Haha, he's exhausted because he's overweight! LOL
Who wrote this? Matt Groening?
Haha, he's exhausted because he's overweight! LOL
Who wrote this? Matt Groening?
Other urls found in this thread:
>reminder that /tvpol/ would the ones making these exact jokes about him if he were a liberal democrat
colbert is a liberal intellectual
really makes you think
? if we live in a fascist country...how is that they can air that show and not be executed? makes you think
THANK YOU! ( for having the same opinion ).
Normie lingo joke aside. That's a shit argument. "reminder that if X would happen Y would do the same, so please refrain from being too harsh with your ciritique"
>making your whole career out of being a parasite to a politician
how worthless can a human being be
Regardless if you like Trump or not, this looks cringy as fuck.
>Haha Trump is fat and out of shape
Did a fucking third grader write this?
The jokes write themselves , bro.
You think the mainstream media should be trying to emulate fucking Sup Forums?
This is coming from the guy who made 2 SCOOPS and jumped on the bed of the Trump Hotel for spite. You shouldn't expect humor.
Look Who's Back had it right.
Colbert is an accessory to success. He doesn't make it happen by himself, instead he stands on sidelines and waits for someone else to do the real work.
Republicans just cut taxes for all Americans, (except for the 50% of democrats who don't pay taxes), full damage control from these liberal millionaires on the way
Trump is a very funny person himself, and he is original, like him or not.
This salty cringy autistic humor is gonna fail bad! Sad!
I'm not a trump supporter by any means, but this is just getting pathetic
>dude he's orange lmao
>dude he's fat lmao
>dude russia lmao
OMG this is H*lla fucking epic!
>this show's quality is on par with random Sup Forums posts
>he's got tiny hands
Ahaha remember this gem and how it did nothing to stop him from winning the primaries?
I don't think political satire its working anymore, even by the bush times it was getting weak BUSH LITERAL HITLER and then OBAMA LITERAL MUSLIM and than TRUMP LITERAL HITLER again.
everyone invelved in this should reconsider what comedy means.
At the end of the day, it's just a shitty impression. Pic related is pretty spot on tho and actually funny.
>Colbert might literally be a f*cking genius.
I will support it if is well written, if Colbert someone else to write it then this show might be good.
*hire someone else
Why can't they find someone who can do a good impression of Trump????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
heh, it'll last longer than lil bush
Audiences love this shit though, look at the views. Just gotta do what sells
Why are Americans so obsessed with talking down their president
Aren't you bored yet? I'm bored and I'm not even exposed to half of this shit
I've thought the same thing too, it's really easy for example to do an impression of Bill Clinton or Obama but no-one manages to do Trump without it going over the top
I love Colburt, he sure can put the current year president in his place.
>just starting up L'il Bush again now that \their nigger\ is out of the white house
>President Trump reportedly eschews exercise because he believes it drains the body's “finite” energy resources
>implying this is not something to laugh at
Also friendly reminder that the early Obama tax cut helped the working class more than the DonorReliefAct of 2017.
Will /our guy/ Jeb make an appearance?
Kidding? Watch 20 minutes of Fox, all they do is suck his dick.
Daily Reminder that ISIS is completely gone and the war in Syria is over after one year of Trump
I kinda like the animation style and background
>cum hoc ergo propter hoc
>one network owned by zionist "conservatives", in a sea of networks owned by liberals
damn son, Amerilards are le drumpf
exactly this, colbert is a shill, hes here to make money, he doesn't actually give a rats ass about anything other than his bank account. Doesn't make him less shitty but just remember most of these TV voices are doing a JOB.
>comparing Showtime to a News channel
spitting image did it better
and was actually funny
Is there a non-news network/media company that sucks trump's dick?
kek, your a faggot if you even turn these media outlets on at your house.
Your mom hocs my cum out of her throat then licks it off the floor right propter
I admit Sup Forums is hypocrite and I let myself like it.
>the executive doesn't effect policy in an area that the US is deeply involved in
Are you actually retarded
why make fun of him for being fat when most americans are fatsos?
>watching tv
>acting all triggered and shit
Friendly reminder that apple made 50 billions because of the tax cut while working poor will get 20$ a week.
