This is... terrible

This is... terrible.

As soon as I saw this, I just KNEW Sup Forums was gonna bitch about it.

yeah i mean at least when Jack rekts 100 of dudes, he had his sword for all those times. She just uses her HANDS

Have you watched the first 4 seasons, you retard?

Yes, and this is still bad. The first fight Jack had with an entire army took two full half-hour episodes, not two minutes. And he used a sword. And he barely made it out alive.

Also, the first four seasons were primarily episodic and occasionally comedic. The only time he took out an army in a second was the robots in sneakers from the duel episode, and that was used as a gag.

Season 5 is continuous and intended for mature audiences, I expect more than "literal handwaving takes out an entire army in seconds".

I disagree, it's fucking awesome
I got some CW Mace Windu vibes from this fight

she's waifubait, she can get away with it
Don't try to criticize it.

>Samurai in the future fighting villains of several eras who talk funny
>Season 5 is continuous and intended for mature audience Jack wasn't that powerful in the first season. By the fourth one, he could take out armies with ease. I am also sure that Jack was much older when he started his training, compared to Ashi. His training wasn't as intense either.

wtf so shes a jedi???????

Man, the contrarians are out in force today.

Maybe this army just sucked.

>Is objectively continuous
>Is on an adult channel

Are you just pretending to be dumb?


No fun allowed.

They are just primitive orcs. Not like they were beetle bots or anything. Just cannon fodder.

>The first fight Jack had with an entire army took two full half-hour episodes
Actually, it was like 8 minutes of third episode.

>And he barely made it out alive.
The entire point was that Jack is so badass he instilled fear in drones specifically designed for slaughter and was playing them like a goddamn fiddle.

Also, sword isn't really known for being anything special except for being durable and being able to harm Aku.

>Season 5 is continuous and intended for mature audiences
Mature COMPARED to original Samurai Jack.

I was kinda hoping for her to go all guerrilla warfare Vietcong shit while they were goin up the mountain, but I guess her going straight up "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" is cool too.

>saw them all coming up
>was hype to see Aishi strategically use her position to fuck them over, hurling down boulders and causing landslides wiping them off of the path and then going in to mop up the survivors

>she just pushes them all out of the way with her fist with no effort
o-okay then Genndy

>She just uses her HANDS
And one of the orcs

robots > orcs

as always

>Trained since birth to take down guy capable of taking down armies by himself
>Battle hardened by her mother and Aku's minions
You guys will go to any length to bitch

Oh boy. This idiot again

I liked this scene when it was Mace Windu fighting Super Battle Droids and it didn't recycle scenes.

Name me one episode when Jack pushed an entire army off a cliff with his bare hands.

>no fun allowed

We're not whining she won, we're whining HOW she won. She just DBZ'd her way through because she's a higher power level.

>Season 5 is continuous and intended for mature audiences
nice maymay

>DBZ'd her way through
I was much more reminded of Mace Windu from the Clone Wars series.

Could that be because it's objectively terrible?

Nah, it's all /r9k/'s fault.

It was ridiculous. A huge orc should be able to push back a skinny teen girl. And in all the action scenes the orcs just stood around doing nothing. It wasnt even fun either just stupid.

>people will defend this scene

Samurai jack dtopped on quality after episode 3

It was because she never used strategy.

Remember when Jack was outnumbered in episiode 2/3? How he had to use the terrain to his advantage and use stealth and sudden and fast bouts to gain the advantage? Remember how he had to use a variety of arsenal to beat a freaking mook army in episode 1? He didn't just rely on one weapon, he mixed it up to make it work?

I'm not going to say this was mary sue or waifu wank or anything like that, I'm saying it's bad because it's freaking BORING. Seriously? She just pushes them? What, did the ones in the side bounce off the wall like rubber balls? She just grabs their spears and breaks it? Come on, give us some strategy. Show some character development by showing how she LEARNED from Jack during the bout in the snow and later inside the monster. Show her really thinking and pulling off cool moves, not wanna-be bullshit. We don't need to know if she's strong physically, we need to see her be a character.

Be cool damn it.

and WITHOUT a scratch.
Jack at least took battle damage but not this Mary-Sue

in samurai jack, power = strength

powerful characters can perform large feats of strenght. there is an episode where jack has to toss a large stone as far as he can to pass a test, but he can't throw it very far. then he throws an even larger, heavier man over his shoulder, sending him flying much further than the rock. the point is that strenght isn't how big your muscles are, it's how well trained and adept you are at combat (at least in samurai jack universe)

so it makes perfect sense ashi can steamroll an entire army, she is THAT strong.

They got lazy on battle damage because Ashi isn't the protagonist

Pretty much this. I was boring and a little lackluster, they missed an opportunity to do something cool, which is an even more grievous mistake consdiering this show is only a single cour right?

