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Its just going to be evil future Barry.

Go back. It's obviously bad end E2 Wells.

Finally end an uninteresting mystery, most people stopped caring 3 episodes before the end making any real impact from the reveal unlikely. These writers are geniuses I tell you.

It's going to be Steve! From next season.

Because time travel.

I want to take a minute to appreciate how gay Tom and Grant have been on Indiegogo and how great it is.

He is future timeline Barry and Iris's son.

Excactly: it's going to be either him or Eobard.

Its wally west.

Please for the love of everything let this be the last episode to ever mention that goofy looking edgelord ever again.

Gustin seems pretty homo with anyone called Tom. Which is fairly narcissistic as his first name is Tom.

>how great it is

Because middle aged guy on twink is his favourite genre of porn duh.

watch them fuck up the savitar reveal harder than barry fucked up the timeline

plot twist, he reveals his gender identity instead

There's still two episodes left after this.



If anything, he's a fedora.


It's gonna be so lame and bonkers if it's Barry somehow

So which evil speedster are they going to use as the main villain for next season?

I wouldn't be surprised if they introduced Bart/Impulse and made Inertia the main villain.

He is original timeline Iris

No speedster big bad for season 4, probably gonna be (and hinted at) the Thinker

It's Cisco.
I've screencapped all you future Barry morons so I can laugh at you tomorrow night.
What morons, thinking the show would be that obvious.

Cisco has hated Barry since Flashpoint, and his Vibe powers would be perfect for the whole "giving people their memories and powers from Flashpoint".
Killing Iris as revenge for Dante, and in 2024 he did keep visiting paralyzed Wally

Nah its wally. Cant wait for the tears.

Been a while since I watched. Isn't he Draco?

Draco was Dr. Alchemy, who works for Savitar.

Draco is Fallout

Are you saying you can actually extrapolate a personality from him beyond "hates Barry"?

I can get behind this idea because back in season 1 when Barry fucked the timelines the first time and saved Central City from the tidal wave, Cisco, who at the time was unaware of his powers and couldn't control them saw visions of Thawn killing him from the OG timeline bleeding through.

Caitlyn would also totally be on board to follow him with nothing said but him only revealing his face, however, that would work for Barry too.

Savitar's suit being a piece of advanced tech is also a point in Cisco's favor, especially considering he built the first anti-speedster gun.

Cisco's penchant for naming villains and naming himself after "The God of Speed" is totally something I could see him doing.

All that being said, it's gonna be Barry.

And I should care why exactly?



>especially considering he built the first anti-speedster gun.
Thawne made the anti-speedster guns, he said it in Legends.

This season has been fucking garbage. Savitar hasn't done shit beyond killing Iris in the future. A whole season revolving around that is awful.

It's amazing, right?
Sup Forums was shittalking Zoom all that time because his mystery kept dragging, because he's mostly a baddie in the shadows rarely doing any shit and because his personality is incredibly generic

And now we have a villain whose mystery drags even longer, who leaves less impression than Zoom (name at least one Savitar scene as memorable as this ) , and whose personality is even more generic.

I don't even like Zoom, but Savitar is such a shitheap of a villain, Zolomon seems like a godsend in retrospect.

I don't really watch Legends save for the Tolkien episode and the finale this season. I'm just referencing season 1 of the Flash where Cisco admits he created Captain Cold's gun and Wells/Thawne flipped his shit. If they retconned it so Wellsobard secretly made the first Captain Cold/Anti-Speedster gun then that's news to me, so thank you.

No, he made the anti-speedster rifles and such they use in the future. It never stated he made the first one ever, which indeed would go to Cisco.

I feel completely the opposite, at least we didn't get stuck with Teddy sears or whatever his name again.

I've wanted evil barry for a long time, if only for narrative reasons because his character besides jobby and needing an ever growing peanut gallery is feeling a bit mary sueish

he needs true flaws that character needs a reason for hope and optimism instead of just because.


the way he said the line, there was no vocal pause.