Why is this accepted?

Why is this accepted?

Fat enablers, fat acceptance, and 'pet' mentality "oh he's so cute! :3" etc

wew lad

>Fat people le trigger me >:'(
Go back to


But these characters are not cute. They are grotesque.

Fucking gross.

Yeah, it shouldn't be acceptable to make the same shitty thread over and over again

Just disgusting.


>Everything I dislike must come from Sup Forums
Yeah, I mean, it's not like we have a fitness board on this site where they regularly hate fat people, oh no.

It isn't.

he's on permabulk mode

Because being fat is more relatable?


/fit/ is constantly being raided by Sup Forums

Uh, user...

How can Connie be into Steven despite her being skinny and Steven being fat?

He meant the regular fph threads. Nothing to do with pol. We just fucking hate fat people because it reinforces our disgust in our inner fatties

Chubby kids don't really bother me desu, especially Steven since we see him being physical all the time and his appearance is magic jacked

He's Jewish.



"Rabbi, is it true there are poor Jews?"
"No, Herschel. There are poor people who think they're Jewish."

Okay, back to:

This desu, it's less about hating them and more retroactive self-loathing to keep ourselves from returning to being gross.

Doesn't that mean Trump is Jewish because he's rich?

Is no one going to talk about the leak

OP here,

I am sorry that my thread attracted so many n-bombs, f-bombs (homosexual slur), r-bombs, and insults to autistic people. I had no idea I would find myself the victim Sup Forums's hate and immaturity. If you are offended by the posters who I accidentally attracted to my thread then I am truly sorry, as I did not expect this.

Because you suck and CN knows it so it created Steven Universe just to annoy you.

You're welcome.

I lost all interest in SU. We know how the space-nazi story will end and I don't care about the humans.

>look Mom I posted it again



Ten year olds are 180-240 pounds these days.

Sarcasm incoming
- don't you watch the show? Steven isn't fat, its an expression of himself. He can change his form at any time. Ignore the literal mountain of sugar he ingests. Fat doesn't exist so stop fat shaming. Let all children have enough junk food to rot out all their teeth. Because body health is racist and only mental coddling, I mean health is good.

I'm the only human being on Earth who thinks Steven is a qt.
I don't know maybe I just find chubby shotas cute.

>spotted the fattie

At it again user? well let me put it like this. You'll relate to him better. Also, there are a lot of fat cartoon characters along side with the fact Steven in season four is no longer fat, makes you look kinda silly

You be surprised at how many women in there twenties are sluts for fourteen year olds with brown hair
No one in this tread even said nigger when you posted that, nigga

who's your fav chubby shot besides Steven?

Also, Gravity Falls has a better chubby shot anyways

You mean Giddion? no way.
Soos maybe.

you sure?

Hey hey hey, Steven Universe is fucking gay!