Because you're a nostalgiafag

Her feat doesn't even compare to Jack taking out the squad of renowned bounty hunters, who ambushed him, in a fraction of a second.

That army wouldn't have done shit to Jack and he would hold back to avoid killing them.

What about that was fun? It was spastic and jumbled. I bet you like Michael bay fight scenes, too.

Once again, a good thing is ruined because of hamfisted females.

Samurai jack should've stayed dead. Good thign we have the comics before genndy went all lucas on us

It's a cartoon

Aren't you excited to see how Jack will lose to Aku, but then Ashi, my original character(DO NOT STEAL), will grab his sword and finally kill Aku for good in a single day, something Jack failed to do for years?

Well, Jack is Genndy's OC too

Ain't gonna happen

Yeah I can't wait to be honest. Since Jashi isn't happening, its clear she will take the mantle.

I expected her to use some ingenuity with the rocks and totem slabs at the top of the mountain. Instead she literally pushed her way through dozens of soldiers. What a heap.

Coming soon: Samurai Ashi

And plenty of cartoons in the past, including this one, had better action.

>Since Jashi isn't happening
Where is this coming from?

They really are.

This scene was great. I also watched it knowing that Sup Forums would be filled with butthurt autism over it.

yeah yeah, we are all so impressed how you are above it all

>It's another "le Samurai jack should've stayed dead"
fuck off bitter nigger.

Wasn't great coriography but it wasn't unbelievable either. Some people don't understand the power levels in SJ.

This was the equivalent of watching an action scene from those cheap ACC Production animes.

Oh you mean the adult channel whose flagship show was about sentient fast food products?

Obviously its not happening, despite shippers seeing things that aren't there there's no indication of it.

>I expect more than "literal handwaving takes out an entire army in seconds".

You don't actually know what handwaving is.

Handwaving is when the authors go, "Ehhh a wizard did it, I dunno."

Ashi being able to defeat an entire army of mooks is, in no way, surprising, unexpected, or difficult to believe in-world. Ashi and Jack are epic-level player characters. Normies are nothing to them. This is not news. It is not handwaving when the writers show how powerful either of them are.

>We're not whining she won, we're whining HOW she won. She just DBZ'd her way through because she's a higher power level.

That's retarded.

Oh look, Jack just DBZs his way through these badass assassins because he's a higher power level. Jack is such a Gary Stu

>A literal stick trained in hit-and run tactics with light weapons
>Able to push off thousands of orcs using only her fists while carrying the 200 llb + body of one of them.

Yup, totally believable and not a waste of time that could be better spent fleshing out Jack's arc or even devoting more time to her fight with her mother.


Shhhh! Sup Forums is too retarded to understand that Jack is practically a Gary Stu in previous seasons.

That's possibly one of the worst examples you can use.

If that was Ashi in that situation she would scream until they were knocked out or just push them and watch them fly into the horizon

Yeh, it was shit.I don't remember original jack having moments where I just went "damn, this is shit".

Boring, maybe. Meh, maybe. Sorta bad, maybe. Not outright shit though.

I liked it


>I believe that this character, shown to at least give Jack a run for his money in a fight, Jack being someone good enough to destroy armies on his own, should not be able to take out a bunch of semi-incompetent orcs.

Yeah but I really hate the "one little girl vs tons of well armed, trained dudes and she wins" trope. I don't even like it with dudes. It's a cheap gimmick. I would have prefered just the fight with Ashi and her mom.

But it doesn't make me hate the serious or Genndy or anything. I do what Sup Forums can't and realize the rest of the world doesn't share my views or opinions on these things.

>150-160lb guy, trained in martial arts and little else
>Able to defeat literally everything an omnipotent demon has thrown at him over 50 years, lift boulders that weigh literal tons, jump hundreds of feet in the air, slice through mountains, and other completely feasible acts

Yeah, totally believable. Jack is completely within the realm of real possibility but Ashi is just taking it TOO FAR!!!

Jack beat what, 6 mediocre assassins?

Hell, one of them is some sorta cat. The other one was literally a dude who threw a cape and two daggers and that was it. I remember the episode explained their powers or whatever, but they were still shit.

>Episode features incredible violent fight sequence juxtaposed with tea ceremony
>Majority of Sup Forums can't enjoy it because they are triggered by cartoony scene at the beginning of fight

What if you're the contrarian user?

>Goblin/Orc army training presumably not that great.
>Ashi trained from birth to be a killing machine and take on things 10x her size (see toddler training for reference)
Gee wonder how she was able to kill these orcs. Really makes you think.

>the sudden cuts between ashi smashing her way through the entire army and jack slowly making tea

Almost entirely worth it just for that.

It's not great and could have been paced better, but not terrible.

