
Never liked that casting.

Also watching Age of Apocalypse right now, did everyone feel this disappointed with it when it came out?

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I liked Paquin Rogue but I'm noting to complain if they try and cast something actually comics-accurate.

>Also watching Age of Apocalypse right now, did everyone feel this disappointed with it when it came out?

I enjoyed it for what it was but it's hard to defend as an actual quality movie.

Really felt like an excercise in mismanaging characters and missed opportunities.

holly shit when paquin get legs so toned and a butt so tight?

>quality movie
after the first 10 minutes there's no quality

> first movie with paquin
jesus christ she's a fucking kid
> second movie
jesus christ could they see the future

>Never liked that casting.

I think she does a good job in the role of a young person discovering they're a mutant and being introduced to that world, but it's just that Rogue was a poor character to use for that role.

I always think of Rogue as being more of a firecracker.

Which, I assume, is why user said that would be hard to defend lol.

The "quality" went out the window when they ruined Magneto's revenge scene. I get what they were doing but it ruined what ended up being the only emotional moment in the entire film.

The auschwitz scene almost made up for it, having him mourn/explode with anger over it but the way Apocalypse just killed them all ruined a really strong moment. Should have left them alive if anything with a "your destined for greater things than a constant state of catharsis."

>butt so tight
her booty game is ridiculous since waaay back

Sigh, just give the X-Men rights back home to Marvel, Fox. They belong in the MCU and would be treated better.

They wasted too much time on Jlaw and Fassbender instead of focusing on Cyclops, Jean, Nightcrawler, and Jubilee (the last one didn't even do anything). They even cut most of their scenes to make room for more shitty Jlaw and Fassbender scenes. Also, Apocalypse took a back seat to Magneto (because these movies of course NEVER have enough Magneto). Characters come and go and are poorly developed. Psylocke has one sentence of dialogue (gotta leave more lines for JLAW!). Which is hilarious because Munn was bragging she turned down the role of Deadpool's GF to play her and she's nothing but a almost mute henchman.

It's not as crap as X3, but it's over cluttered.

Honestly, outside of movies like Deadpool, the FoX-Men line is kind of lame and dispointing.

Yeah, how great would it be if Wolverine and Deadpool were in Avengers and everyone else was thrown off a cliff.

They should do a romantic Rogue/Gambit movie first to get Rogue over as a character. Fangirls would eat it up.

Gambit and Rogue movie When?

I want a mutant romance action movie. Starring two characters with dripping thick southern accents.

> Mon Cheri

With Sinister as the villain.


None of that is true though.

Marvel wouldn't exist without Sony and Fox. So why are they entitled to the characters? Especially when Disney got them at a discount because they'd already gutted their a-list with those sell offs.

>It would be very surprising if they did not re-introduce Rogue in the newer X Men films.
I disagree. If they're reusing the same cast as AoA, then Rogue wouldn't even be born or would at least be a very small child. She's significantly younger than Scott, Jean and Storm.

>Sigh, just give the X-Men rights back home to Marvel, Fox. They belong in the MCU and would be treated better.
They wouldn't fit in the MCU at this point. They're too far in without having been noticed or even mentioned the existence of Mutants. Putting them in would just be completely forced, just like if they tried to introduce Blade or Inumans in the MCU.

Besides, X-men always works better a separate continuity/canon from the rest of the Marvel Universe.


>what would you prefer, yellow spandex?

Never forget. And never forgive. They ruined wolverine.

>making jokes about the source material is the same as literally hating it and by extension all the fans

How do you people survive with such thin skin?

They didn't just make jokes they deliberately and repeatedly said it was stupid and "wouldn't work". If you believe that, seriously, fuck you. Especially since that's running with the notion that the black, completely immobile leather onesies worked "better" in live action than one of the most iconic costumes of all capeshit

And the icing on the cake was them doubling down even harder in Logan having him flat out shit on the suit and the idea of being a hero.

You may like the portrayal but in my opinion they never came as close to wolverine as when he called Xavier "wheels."

>Rogue wouldn't even be born or would at least be a very small child. She's significantly younger than Scott, Jean and Storm.

She was a background character in the first couple of movies but Jubilee was in Apocalypse. Wolverine ended the Weapon X program freeing the kids that would join Prof X's school but in Apocolypse he's still a savage.

Then DOFP happened and all kinds of shit is out of whack. And that's the excuse for doing whatever they want.

