomly scores a 3 pointer on the last second
>lose 50-51

But that's any given game of Family Feud.

whats wrong with that? It's within the rules

It's a sport made up by a woman. No wonder it doesn't make sense.

yeah maths isnt the wizarding worlds strong suit

Krum Lost

With the snitch being worth so much, why don't all other players just focus on tackling the enemy seeker?

>The highlight of a sport is something spectators can't see
Women really don't get sports.

Only because Rowling has a crush on Irishmen, she so desperately wanted to be HOT GANGBANGED XXX by the Irish Quidditch team