Who was the hottest girl on Married with Children?

Who was the hottest girl on Married with Children?

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Milla Jovovich




w-who is this?


How did you all get it wrong?

I fucking knew this would be the first reply, you unoriginal fuck. I'm guessing you've never watched more than 2 or 3 episodes of this show and only know that Milla Jovovich was on it as a piece of fucking trivia.

I would still give it to her today.

this two


man, such a shame she had to chop off her tits.

fucking faggot cancer.

I see you Bud, with your hand in your pocket. You're not fooling anyone ;)

God damn I want these hairstyles to return.

Lick my ass hole you fuck I watched the first three seasons. OP asked for best girl not most original and un-posted girl. Eat turds.

Prime Christina Applegate, how can there be any debate?

Wow how does she look better now than she did then

Miranda Veracruz de la Jolla Cardenal.

Those late 80's-early 90's girls...

lol look how mad this fag is

>it's an "al's dummy falls down from above" episode

Lesbian powers

>how can there be any debate?

Because Milla Jovovitch showed up for an episode.

There's a reason she's so famous.

You know it, lad.

Disturbing lack of Christina Applegate pics in this thread

good lord

Honestly you would have to rewatch the entire series to get the answer to this because they would have on random titmonsters just for gags about how much Al hates his life and there's probably more than a few that destroy any of the answers given in this thread.

Hard to choose

That's a chicken, user.

I'd give it to Peg like a mad tiger every single day.

>Lick my ass hole
>you fuck
>Eat turds

i've been noticing a lot more 13-year-olds as of late

Letha weapons/rocky mountains

I know.


audience makes this unwatchable
i guess i've been ruined by big bang theory

>no tattoos
>no bellybutton piercings
>sexy clothes without looking like a slut
Those were better time.

We're on the same page then.

>rocky mountains
>dat jefferson gag

Man you're just a tard bitching out because of your shitty Married With Children fucking gate keeping shit "uhhh i bet you're not even a REAL Married WIth Children fan if you were you would choose this obscure bitch and have watched the show five times at LEAST"
fuck off

Only if she dressed as Leela though.

Yes, yes we are.

Fucking Sam fox my man, started on page three at 16.

I remember when I was 13 asking for a Lucy Pinder calendar for Christmas and got a Babes of the 80s one instead. Not one complaint from me.

There would have been user 80's babe were awesome

>Wearing sexy lingerie tops and jeans only
Sorry she does look like a whore

she's still fine

That they were, my friend. And to think Madonna tops 80s sex icon lists. Bullhickey.

>i've been noticing a lot more 13-year-olds as of late

I bet you have creepo

1. Kelly
2. That busty blonde that had Al move her couch

She was 14 in that episode

Me too.

Awww yeah... I had some of my first few erections over Amber

I cant believe this show predicted how women were going to be like in the future.

Maybe one day...


>married with children fans


basically jennifer aniston destroyed big haired girls amirite?

seriously though how come girls are like bald nowadays?

>he didnt know she was jewish just on face.
Id tell you to get better at knowing what a jew looks like but I wouldn't recommend the pol shit.

topanga was a poor man's version of this girl desu

>tfw find old pics of my mom from highschool
>she's hot as fuck and has this kind of haircuts

>seriously though how come girls are like bald nowadays?
Feminism and men wanting to fuck women no matter how bat shit nuts they are.
I blame white knights the most.

And the fashion.

I'm not really talking about the shaved head feminazi types. I just mean generally women seem to have less hair on their heads nowadays. Their hair just seems much thinner and flatter than it used to be. Maybe I'm imagining.

>topanga was a poor man's version of this girl desu
Topanga was the original THICC meme girl.
Id rub my ass on glass to get a women like that.

2bh I find most 90s fashion very tacky. I'd still of course fuck her brains out there and she amazingly fucking hot 'cause she is but she'd look even better in modern fashion 2bh.

I don't know about all women but most of the girls I know who have really flat and almost brittle hair because they spent their teens dyeing it a new colour every month or so.
Don't get me started on the half a shaved head bullshit either. Looks daft as fuck on everyone I've ever seen it on.

>Their hair just seems much thinner and flatter than it used to be

you judging that by the television shows you compare?

They straighten their hair because its easier then styling it with a fork.
I grew up with women and they get that 80s style heating up a fork and curling it.
Its a hairstyle that takes time and patience women lack both of those.

no, women in general. women irl, actresses on the red carpet then and now, etc.

>you will never have a '80s slutty hair metal bimbo gf
why even live

>90s fashion very tacky.
Like all the women I talk to say...Sex sells and the 90s was about self hate, hard drugs and sex...
So the 80s.

Jesus Christ

Straighteners, curling irons, much hotter hair dryers. They all damage the hair quite a lot. Birds ask me a lot how I get my hair so long and thick but never believe me when I say just get it trimmed every so often and don't burn the shit out of it. It's like fatties constantly asking how to lose weight without accepting "eat less, move more" as an answer.
Glam metal music videos seriously skewed my idea of what gigs would be like when I grew up. I feel pretty fucking cheated.

You have no idea how much hair products people used back then

Woah, opened this and I'm wearing the same outfit. No qt though

I've seen gay guys with more style than most women.
Damn shame is what it is I tell you what boy.

can you imagine how many nuts the actor busted that night thinking of that scene

Same bruh you should have seen my hair a few months ago it was so thick and fluffy I loved it.
I dont know how to explain it but just letting the shit grow out and combing it every morning give off such bounce and thickness.

>that goofy grin

Gave me a chuckle.

>tfw no debbie harry gf

I want christianity to return

top kek

You have a nice smile user

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

>God damn I want these hairstyles to return.
They have. Just in the last year or so early 90s hairstyles have started to come back. I haven't seen hair like this since around 1994.

Grandmaster B Jr.

This is this patrician choice. One of the best episodes too.

i had long-ish hair for a while and i didn't do anything fancy to it but i'd comb it back and wear big collars and run around looking like beethoven.
it was around this time i started losing friends come to think of it...

You ready for the single coolest girl you will ever see user? I don't think u r but here you go


My favorite episode



the only true answer is Vanna White

>that one guy in the audience who nutted really loudly

Combing it a couple times a day works wonders too. As does not washing it too often. Women can never grasp that either.
Here's hoping it kicks off the trend again.

i dunno

And how did you turn out? Hot or not?

Nora Kuzma

Al Bundy in "The Shoe Dick"

"But one look into her troubled thighs..."



Are men really faint when they see a pair of tits in the 90s?