They don't give a shit about their own timeline that's been made pretty clear.

>She was a background character in the first couple of movies but Jubilee was in Apocalypse

If I remember correctly, she was never addressed by name, so they can easily write it off as that character not being Jubilee.

Just like how they did with the one character who has a diamond form in the Wolverine origins movie. They intended her to be Emma Frost, but since she was not named in the film, they had plausible deniability to say she isn't Emma Frost. Thus leaving Fox free to use her in First Class.

So yeah, in Jubilee's case, she's not appeared in the first three movies.

I really wish I could get into the comic. I tried the arc with Stryker by Chris Claremont, but dropped it as soon as Kitty uttered , "What if he said Nigger," before running off in tears.Also seeing the Days of future past being compared and contrasted to the movie didn't do much to encourage me. The comic seemed rather paper thin inspite of some big ideas.

>never addressed by name, so they can easily write it off as that character not being

And all of X-3 didn't happen, right? Because, reasons.


I don't recall comic wolvie jumping to idea of being a hero. It just kind of came over the years.

And yellow spandex would be shit on screen. Hell I'd argue it was shit when the O5 debuted with them. Though to be fair they could have tried for a half way attempt with tacticacool versions of everyone's more well known costumes.

>Yellow spandex would be shit on screen.
Prove it.

Might be better to go darker yellow, or even the tan and brown look. But his suit can and would work on screen. They're just ashamed to be too cartoony. Which is all kinds of ironic.


Exactly. It's funny that when people call the yellow silly they immediately conjure the picture of him in canary yellow with the cyan accents. He's worn more orange shades with the brown accent which would look perfectly fine.

The problem with the "cowl" they put at the end of origins was that it was a helmet and not a cowl. But even that would have been worth seeing.

What's the point of more X-Men movies when we know ultimately all mutants die out?

What's the point of watching movies when we know we'll all die?

It's also funny because then you have Marvel Studios who AREN'T adhamed of their source material and have character that actually look like their comic versions.

You think Fox would have learned after Deadpool that people prefer superheroes with good costumes.

Supposedly, Logan is apparently taking place in an alternate universe???

Honestly, FoX-Men continuity is messed up and all over the place and constantly contradicting itself (even more so than the comics).

Better to just ignore it until they reference it.

>be famous actress
>never fix the horrible gap in your teeth

Emo Rogue is best Rogue. Grant Morrison and the Evolution cartoon agree. It's the most realistic interpretation of a character denied of physical contact.

Logan is in the "real" timeline, the movies are just toned-down dramatisations of the "real" events.

It's awful. I've tried to rewatch it a couple times and I think it's hilarious that they continue to foreground Lawrence's Mystique, Houltbeast (who has none of the charm and wit of young comics Beast), and Evan Peters' Memesilver, three X-characters who couldn't you couldn't sell a comic book about to an X-fan. Meanwhile Kurt, Jean and Scott, A-list X-Men, get shunted to the side. FOX is too stupid to understand that these characters are most interesting because of the relationships they have with each other. The current state of the franchise ensures we will go another half decade at least, over 20 years into this series, without seeing Kurt, Logan, Piotr, Kitty and Storm on a team together, or even just in a movie together, and that's probably the premier team in the comics' history! The current situation is basically like if Marvel was making Avengers movies with Namor leading a team. It's fucking dumb and Apocalypse should have killed this version of the franchise.

>even more so than the comics
Let's not start lying to each other

It's funny, because the Avengers are still alive and the MCU is increasing in characters.

Meanwhile at Fox, big characters get pushed to the side or killed off easily with no development. Now their defining MAIN ENDING is that all of their characters are dead lol. It's like Fox hates the X-Men and wants to ruin them.

Why does Fox even still make X-Men movies? Why not pull a Sony and outsource it to Disney?

Tbh, the X-Men are a less deep bench than what Disney has the film rights to (there have probably five to ten times as many copyrighted characters available to them as FOX), but it is the richest single franchise in superhero comics. So many classic team iterations, most of the really good female and minority characters, amazing costumes and designs, a wide ranging rogue's gallery that goes from robots to aliens to cyborgs to psychic entities, and it is basically the only place in superhero comics with telepathy and telekinesis. It also has the richest metaphor in all superhero fiction and a hardcore dedicated fan base. Wolverine is also a top five all-time superhero character.

