How do you from 8 miles to this?
How do you from 8 miles to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
he never went off drugs
Is that whats wrong with his face?
He is turning into Kevin Spacey
>from edgy to the biggest loser
What's his name again?
This was really not good and wanting to get a political discussion starting by saying his fans have to decide between him and Trump is rather stupid
This is what would have happened to Jimi Hendrix had he not died at 27. Same thing happened to Elvis. He should have kicked the bucket after the Eminem Show, age is one hell of a seditive
I used to like him but fuck this is just pathetic
Trump is finished.
>pls respond
Another gay man?, We should do something fellas
>haha I’ll call a gay person a faggot then imply I’m gay myself
This is still edgy to Marshall at 45 years of age
Thats what happens when you do too much drugs
He was edgy in the 2000s and now he's just a generic sjw
exactly. you either die a hero or live long enough to be wack as fuck
Eminem you're drunk
Stop projecting, he is what he has always been
Look it's the last remaining eminem fanboi
This faggot thought the GOD EMPEROR would give him atention
is he using makeup? holy shit
>spend entire career rapping about how you want to rape lesbians, murder your mother and ex-wife, kill cops and beat up fags
>start PC policing the president for his immigration policy
8 mile was literally 15 years ago, so y'know, time & shit.
His last album sucks fucking dick, but he never changed unlike you
Trump living in his head rent free.
his new album sucks
75% is about trump
25% is about his daughter
the only reason i ever like eminem was for his comedy
He’s not really. He’s just fallen off hard and wants to use Trump to make him relevant again. Eminem isn’t somebody who’s going to rap about tax policy and national debt he wants a lazy me vs the authority surface level feud so he can rap about himself and sound current
a subhuman white trash wigger who wished he was born a nigger so he could prowl nightly streets, pulling on kids the trigger?
Trump gave attention to Snoop Dogg for a video he shot
pls respond
I want to be relevant again
>be rich rap artist
>spend your time obsessing over making another guy angry like you're in high school or something
that's pretty pathetic to be honest family
Anyone got JUST hair? This guy is a talentless hack and people have finally realized it.
the left really can't mean
>I'll put a hat on this meme that other people have already done
This is obviously a desperate publicity grab since no one is listening to his new crap
Chushy hollywood life and shit.
Hey, remember that Eminem song about mistakes he's made and wanting redemption for them?
I don't think it's that crazy, American media seemed to paint Trump as a dark lord come to destroy the human race or something.
then he should be going about it the same way he did with Bush. But instead he isn't funny or creative just lame
the swollen lymphnode under his jaw looks like aids
What age did you realize that Eminem isn't the intelligent guy people says he is?
Thats what years of hollywood does to this skeleton.
More like a white trash person with a dream, embracing the black culture because he grew up in it and then he made it to the top, you don't have to be racist
That's an awfully hot coffee pot
>the intelligent guy people says he is
Since when?
>white trash person with a dream
lol, those are subhumans. they don't dream.
>black culture
It's called aging
>he never changed
Wrong. He used to be a ruthless provocateur, now he's a white guilt ridden old man who's scared of offending people. The Eminem who made The Slim Shady LP would laugh at Revival.
Google it you little faggot
Go back to r/the_donald
He looks like a dead person though.
I started to laugh at some washed up rapper no one cares about anymore thinking the POTUS is going to respond to his garbage, but then I realized it's entirely possible and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it happened.
He got older, his values never changed.
maybe he should worry less about trump since his new album is complete dogshit
You can't be an angsty edgelord forever, user.
Unironically looks like Greg Buehl in this pic
not him but you couldn't be more wrong
well if the POTUS spends time tweeting about Alec Baldwin on SNL, why wouldn't he respond to someone rapping about him?
Show me an example
wtf what happened bro??
Nah he used to be very clever and talented. Maybe he was on drugs full time back then or maybe he lost it with age but he sucks now.
