Now that the dust had settled, what does Sup Forums think of the Hateful Eight?
Now that the dust had settled, what does Sup Forums think of the Hateful Eight?
I thought it was pretty indulgent and poorly-written. Goggins and JJL made it worth watching though
10/10 until the coffee gets poisoned and then it turns into a generic whodunnit that sacrifices all of the interesting character drama for cliched Tarantino ultraviolence
It was ok. Pretty low on the list of Tarantino flicks. Four Rooms was way better.
muh dick
This. You can really tell that the loss of Tarantino's editor has had a negative impact on his work; without someone familiar with his rhythm and rein him in, all his worst excesses are allowed to run riot. Hateful Eight has serious pace and length issues.
Did she suck Harveys cock?
Anyone else upset about Warren's Lincoln letter? I felt like it was a weak conclusion to a major character point that seemed like it was going to twist back around, but didn't.
Literally just posted this in another thread.
Hateful Eight.
I recently rewatched it, and realised that Kurts character, is still written to be a macho-escape from New York-wwe type fella like he's known for. Knowing this made the movie much more enjoyable. I'm sure Tarantino had him in the mind when writing the script. Kudos to him.
It was a decent film overall. I can't believe how heated people got over the fact that Samuels character lied about putting his big black dingus in a confederate generals sons mouth.
I think the only people who got angry were genuine racists, and old people who don't understand cinema.
A brilliant fucking flick.