The studio has badly mishandled this goldmine of IP (excepting Logan, which is a classic of the genre, even though better earlier movies could have given Mangold a lot more to play with in terms of other characters and richer mythology) and should just start over.

>It's also funny because then you have Marvel Studios who AREN'T adhamed of their source material and have character that actually look like their comic versions.

Marvel changes stuff on the fly from how they're like in the comics very often.

Should I watch it? I just randomly searched for some scenes on YT and boy, this movie looks like complete shit.

It's made worse by the fact that the sequences that people loved (normies I mean) are of course the quicksilver mansion scene and the wolverine sequence. Which literally could have been left on the editing room floor.

Specifically the wolverine part. It put the kids on a field trip to stryker's lab for no reason other than to have Wolvie in the helmet and meeting new jean.

The Quicksilver scene always just seemed like trying to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

It's always annoyed the shit out of me that they concentrated on Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and nowadays, Lawrence's Mystique over X-Men characters I actually care about, like Cyclops or Nightcrawler, who are also huge mainstays in the comics. Although Jackman's Wolverine is always entertaining, his popularity has always rubbed me the wrong way.

I honestly just want a full reboot that actually does certain characters, like Cyclops or Emma Frost, justice. Maybe integration with the MCU like Spidey.

Also X-Men fight scenes never impress me anymore, unless you count Deadpool. The fights have been shit for awhile now.

Dude holy fuck do I wish we got Emma Frost instead of Mystique as the bitchy-leader of the team. As it should have been. Especially that hot piece of tit they cast to play her in First Class.

You guys are always saying the movies aren't comic accurate but they have the same accuracy as the Disney movies. I like X2 how incorporated things from God loves, Man kills.


None of the movies have had a solid team dynamic like in the comics. I consider that a pretty big failing.

They had a decent dynamic in the first trilogy but I agree. The last scene in Apacolypse was nice though.

My dream is for them to get best Emma to play Emma Frost and actually give her a prominent role as one of the good guys, albeit a bitchy one.

And cuck Jean Grey

I want them to give us the Scott/Jean/Emma love triangle instead of the Scott/Jean/Logan one. And make it not annoying.

Also if they could do the whole Phoenix Saga but actually do it well, that'd be great too.

They can't do Phoenix justice without a proper, spandex wearing wolverine though. I almost made an IGN account to reeeeeee on their story about that movie.

that's one of the top ten wolvie moments.

I was just thinking that reboot of the X-Men franchise with costumes and an overall aesthetic closer to the comics would be the sickest shit.

I want 90's Cyclops but in live-action.

>this will never happen

wew boi

Now you want to use Rogue after all this time? Really!?

>calling her emo
>not goth

>calling her emo
>not goth

I didn't even grow up with X-Men Evolution and I do like goth Rogue.

Rouge The Bat is Best Rouge

They had a version of that in apocalypse.

That's all we ever wanted my man. It fucking sucks. Wolverine has been particularly painful for me to ahve to endure. Fucking loved the dude for so long, was so hyped for that first x movie and as a fucking kid that spandex line was uttered and I fucking yelled out "yes!!!!!" I was fuckin 10 reeing about muh spandex. And it's 17 years later and people are still calling me an autist. Being an X-fan is true suffering. I don't give a fuck what thor fans think.

>ywn see Rogue cosplay as Rouge the Bat
Forget it, the Drawthread didn't want to touch that one either a few years back.

Was it actually in the movie?

Yeah, everyone loved the X-Men movies way back then because they essentially brought cape movies back, but looking back, they never really did fully embrace the source material. Still kinda don't.

I'm always disappointed with Apocalypse. Just seems like he's got the potential to be such a better villain

her whole body is just crazy

damn bros. I'm into brown women but this is nirvana

Yea. They need adjustments though

Danger Room camo suits! You can barely see them! Cool, though I can't help but feel that they have really limited real world application.


>Obvious cashing in on star-power with Jennifer Lawrence and Sophie Turner
>Especially fucking Jennifer Lawrence aka "Mystique the Chosen One"
>Extremely awkward dialogue from everyone, but especially the kid characters
>Awful effects all-around (both CGI and makeup (especially Mystique's)
>Poor meshes of drama with "humor"
The Quicksilver scene was pretty funny but it absolutely ruined the scenes before (Apocalypse captured Xavier, Cerebro destroyed, etc.) and after (Havok didn't get out, he was blown to pieces!)
>Needless "Stryker captures the team" segment which only serves to give Wolverine a cameo
>Apocalypse powerset inconsistent
Like fuck, he forgets he has the power of mindcontrol right after he hijacks cerebro, so you've got "Why doesn't he just mindcontrol everybody through Xavier until he can transfer" underlying every conflict

I think Singer was showing that he is done and moving on from X-Men. After he directs the pilot for the X-men show its probably over for him.

