Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

>Rocket Raccoon is X's rival in MvCI because he follows the Maverick naming pattern

Other urls found in this thread:

They're not rivals, they're teammates.

Oh my god...

X/Rocket/Space Stone will be my main.

So Carol teams up with Chun-Li and Rocket Raccoon teams up with X.

What are some combinations you want?

Have Evil Ryu and Hulk and i'm satisfied.

Rocket redesigned as a literal rocket Maverick when?

>Those jraphics

wew lad

Speaking of that, according to Gameinformer there is dialogue characters will say in response to who they're paired up with IIRC

Wolverine and reboot Rad Spencer.

Speaking of Mavericks.
>Create Reploids, robots designed to be more human
>A good number of them are animals

I'm ok with this

Oh fuck I never realized that.

Civilian reploids are human looking, at least. The ones we see anyways. Everybody animal-like is made for combat application. Must be psychological warfare. Who wouldn't panic at the sight of a.... penguin?

Oh fuck. We gotta get the drawthreads on that one.

Not really that into Megaman, so maybe you guys could answer my question.

I know Ultron has a virus that's capable of infecting humans and turn them into bots, does Sigma have some type of similar attack?

>Megaman X is my favorite videogame
>I didn't make this connection

I'm genuinely disappointed in myself. X/Rocket will be my team now if Quicksilver doesn't make it in.

Sigma is more about corrupting robots so they go allahu akbar race war now on all the humans/good robots. Sigma/Ultron is honestly a perfect pairing.


Sigma has a virus that infects Reploids and turns them into Mavericks.

I hope this is a DLC costume

Okay, so the Robo-Asgardians are from Ultron's virus then and not a combination of the two.

The Sigma virus is pretty hard to define. Is every robot who turns on humanity his doing when reploids allegedly have free will? Is the induced sanity under his control to the point where he controls his subjects? Hard to say when we see very little from Sigma's perspective.

Let's answer Rocket's question

What IS the biggest thing X killed with his gun?

Or rather, which version of Sigma was the biggest?

X7 Sigma Second Form is fought in space, so that's likely the biggest

MMX5 probably

From my understanding, it seems like a garden of Eden scenario. Once robots find out that they're basically slaves, they're probably gonna be pissed about it.

>Everybody animal-like is made for combat application
Wasn't Blizzard Buffalo just a peace loving artist?
You'd think they'd stop producing animal based models by the later games

Speaking of drawfags
we need an update of this

Nah, I think the final boss from CM is bigger.

if any of these were announced

So how many times has Ulton been resurrected?
More times than Sigma I assume.

Which category do they fit under again?

So how does the Sigma virus infect Reploids?

Is it through touch, downloading a bad file, ingestion, what?

It is either airborne, or transmitted digitally somehow. And by X5 it took on a physical manifestation of Sigma's floating disembodied heads.

...Cyber Akuma. Now with Ultron Tech and Sigma Virus.

enough he stopped using numbers...

who owns marvel?

So does Sigma emit the virus, or does he have to rig up bombs and crashing satellites to transmit it?

Irrelevant. This isn't Disney vs. Capcom.

I dunno mang, it just appears like the flu.
I stopped paying attention to the story when 'souls' were introduced to the series.

By the end of X1, Sigma IS the virus. It's only a matter of spreading it further.

I was just saying what If, I mean with megaman, sonic, pac-man, cloud and ryu appearing in smash anything can happen

Using Smash Bros as a precedent is pretty flawed. Capcom is making this game, not Nintendo. All Capcom did for Smash was authorize them to use Megaman.

Trying to do the MCU Rocket in a video game looks like shit. Should have stuck with the DnA look he had in MvC 3, but I guess they've just got to have that brand synergy.

Well I knew that, I just never understood how exactly it infected Reploids.

Then there's the whole thing about Zero leaving traces of it wherever he goes that's confusing me.

We already did that connection in previous threads. Which is why we came with

Chris Refield / Memelord
Morrigan / Songbird
Strider / Black Panther
Thor / ???
Hulk / ???
Captain America / Captain Commando
Hawkeye / ????

It's "Irregular" in japanese not Maverick, so no. Fuck America.

My understanding is this:
First came the Zero Virus. Dr. Wily created Zero whose defining feature was a virus that he housed within his body that may or may not be working as intended. Sigma encounters Zero in his frenzied feral state, the virus infects him when Sigma defeats him and Zero regains his composure. The Zero virus mutates within Sigma, becoming something new, imprinting with Sigma's consciousness and will.

The Zero virus still exists in maybe trace forms, and the Sigma virus interacts with Zero in unusual ways due to him being the progenitor of it.

As for what the virus physically is, it's mostly just depicted as some kind of digital projection whenever it's tangible.

It's best to try and not think about it.
Like how can one explain that a doctor has built these capsules long ago in the first game, yet there seems to be more of them throughout the series?
Is the good doctor still alive? Did he upload his conscience into some AI? Or is he just some spooky ghost that can still build things?