I don't know why he would put the ball in Trump's court and pretty much cuck himself. Why would Trump respond to a culturally irrelevant man's whining?
You are the one going all stormfront, I feel sorry for you
Because no one gives a shit about rap. People care very little about SNL (which Drumpf appeared on several times) and people care about rap even fucking less.
t. (((Artistic Expression)))
Why are Trumplrinas so easily triggered?
It's hard to promote lip-flap schoolyard trash-talk as a serious "art" once you've grown out of it.
>I don't know why he would put the ball in Trump's court
The way he sees it is that Trump put the ball in his court, if you're gonna be a trump lover with all your hearth , at least know what you are talking about
>tfw 2016 presidential debates was the greatest entertainment in long time
1. dEMI Lovato - Not Sorry
2. Migos - T-Shirt
3. St. Vincent - Los Angeles
i'm old.
we first heard eminem on the file sharing network at school, lots of the first mp3s were eminem tracks. blew our minds. same with southpark vids before they were on tv. jesus vs santa. hilarious.
now they're just howling liberals like everyone else.
eminiem should have faded away and stayed away, remained mysterious, kept his legend. i guess he needs more money. too bad. i always loved that he'd BTFO anyone making light of him, black or white, famous or not.
Merry Christmas
>the amount of false flagging and shitposting in this thread
dear god
jesus fuck
>dat disgusting broken English
You have to go back, Paco
this is just super pathetic lmao
he wants trump to say something, at least acknowledge him
by just ignoring eminem trump has already won big time
a battle won without a word, kek
i still listen to jebcore sometimes
Eminem kino?
Man he is so fucking old, the whole tough guy hip hop rapper rebel without a cause is just embarrassing at 50
Or you where young and stupid, and now you are old and retarded
Eminem! Are you here?
LoVato had a year of years. Like as if we are making a thing of not Nancy Kerragin hater for money. Hollywood is the worst.
i remember buying his music on pirated discs on school yard. good times.
If I am that big fat JEW and finally realize Nancy Kerrigan is a decent person... I tell ya what, let me press my luck.
Why can't you coexhist?
I hate how Lucas is so popular because he made that song, I've been listening to him since 5085072209. He was one of those rappers people would hear me listening to and go wow, who's this? Now they just go on facebook and watch that fucking MAGA video. He's to good for that shit.
He's got the perpetually bewildered drug addict eyes
If Eminem completely dropped the edgelord shit and acted mature I would respect him. The problem is he pretends he's still edgy even though he lost his balls years ago. His current shtick is "I'm hip! I'm done saying truly offensive stuff but I'll still make poop jokes!" and it's insufferable.
Theese threads would be so much better without politics, now people can't say how they really feel for good or worse, now it's just left versus right, soyboy Vs neckbeard every fucking thread
I used to be a huge fan of this guy years ago and now I think his songs aged so badly its insane, I can barely listen to any of them anymore.
Stan is still ok I guess but its nothing like I used to think it was, and it's mainly because it is being carried by dido's melody.
Really unfortunate but I guess that's how it is, rap age like fine putride milk because musically it sucks hard and when the years pass, decades later.. only the musicality of a song can still be relevant and stand the test of time. The lyrics, flows and all that can become has-been really quick. Which it did in his case.
Basically what Im saying is that all of his songs that are still ok to listen are because he """"""sampled""""""" old timeless tunes (this is what talentless hack do to create good melodies), like Toy soldiers or Sing for the moment.
I dare you to watch this without cringing Ewww
Aged like a fine bourbon
I want to experience some 2016 post-irony again. I just think about those feels and how probably nothing in our lifetime will ever surpass it. I've never laughed that hard in my entire life, and it lasted for like a full year.
this 2bh. i was thinking about seeing him live if he shows up in my country again but he has just made a joke of himself in the last few years so fuck that
he already got a good comeback and farewell with rap god and his last album, why is he doing this to himself