Will any of the last episodes touch-up on this since Humanity isn't extinct?

Will any of the last episodes touch-up on this since Humanity isn't extinct?

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The Rainicorns all moved to the Crystal Dimension, so probably not.

>creatures from the Crystal Dimension that can travel to Ooo freely won't visit for a bite to eat

Humanity hasn't returned to Ooo yet, though. How are the Rainicorns going to find out their favorite food's back on the menu?

I doubt it. There's way bigger fish to fry.

Finn coming back from his journey and talking about his experience and word spreading.
Also that most humans said they were busy with some things and go later, such as season 9.

What do you think the rainicorn-dog wars were about?
what, you think the dogs had any beef with the rainicorns? fuck no. they were protecting US. because dogs will do that. we BRED them to do that. a dog will wait for you on a street corner for ages. he'll guard you 24 hours a day til he starves. he'll cross a continent to find you. and he will fight fucking intangible magic rainbow nightmares for thousands of years in another dimension while only a little time passes on earth.

and now they only eat human substitute.

But now our loyal doggos make pic related with them.

which would be great except holy shit they mature at an unsafe rate. anything that grows up that fast threatens to overtake an ecosystem

>10 years have passed since the Y2K event
>you spend most of your days foraging, fighting ooze monsters, and singing campfire songs
>you're moving through the forest and brush a bush and see pic related
What do you do?

is there a cat at the end of that dog?

shoot it in the face
then pull a chink: eat it's flesh to see if it gives me a boner

Poke its eyes with stick and run like hell.


>gets your head PAINLESSLY ripped off

shit if you can eat something that hugged you, you kinda deserve to get genocided for it. I'm okay with being the student getting run over by the tank in that scenario

>you will live on user in the "user-Wessel Lied



What the hell happened to the oozers anyway?

What's going to happen to Sweet Pea?
And Jake?

Jake will be fine.

I think they continued to mutate
but there's still candy oozers, so

>shoot it in the face
>it ain't me starts playing
>carve out his inside
>use his skin to protect myself from the cold
>another day survived
wished i could say an edgy line about vietnam, but i got nothing

Oh, cool. I hope they don't just shop him back to being a dog after a few episodes

You FOOL! He was never a dog!




Please. That guardian they have would destroy all of the Raincorns.

What guardian?

i think he meant to address the 'why havent they gotten the other humans yet' question

>other humans
Do you mean the fish people?


no, the ones on the island
am i speaking korean here?

Well keep in mind, humanity has advanced technology now to defend themselves that can arguably fuck up any Rainicorns that want to eat them.

never thought of it, but this makes sense. humans would need someone to protect them while they live in virtual reality. A biological guardian is a nice contingency in case something gets around the robots.

The humans who live on the islands WERE protected by the Guardian, now they aren't.
Before Finn arrived the guardian prevented Humans from leaving or any large presence of monsters from entering.
It might not actual prevent people, Human or not from coming in, like Finn, Jake, or BMO.
But the islands were far away from the any mainland and hidden from any magical portals.

yes and I'm relatively sure the person you were replying to was only talking about BEFORE the guardian was destroyed