Is he the coolest TV character ever created?
Never mind what you may think of the show itself. Gregory House is just an insanely well written character with more depth than any other character I can think of.
Is he the coolest TV character ever created?
Never mind what you may think of the show itself. Gregory House is just an insanely well written character with more depth than any other character I can think of.
>muh leg
>muh vicadin
>muh smart ppl cant be happy
literally rick & morty tier with no depth
>Lmao im smart so i can act like a child
>t. retard who didn't watch the show
Sure, if you just say "muh X" everything sounds simple and boring. Even his addiction isn't as two dimensional as people make it out to be.
The writing varied wildly, from great to mediocre, it was hugh laurie knocking it out of the park that made it work and brought other cast members to his level.
The three stories from the first season proves this without a doubt because majority of the 'other' cast is generic nobodies, not even the other cast members.
It's all hugh laurie.
But on the other hand the writing needs to be there too. Just look at his new show on hulu 'Chance' is just really boring half the time.
S1-3 yes
After that no.
Except season 4 was the best season of them all
>i arm wery smarht and happy how come he ishtn??
Is there a guide to watching House that lets you skip all the garbage? There's so much filler.
He really is, but not so much thanks to writing, but to Laurie. Without his delivery it would all sound like Marvel quips. He makes it god-tier.
But it was generally a god-tier show, Jesus, nobody even attempts to maintain a solid level of character development and formula to last EIGHT GODDAMN SEASONS, and Shore delivered, with ups and downs, an overall engaging as fuck, funny, and deep show.
>inb4 retards who don't remember season 6 opening episodes and will compare it to rick and morty