Zero apparently had the virus stored inside the capsule he was found in, but it didn't enter him until he got his armor cracked open right after leaving his capsule

Sigma got the virus when fighting with Zero, but didn't fall to the infection for many months.

Mavericks (as in robots that go crazy and shoot people up) already existed before the Maverick Virus appeared, but the Virus forced people into that way.

It's still a program and not an actual virus, but in a world with 100% wireless coverage full of robots its basically the same

Doctor Light, he is a Doktor Hell.

He's some forma of spooky techno ghost.

>Strider / Black Panther

Explain this one to me. Kind of a shame Sheva Alomar would never be playable in a vs. game. I'd like to see her and BP meet.

It's easy enough to believe there's a Doctor Light A.I. somewhere, supporting X from behind the scenes.

>implying being different is not regular


What would happen if RE5 was happening when the universes merged?

shooting people up iis because they are not being relegated

What does that change about OP's point?

Then why doesn't he get off his ass to do something about the Virus?

I was just thinking about this.

I could see Black Panther seeing the threat of bioterrorism spreading all across Africa or at least East Africa, and then personally leading a brigade of some of his personal guard and his strongest warriors to Kijuju to quell the threat, making it a joint operation between the BSAA and I could see SHIELD sending in some of their operatives as well. He'd probably hate the SHIT out of Albert Wesker and take a personal disliking towards him, like Chris Redfield. I'd love to see Chris, T'challa, and Captain America take on Wesker.

I'm pretty sure if T'challa learned about Tricell purposely lying to, infecting, and experimenting on the Kijuju, he'd tear down their headquarters brick by brick.

BSAA and the United Nations be damned

Well, that too. Maybe BP's forces would be unsanctioned whereas the BSAA and SHIELD would be there on official business.

Either way, Wesker is fucked.

Because the Virus is Wily.

who ultron mains here


>implying Chunners would team up with that insufferable cunt

>Forced token girl that gets pushed by being made overpowered.

But people actually like Chun-li though.

Carol has to wait until her movie until she has even a chance of getting to the same place.

Only people that sexualize her legs or play games she is top tier in

Nothing. Just wanted to prove how much a massive weeb he is.

>people actually like Chun-li though.

>sexualize her legs

You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's a fighting game. Who gives a shit.

Chun-Li is one of the most popular, beloved video game characters out there and I really challenge you to prove otherwise.

popular because in almost every game she appears in she's top tier

>Is every robot who turns on humanity his doing when reploids allegedly have free will?

No. There are reps who get declared maverick because they're criminals, or for political reasons like Repleforce was. They existed before Sigma.

I can't see Chris trusting Cap all that much, at least when they first met. Cap is a bioweapon after all.


Holy shit, can you imagine the BSAA shutting down New York because they think it's been hit with a bioterror attack.

The backstory for each game/boss kinda spoils it.

While it was later recommend that the catalyst was Zero infecting Sigma and Day of Sigma tries to roll with that, X1 is just Sigma and most of his buddies staging a coup. The X2 guys were his other enforcers, and the virus angle doesn't REALLY come in until 3. Then 4 and on pretty explicitly points out every maverick who isn't infected, like Split Mushroom.

Go Away. You have Kingdom Hearts for this.

They do that the second they find out about Venom and whatever Venom variants are knocking about this week.

So, what weapon is he gonna get?

Petroleum Punch

Quantum Quip

Gamma Sigma from X5. Redips' final from in Command Mission is gargantuan, but still smaller.

Sigma's virus was originally Wily's consciousness, much like how Light appears at the end of X5, but in the form of a computer virus. Sigma's virus is spread in multiple ways; through air and potentially through touch as well. In X2 Sigma became a physical manifestation of the virus himself, allowing him to control and take over many kinds of machinery. Sigma was even resistant to even Doppler's anti-virus designed to specifially kill him.

As mentioned about Wily before, its also heavily implied Sigma is working with or even has Wily's knowledge of machinery from Wily himself. This explains Gamma Sigma in X5, and why Sigma knows Zero's creator very well.

>Sigma's virus was originally Wily's consciousness

Citation needed

meant to quote

do you think America will be in the main roster or will she be DLC

Doc Ock/Asura is most likely

>That fuccboi Chris is still Hulk's rival

Fucking disgusting.

Not if you consider Hulk to be a bigger better Tyrant.

He's basically the B.O.W. Umbrella wished they had made

Captain Commando would probably fit better with Star Lord and Captain America with Chris.

Rashid and Cyclops

Hayate is a better fit for Star-Lord.

He and his crew from Star Gladiators are Capcom's best answer to the Guardians

>Movie costumes & voices

He was perfect in UMvC3...why fuck with it?

Who would go with Spider-Man then?

Felicia to keep the animal motif?

no this has the better chance, you've never seen that series ever go to modern times

old Rocket was so much better
new Rocket just looks like a rat and his terrible model makes it worse