Miss me yet?
Miss me yet?
>do you miss the man who is responsible for the worst movies in the star wars franchise and barely touched the good ones
Lucas didn't make TFA nor TLJ. Whachu talkin bout
Which are leaps and bounds better than the prequels so it'd make sense he had nothing to do with them.
TFA and TLJ do not make the prequels any better in comparison.
what the hell was his problem?
Help us George, you're our only hope.
Fuck no.
Please come back fix Star Wars, i will suck ur d for it.
Majority of the house says I,
Motion to bring Lucas back is now in effect
>people in court clap
Homeboy shittalked jar jar
>doesn't ever wanna release the OT unaltered films
you want me to miss him? lmao fuck george
George I will never forget when you broke into my home and raped my childhood away with the prequels. I used to worship Darth Vader now I just look at him as a pathetic sand hating faggot.
If I ever pass you in the street I WILL punch you in the dick.
>Barely touched the good ones
Where did this fucking meme come from? George Lucas is the man responsible for the OT and there's nothing you can do about it
George only likes Yes Men.
thats a comedy sketch BTW
Atleast he tried with the prequels
nope. Irvin Kershner directed Empire and was the main brains behind it and George hates it for this very reason.
the prequels are objectively better
stop being a contrarian cuck
Why do you stupid fucks think you need to pretend that the prequels are misunderstood masterpieces just because NuWars is also terrible? Star Wars overall has been a shit franchise. Move on with your lives.
Attack of the Clones is a painful piece of shit. the dialog is cringey beyond belief and is evidence of Lucas's autism, he doesnt understand how people talk to each other.
The Prequels are kino though
Revenge of the Sith is a masterpiece of Cinema
at least he took some risks
better than having a corporate reptilian kike making a frankenstein's monster tier movie stitched together with scenes focus groups reacted to best
No one man should have all that power
guy on the left is a corporate kike and goergie is a raging antisemite, ie /ourguy/
>tfw even people who ubconditionally love star wars hate george
Why? I mean, sure, the prequels were bad, but come on.
The Prequels are in the same category as The Room. They're intellectually kino, if you understand the thing so interesting about them is the thought process behind them, that what made them so hilariously bad as they are. The earnestness, the corporate meddling, the fakeness of it all on top of a man trying to say important things nonetheless.
TFA and TLJ are unwatchable garbage. The prequels are quite interesting and memorable for all their flaws.