I thought Age of Apocalypse was fine. About as flawed as the trilogy is as a whole.

They should recast jean grey while they're at it.

Maybe AoA will serve as intro for Psylocke in X Force. I would give Munn 70% of the screen time with all the most involved character development and heroing an R movie can be with Reynold's to serve as her comedy relief. I'd also have her in her 90's thong lite classic costume but all black like an X Force assassin. You feel me user?

it wasn't as good as DOFP and was pretty middle of the road in the overall X movies ranking.

I don't get why it got nuclear heat

X-2, First Class, and DOFP were great and I'd put it up with the best the MCU has to offer.

Disney would never make movies like Deadpool or Logan. They play it waaaay too safe.

>/thread your own post

shiggy diggy

I don't understand why Sup Forums and Sup Forums want Disney to make R-rated shit to begin with. Are you that desperate to prove to yourself how "mature" you are? Anyway, X2 aged pretty bad. Doesn't help that every X-Men movie is just Logan & Friends, guest starring Scott Summers as Not Cyclops

Is that why he was filming Stan Lee's cameo? Because Singer never seems to really go the fuck away

>not southern MAGA Rogue.

It's a moot point if she barely gets to speak anyway.

>Are you that desperate to prove to yourself how "mature" you are?
>it's a 'pseudo intellectual tard thinks he's figured out people's mentality by memeing' episode

Hoh boy
You got us, man.
It's not because comics are violent and deal with pretty brutal subject matters most of the time.
It's not like we'd want to see that reflected in the movies and taken seriously instead of being either flat out ignored, watered down and/or played off with quips.
Heavens, no.
We all just want to prove to others that we're old enough to enter the cinema without needing an adult with us.
That's definitely it.

Because G rated Punisher wouldn't work

It could work but I think it would've looked ridiculous on a guy as tall as Hugh Jackman. On a roided out manlet it might've been more plausible.

>we have to watch this bitch with her atrocious hairline and fivehead poorly acting and forgetting her accent for 2 and a half hours

Is anyone really that interesting in seeing Dark Phoenix? The story was already loosely done in X3, and I get that a lot of people thought X3 was mediocre but I can't see this being any better plus Wolverine fucking carried all the first few X Men movies and he presumably won't be in it.

PG-16 Punisher has been fine so far. The worst part has been them not allowing the F word in the Netflix shows and they do shit to get around it. In Ironfist it would have made more sense for Night Nurse to say "Hell", but instead says "F-Word" and "EFF!" in its place. A good writer should be able to get around it, but anything outside of Daredevil doesn't seem to get a good writer so far.

>but anything outside of Daredevil doesn't seem to get a good writer so far.

Not even Daredevil. See: the last four episodes of S1 and the entire last half of S2.

Can't do Phoenix without Wolverine. It's his best moment.

Now finding a young actor to get into Huge Jackedman shape might be an issue. Someone in LA go to equinox and look for the actor juiced to the gills. That's the new Wolvie.

Thats Warren III.

Apocalypse was Warren II.

Yeah. A pretty good chunk of Sup Forums was in denial about how bad it was iirc.

one of the worst actresses of the original movies

It really points out how much worse the new casting of the X-men is.

that Rogue is sexy but comic Rogue is ungodly in every outfit

Anna Paquin will always be my rogue

>And all of X-3 didn't happen, right?

It didn't now thanks to DoFP. Don't see WWIII being in that as such a big deal. He was in the same age group as Scott, Jean and Storm in X-men 3 anyway.

>did everyone feel this disappointed with it when it came out?
water is wet?

>I enjoyed it for what it was
Wow, so, you like eating shit. got it
try watching salo, im guessing you will like it.

Nah. Since it's taking place in the 90s, they can just CGI-in the feral version of Wolverine and get some nobody to do MoCap.

I actually got mad seeing how good negasonic's yellow costume looked in Deadpool. And then the immediate backtracking of the costume departments in Apocalypse. What the fuck, fox?