So, CN just "leaked" some new episodes of the show.
The only one we haven't put on Mega yet is "Double Cross"
So, CN just "leaked" some new episodes of the show.
The only one we haven't put on Mega yet is "Double Cross"
I wish this show was more popular .
The upcoming Larfleeze episode sounds enjoyable
We used to get more threads before.
Maybe I should've used a Samurai Jack image to get more people in.
I wish Cartoon Network would give it a better time slot.
then they should have made it about characters that people actually care about
like the avengers or guardians
Anyone have the link to the mega?
Can't watch any of the episodes on the CN site.
I love this show mate!
Best cartoon DC has made since the last 5 years
What episode is this from ?
I wish cartoon network cared for story driven shows like adventure and action shows like jla and transformers more
Looks like it's from Double Cross
Double Cross
Huh. Never would've expected Deadshot in this.
I love her little green beret
Shane Glines's Facebook is a great source of JLA concept art.
He looks very Lex-y like that
mega link plz
The show features Swamp Thing and John Constantine, anyone can show up.
glad this show still alive
I was afraid CN did a stealth cancel on it.
Even if they cancel it, they still have many episodes left to burn off.
pfft those are fairly common to tv and videogame audience nowadays. now Space Cabbie, Jonas Glim and Cain those are really obscure characters that make JLA feel like it can feature anyone.
Shit we might see stuff we never thought it could get animated like Flex Mentallo or Johnny Sorrow
Such a lewd body.
When will Supergirl show up ?
Great design, but reminds me a bit of JLU supergirl.
Her skirt looks kinda translucent, I can see her panties through it
Probably because it's a rough sketch, as opposed to a finished design.
I was a big fan back in the drought but now that there are actually other good action cartoons it doesn't seem that special.
Does anyone have a link to the mega?
>"Leaked" episodes
CN looking to lower ratings to justify canceling it
>These MEN are your friends, Diana?
>More like sidekicks, mother.
Anyone who defends this show needs to be shot.
It only has up to Hat Trick
This show is Justice League: TAS tier.
Very enjoyable.
Oh right. The old Mega was deleted and the new one only has US episodes.
I'm gay for JLA Joker, I need to suck his dick.
Anyone got a link to the Mega that has these episodes on it. I've only got
Is Zatanna in ANOTHER episode? This show is pushing her like crazy.
End yourself.
Isn't that from Hat Trick?
Yeah but the OP implies that there's a Mega with these new "leaked" episodes.
I think OP didn't know or forgot that the old Mega got deleted. The new one is only HD versions of US airings.
Updated it with Ep 13 Field Trip
Every episode she has been in was written by Dini.
I wish we got a better JL show, with 30 minute episodes, story arcs, and mature themes that can be enjoyed by kids and adults, instead of this turn your brain off for 15 minutes shit. It's not a bad show, but none of the episodes have stuck with me the way the JL and JLU did.
Why are her eyes so far apart
Yeah but Dini wrote for BTAS, too, and she was only in one episode of that.
I still think DC is trying to give her a push. Elevate her a little. She is a good example of a standalone female hero, which these days it seems to be good marketing to promote. I mean, I guess she's technically a legacy character, but who cares about Zatara any more?
Thanks user.
Cool fan art.
Do any of the Robins show up yet?
I guess it's not more popular because they keep trying to turn into teen titans. Justice League had it the best. Just needed more flash episodes.
One of the producers said, Robin would appear (didn't specify which one) in Season 2, if the show gets one. Also, interestingly, JLA started as a Batman show pitch.
Now where is my episode where her and Captain Marvel team up?
>Also, interestingly, JLA started as a Batman show pitch.
Of course it did. Of course.
God, I hope CN's neglect doesn't fuck this show over...
Yeah, it became a Justice League show because synergy and how it's been since the last Justice League cartoon.
I actually just got into it but its definitely the best running cartoon since Young Justice.
Havent watched this cartoon yet, Should I start watching?
It's easy to get into. Just be aware that it's not full 30 minute episodes, but two fifteen minute segments. Other than that, it channels basic Justice League/action cartoons, so it's not like, say, TTG
I love Larfleeze
>Also, interestingly, JLA started as a Batman show pitch.
I'm glad they didn't. The world doesn't need another Batman show. And I still miss Beware the Batman.
Based Dini. The guy is set for life by making her and then conjuring her to be his wife
I wish i could like it, but as a WW fan every time she show up i get triggered. WW in this show is very unlikable and pathetic.
The 5 min restriction and the hit-and-miss jokes also put a big damper on the show.
Fuckboi Firestorm is the best
Yeah, I want to like WW because of her design, but her characterization is awful.
at least it uses the sensible superman-like outfit rather than the headband, non-pleated skirt, and white shirt that was picked up from a cheap retailer somewhere. really with such a heavily stylised face it's hard to even choose anything else to differentiate, but i really don't see any other similarities.
lord forgive me for what i am about to do
Any eps with Cheetah yet?
I hope we get to see more of J'onn in this series, he seemed fun in his appearance in that one episode.
Apparently she's not in the show at all.
>that episode with the nuclear family
I fucking love this show.
Good penguin.
Good Ivy. Please don't tell me she get ruined by Harley.
>but who cares about Zatara any more?
I do
I wish they'd bring him back and do cool stuff with him.
>Of course it did. Of course.
Honestly, I'd take another run of Brave and the Bold over any other potential DC series.
No Wonderbat not giving a shit about it i didn't wait ten years for this
What's with this art style?
It's a style that specialize in sex hair
J'onn seems very ayyy-y, if that makes sense. I dig it
I like how Tom Kenny used to voice Plas and Penguin, and they made Dana Snyder voice both in this one as a reference.
That show ran its course. It had a perfect ending and some of the later episodes sucked.
But she's in the opening
I would wait to watch this on CN instead of Yarr! if CN would air it outside the death slot!
What's wrong with her?
She's too blood-thirsty and battle-happy to be someone that stands for mercy and truth. Her being glad Parasite died was too much.
>What's wrong with her?
>Are these MEN your friends, Diana?
>More like SIDEKICKS, mother.
Every thread
Twice even