Fox is one channel and literally every other news, entertainment, sports or documentary channel is run by libshits
And liberals STILL can't come up with better memes than the right
dumb Trump supporter
lol I love this new line
>stock market goes up a gorillion percent
>i...it was just the markets responding to 8 years of obama! Please ignore the fact that this started only just after the election
fyi no-one buys it so I'd drop it altogether
Yes, that is bad. Nobody on the alt-right likes this.
The butthurt crybabbys' and swamp creatures' greatest fear has always been that Trump will succeed and America will be better off because of it. That's why they've been doing everything they can to obstruct and sabotage his administration. They all know full well that what they're doing is total bullshit, but they remain dedicated to the destruction of America and everything it ever stood for, and are willing to sink to any low, and do anything they can to achieve that goal.
I'll be glad when the general public stops listening to the spin of the fake news, and finally sees all these obstructionists, agitators, and provocateurs as the seditious, domestic terrorists they truly are.
the left has become legitimately mentally ill
Its a bubble
>watch 4-8h TV a day
>spending 20% of the time in office taking days in private golf club
>unable to utter a coherent non-scripted sentence
>hurr he's totally in charge hurrr
>spends 1/3 of the time sitting in his office as obama did
>accomplishes twice as much
Really makes you think
>including global cryptocurrencies that almost no-one is seriously invested in
Holy fucking shit you are dumb
Libshits literally can't even find 19 out of the 365 days in a year to play golf. Imagine sucking so much at your job that you can't even get all your work done in time for a golf weekend. Pathetic!
Holy shit, they're going so over the top it's going to backfire epically next election.
Will you people ever stop sucking Trumps cock. He could literally take a shit on live tv and you would talk about how it was a genius move to trigger libcucks
faggot i make 55k a year and I don't have a degree, i'm 24 and I work 6:30 hours a day. I got the job cause I was assertive during the interview and I made sure I had the skills they were looking for.
Whats the point of your statement? You think apple is an individual person receiving a big phat tax break? Truth is all tax is a fucking scam and i'm forced to pay it because I don't want to go to jail. Care about politics all you want, its a burden on your thoughts, thus on your life. Im sitting here smoking out of my bong dude weeding hard while i revenge of the sith is playing on my other monitor. Im fucking sick.
>>stock market goes up a gorillion percent
Mate the stock market went up because the big companies bought stock because they will have more money at hand and because they want to deliver ammo in the political discourse. It's a ruse. It will have 0 positive effect on working people.
And it has literally nothing to with the shit like inheritance tax for people inhereting more than 11million taxe free. Now they can inherite 22 million. #MAGA am I right?
>all growth is a bubble
>all debt is a bubble
> big companies bought stock
You have no idea how the stock market works, do you
Sup Forums is being contrarian on purpose without backing their opinions with solid arguments
Next news at 7
>lil' Bush but with Drumpf
So clever.
mate I am sitting on a full academic scholarship (making more than you desu) outside the US researching shit I love. Good for you, good for me. I am just laughing at Sup Forumslacks
I wonder who could be behind all that.
>literally millions of individuals, companies, funds and pensions are investing to the extent of inflating the value of the stock market by 300% just to make a political point
Are you insane?
dasss it man, enjoy brother
>full academic scholarship outside the US
lmao what kind of shit-tier country gives scholarships to non-citizens
No but Trump is
Trump being out of breath is not a thing, they're just making stuff up.
Don't pretend like you know anything about scholarships you neet
I was just talking about the bump in the last 7-10 days.
Whatever mate. They GOP tried those cuts thrice in the last 100 years. Trickle down, once again, won't work and they know it.
Literally every country that want top researchers in their country.
luckily he's an incompetent fascist, but I know he really WANTS to kill us all
Millions of dollars in revenue on cheap Trump jokes. Smart.
Why are Liberals such shit at memeing?
even better, rich shitlibs in high-taxed blue states like Cali and Jew York are finally going to have to put their money where their mouth is and pay their fair share. enjoy your socialist utopia, faggots.
Doesn't even sound like him.
You know saying "mate" is incredibly cringy especially seeing as you stated you were american
>top-tier researcher
>thinks millions of individuals can manipulate the stock market just to show approval or disapproval of policies
In what, gender studies?
Not him but you seem to misunderstand. If you want to attract talented people, you have to make a better offer. That's all it is.
who cares. saying "cringey" is the most soytastic complaint
>omg I'm such an emotionally timid sub-human that I feel second hand embarrassment when a stranger does something I'd be scared to do myself
One that's trying to kill itself (a white one)
didn't she get deported shortly after this?