What's going to happen to the Disney shills when The last QUEEN SLAAY fails to make the one billion mark.
What's going to happen to the Disney shills when The last QUEEN SLAAY fails to make the one billion mark
Other urls found in this thread:
It will make billions, you manchild.
>waaaah strong female leads scare meeee
Screen capped.
When adjusted for inflation...
>A New Hope made 1.25bil
>Empire Strikes Back only made 704mil
I bet Return of the Jedi only makes like 200mil.
How long before reddit tries to mobilize people to watch the movie 6 times so they can defeat the alt right? Because clearly the low sales are due to the alt right boycotting the movie!
I noticed they stopped blaming it on the alt-right for now. The evidence is real, people are pissed and they retroactively made it worse by Implying the fans are racist.
The articles were written just today.
reddit doesn't like it either
no one above the age of 12 and without some leftwing agenda does
>I noticed they stopped blaming it on the alt-right for now
Which is dumb considering there are hundreds of archived threads and discord screencaps of reactionaries banding together to bot fake reviews.