Kat MacNamara: Why aren't you crazy about this girl?

Answer me user!
She's hotter than Bella Thorne, Emma Roberts, Kiernan Shqipa (?), Milly Bobby Brown and all of those tiny russians that block your path combined

doesn't post lewd bikini pictures on instagram
basically all it takes for Sup Forums or /cel/ to "love" her

I only like white women and the Irish aren't white.

man no one even posts about bella thorne anymore...
theres a hole in my pannnntssss

I am, i want her to see her lez out in several roles.

she's is only the third hottest person in the Shadowhunters cast

But I am

That is a terrific collage user!

She is too pretty to be real. Something is wrong.


Shadowhunters have some really qt hot grills...too bad the show is almost unwatchable.

just another white whore with no booty and very tiny talent


>Why aren't you crazy about this girl?
because she seems like any other hollywood thot

>Why aren't you crazy about this girl?
Because I like women with breasts that exist.
Nothing in that photo even suggests it to be a fucking female.

>not getting gay for the gays of the show




Magnus is based, Guyddario is meh.
I just hope they don't JUST Helen Blackthorne like they did with Aline Pennhallow...bitch looks 20 years older than the rest of the cast.


She has some pretty nice tatas that she absolutely refuses to show

cliché girl, nothing special, nothing new

I'm very into redheads but something about her just turns me off; I can't quite put my finger on it.

Kat is a good girl


Well, she is actually pic related

It's Shipka you generic whore loving moron! I'd take a tiny russian over her anytime.

so manufactured cute like those fucking chinks


I hope she retains her neanderthal looks and doesn't try to get her nose shrinked or something

But artificiality is the true nature of womankind.

Her nose is too big :/

i am thougk

Thats a big hat

>Katherine McNamara is an accomplished actor, singer, dancer, songwriter and student

>At the age of 14, McNamara graduated with honors from high school and graduated summa cum laude with a degree in business with an emphasis in finance from Drexel University's Le Bow School of Business at the age of 17. She is now pursuing a Master of Science at John Hopkins University as part of their advanced academics graduate degree program.

>McNamara began her career on Broadway, at the age of 13

>Katherine plays the guitar and piano and enjoys singing and songwriting.


the trick is to make me believe it tho

1. Juno Temple
2. Miley Cyrus
3. Lilly Collins
4. Bryce Dallas Howard
5. Taylor Swift[get well soon]

This beautiful woman is in frank.. a lesser version of Miley.

can't wait to see her BLACKED

>beautoiful and smart
and im dumb and ugly

No, it's not. It's what makes her unique

What do her bare feet look like?

According to a blind item from some time ago
She was dating a girl


this is her bf since summer

Probably a beard or black

She's beautiful, just unfortunate she's such a slut.




i am so crazy to lick that

>that (((nose)))


Too old.


do I want to watch this then?

Her grandpa is a war criminal


Fuck off, plebian


WHY are there so little Juno Temple threads?

Face like a brit version of Aphrodite and the ass of Serena Williams.

Underrated post - It's only a matter of time though

she doesn't give me boners also: weird hair styles


I can tell her little pinky pussy is made for the BBC

Her arms have been getting less and less hairy... :(

yeah i remember when ariana grande used to go to events in backless dress with her back unshaved - very sexy
I think it signals innocent, newly pubescent girl

>Why aren't you crazy about this girl?
Because you haven't posted her enough? Why aren't you helping out your waifu, user?

You are a woman?

I don't like women that are aware of their beauty tier. I don't like women that act like their beauty tier is greater than it really is.

no ass

i like her when she's looking wolfish