...it kinda sucks

...it kinda sucks

So it's on par with just about every Marvel movie?

it had too many wacky jokes too close to each other. 30% could have been cut out and the movie would have been better

The only thing that sucks it's your taste.

People with pretty simple taste will love this flick though.

Yo soy Groot

obviously you have no idea what "sucks" means

give it about a month

All flash, no substance.

>no substance

Meeting your dad, who happens to be a celestial
He wants to take you under his wing
In order to wipe out life in the galaxy
And he murdered your mother with cancer in order to make sure he wouldn't get distracted from this purpose

That's literally 5 minutes of the movie. Granted the first half is weak, but it's still a bitching movie.

It was painfully average imo. Too many jokes and meme music.

Actually reminded me of Iron man 2, ok but forgettable.

You are easy to please


Looks like a divided house. So what is it then? Is it an average movie, something decent, or is it a stale-joke fest?

Good movie. Not one of the best. But has some of the best moments. Great visuals.

It really does. The pac-man bit took all of the tension out of the final.

Its awful. Terrible humor and forced, bare bones character "arcs." Also the CGI/green screen looks just dreadful at places, and the main villains motivation made 0 sense.

best mcu movie yet

how do you call that substance? All you listed was the plot/what happens. Substance comes from how that shit is done, the execution. My Dinner With Andre has 0 plot outside of two people having a dinner, but its full of substance.
Learn what words mean.

how can you possible say that?

While some of the jokes made it a bit tonally blind, it's much, MUCH better than the first movie:

- Good villain

- Relatively decent character development including full character arcs

- Good choreography

- Genuinely horrific scenes

- More female characters

by actually seeing it

yeah I saw it too, and it was one of the worst marvel movies. The "humor" alone was worse than Strange and Iron Man 3

>good villain
his motivation and plan made no sense

>Relatively decent character development including full character arcs
This was not "decent" character development. Rocket is an alienating asshole for NO reason, much more than he ever was in the first one, and again, its for no reason. Gamorra's sister is trying to kill her until Gamorra saves her and then its just over, thats it, no real explanation for why she suddenly changed her him. Quill acts totally out of character and suddenly super wants a daddy figure and is willing to alienate HIS love interest over it? And then just flip back around at the end no problem? Drax had 0 characte development and became a living meme spouter.

>- Good choreography

AHAHAHA what? No there wasnt, there wasnt even any actual choreographed fights, it was all CG and special effects shots.
>- Genuinely horrific scenes
Bull shit. Name 1. If you were "horrified" by anything in the movie you are a child or severely underexposed to media.
>- More female characters
How is that an inherently good thing?