So Sup Forums, what's your favorite board-tan content?
So Sup Forums, what's your favorite board-tan content?
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I like the love/hate relationship between Sup Forums and /mlp/, up to and including the disgusting incestuous sex.
/k/ stuff
/ck/ being good friends with /d/ because she finds ways to make amazing food despite/because she uses her semen as an ingredient
/k/ being jolly and insane in the most charming of ways is also fun.
Anything /s4s/ related.
Are the board tans still shown all living in a giant house? I remember a comic from a long while ago with some of the tans talking and a child mentions she found something in /d/'s room
Reminded me of this.
go on...
The new year /fit/ comics are always a joy
currently no
everyone seems to have their own place
Well that sort of ruins the whole "we have to deal with each other" theme
That time Sup Forums and /mlp/ teamed up.
>still no /cm/ x Sup Forumsmics
Someday my ship will come true!
Still no clue what /qst/ means for /tg/.
I still think the split was stupid. At least the quests kept us from being a sea of generals like we are now.
well its more like they live in the same apartment complex
K has better memes than most other boards, even better than co sometimes. Highly recommend their k humor threads and skinwalker threads.
It seems to be adopted son. Who inherited the creative spirit and wide-eyed wonder his father had.
That one animation where Sup Forums-tan beats the shit out of every user in Sup Forums in a huge anime fight sequence set to Gurren-Lagan music.
The humor is great and the animation is actually damn good despite the simplistic rage comic art style.
So a little kid with, like, a newspaper pirate hat and a cardboard sword?
I thought it was annoying little brother
Why must /qa/ suffer like this
Is it because his impulse to try and get rid of boards he doesn't like and make meaningless shit boards no one wants?
I'm still amazed /fit/ never got a board tan
Then again they tend to just be represented by average guys with a shitload, and I mean a fucking SHITLOAD, of celebrities interacting with them
That one /k/ /fit/ dude.
>/qa/ had a mental break so bad it put him on a coma
Reminder that /k/ designed this and worships a cube made of old guns welded together.
>So Sup Forums, what's your favorite board-tan content?
The porn.
the murdercube is a holy symbol bestowed upon us all
it was already a sea of generals
If it's got [s4s], it's cute
That thing is fucking hilarious and glorious at the same time
/k/ is the best thing on this site
we all owe our freedom and memes to them, so whenever you see a /k/ommando, thank them for their service
Did you enjoy the latest winterball?
Who were we with again?
well Sup Forums was with the wife /ck/ if that's who you are refering to
>just set it to full auto and go to town
This thing got finished recently
Most have colors.
I missed out on it this time cause of work and family I loved it last year
hopefully I won't miss out on it this time
/trash/ is fucking huge
blame the machinegun ban.
>Still no clue what /qst/ means for /tg/.
Kinda like excising a tumor that then goes own to its own person.
Now if we only could get some chemotherapy for the generals.
>That time Sup Forums and /mlp/ teamed up.
Anyone have that /mlpol/tan comic?
which one's /his/
This. If you get the memes, they're gold.
The statue with the little girl holding onto it
They're both /his/, one represents ancient history, the other supposedly represents the industrial revolution.
Sup Forums
this image is missing /jp/ trying to futilely prevent the bullying
I thought /his/ had voted to ditch the little girl because it was tired and cliche.
Always like it being a reanimated skeleton more myself.
Can anyone post the /mlp/ vs barneyfag rpg adventure threads?
Those are great
It a marble statue that lived and experienced all history and his little girl student that represents Sup Forums and dumbasses going over with their messed version
fun times
That isn't meant to be /x/, is it?
Sup Forums and HSG
Oh, okay. The spooky ghosts had me wondering.
What's with the cat baby
'Member during the old era when /guro/ had to be taken down when she was getting out of line?
member /l/?
No surprises there, frankly. Of course, now there's absolutely nowhere decent to gather for it.
Why is [s4s] simply the cutest?
There was a /guro/ board? I don't remember that.
its a long story, involving sprite edits, but basically the one bit of autism that hsg didn't feel like sexualizing, and secondary point of metastuck was to catalogue whatever memes are popular at the time
/hsg/ creates a clone of Roxy and a cat, creating Roxykitten, who he adopts as his adorable daughter.
I miss moot
Do you, Sup Forums?
I grew sour with Moot when he said he would delete Sup Forums if it turned into /stormfront/, then never did.
No, I'm happy someone made it out of here alive.
Tell me more...
>"what are you drawing /k/?
>"a robot with guns for arms, shooting at a plane made out of guns that fires guns""
I do but i dont remember why it got deleted
>this shit happened because the drawfags of /m/ and Sup Forums were taking shots at each other
>suddenly wacky racers -tan edition
As the Sup Forums drawfag, i'm still amazed how things escalated
I envy him. He managed to leave.
I think Moot got raided by the FBI or something, and so he had to hastily kick all the kiddy porn off the site, even the drawn variety.
He did alot mistakes but goddammit he was still better than jap moot we have now
Hiro-kun is a worthy owner simply for giving us /trash/.
Do you think he is laughing at us right now?
Oh he'd better not have made it even easier for Google to spy on us and sell our fucking data.
Maybe this was hes masterplan to destroy google from inside
it's a mall ninja simulator
you slap rails and shit on guns to make them tacticool
some guy made a robot instead
Both of these would make him a hero.
She's sickeningly innocent and adorable
ugh disgusting.
None of them......they are all cancer.
This triggers the /k/ dum-dums.
wtf i love /mlp/ now
/i/ that the first time i hear about it. I mean 2003
it's beautiful
Can a drawfag draw a Sup Forums muppet controlled by Sup Forums insulting /mlp/
>clips attached without magazine
>clips covered in Topkek stains
>box of magazines labelled clips
>using both the periscope sight and the laser target
>periscope sight FOV is blocked by the end of the rifle
>actual mount resting over edge while the clips are being used as the mount
Keksandra is the best.
the more I look the more things I notice
this is amazing
we need a comic of /x/ being spooked by random mundane occurences(like /d/ wondering what happened to the last cookie that /ck/ made and that was there just 2 hours ago), trying to discuss it with Sup Forums but the 2 have totally different views on the cause
>You fool it wasn't aliens, it was a muslm man manipulated by the jews to bring chaos to this house
Who's the best board-tan?
I know who's the cutest.
Why does /flash/ look white?
I don't see Sup Forums or /ck/ anywhere
poor /qa/