>a full grown man armed with a magic sword who possesses a lifetime of training from all the major warrior civilizations of his time quickly beating six ambush assassins is the same as an 80 lb teenage girl who was raised by a cult to run the same stupid obstacle course over and over again quickly beating an entire field army of full grown male orc soldiers numbering in the thousands

>Jack beat what, 6 mediocre assassins?
You still aren't getting it. Jack has done the exact same thing Ashi has, defeating an absolutely ridiculous number of enemies singlehandedly.

Jack has many, many episodes where he just "DBZs through" (your words) enemies because he's better than them. For some reason you don't like it when Ashi does the exact same thing.

I'm starting to enjoy the butt hurt fans are going through than the actual show.

Jack has never defeated an entire army of thousands by grabbing one of them and running through the rest of them. When he went up against the army of beetle robots he had to actually use his sword and also got horribly beat up and spent a very long time destroying them.

>Ashifags are so delusional they are getting desperate enough to try and shit on the original show even if it doesn't make any sense

>Blind fanboyism

>Jack destroyed a robot army in the first episode of season 1 after extensive preparation of traps and weapons
>Jack destroyed a robot army in the first episode of season 5 by using a variety of weapons which he has had at least 50 years to become proficient in.
>Ashi destroys an army of thousands of heavy orcs with nothing but her hands after training for only 18(?) years. The only reason why she was able to stand up to Jack in the first three episodes was overwhelming numbers with her sisters and hit and run tactics

>Jack was trained all across the world in various martial arts and weapons disciplines
>Has spent more than 50 years in the future further training himself and surviving dangerous situations.

The people who defend this shit are gold-medal mental gymnasts.

The problem with that scene is that we never established Ashi to have demonic strenght or adamantium bones. Her skinny arms should have break when she just was trying to push 2 heavy orcs forward, not to mention entire horde. This scene just felt out of place, like suddenly Oolong defeating Vegeta.

I'm sorry that Ashi being an epic-level character like Jack bothers you so much. The fact is she was trained from childhood, like Jack, to be a warrior who can beat enormous odds in battle.

Jack can take on legions of enemies by himself. So can Ashi. If that makes you uncomfortable, you probably have some issues to work out.


Jack has better feats of strength. In this season alone he lifted a giant boulder and used it to shatter scaramouche's boulder. And his training for jumping good surpasses anything Ashi has done. Most importantly: Jack has beaten Ashi, rather easily. Anything she can do, he can do better.

>Thinking any kind of army in this show won't get btfo'd immediately by the main characters, who are always leagues above them in strength

So, because they didn't fight their respective armies in *exactly* the same way, it doesn't count?

You're retarded. They're both astronomically powerful characters in-world and can effortlessly dispense normies. You don't like that Ashi didn't get hurt in the process, fine, but Jack does the same thing.

Yep. It's pretty pathetic.

Unlike the logical mastermind who spends his time arguing against the flaws in a cartoon show.

>fanboys and waifufags will defend this until the cows come home

>trained from childhood

Jack traveled the world learning from a variety of cultures. Ashi ran a single obstacle course repeatedly inside a cult that's so insular she doesn't even know what deer are.

>can beat enormous odds in battle

That's not beating enormous odds. There are zero odds a small girl without superpowers can kill an entire army of orcs by running at them barehanded. Now if she had superpowers that'd be fine, but they had her sisters dying normal human deaths with just blood coming out of them and nothing demonic happening, so it seems like the show's actually saying she did all this as a literal powerless girl.

>Mediocre assasins

The gentleman's knifes are faster than bullets, Boris can survive a explosion, the twins have telepathy, and the princess is more skilled than all of them combined.

>Autists will be triggered by cartoony fighting in a cartoon show.

user, you can't assume Sup Forums watches or reads what it bitches about

What did you expect
The entirety of Sup Forums are just virgin neckbeards with micro penises
no woman will ever want to have sex with them
they all must kill themselves

>muh realism.


No, i's not some minor detail that makes them different like Jack took 3 minutes 5 seconds and Ashi took 3 minutes 1 second. We've already explained how they're completely different multiple times in this thread, you're just pretending not to read it.

We might as well go full looney tunes at this point.

The Wacky adventures of Samurai Ashi and friends

>Everything has to be looney tunes

Just gracefully accept that you lost the argument, user. Christ

I didn't. Pretty surprised at how bad this part was received. If anything, I was expecting everyone to get angry about the "NOW I SEE" moment. But no, everyone has to be an autistic little faggot who can't enjoy the simple things in life.

>something contradicts previous seasons
>"It's fine, I bet you didn't even watch the original show!"
>some bad emotional scene happens
>"You just didn't get it!"
>some bad action scene happens
>"It's just a cartoon!"

Holy moly. It's actually Korra all over again.

Come on, Episode 2 showed how strong Ashi was. She could easily crush stone with her sickle and chain weapon, so why is everyone so surprised now?