Why doesn't Cyborg just go full cyborg? That fucking fleshy side of his face is creepy as shit

Why doesn't Cyborg just go full cyborg? That fucking fleshy side of his face is creepy as shit.

Then he wouldnt be a cyborg?

He wants to retain what little humanity he has left, the injustice 2 model really makes it look bad though

Fuck, I hate designs where it looks like the robot side of his face is just a mask/helmet that he could remove at any time.

That shit gotta look integrated.

Why don't you just have your entire face replaced because it's also creepy as shit?

Because then he'd be android.

Just have his consciousness pattern uploaded into a superior techno-organic body, no need to keep the shitty inferior human parts, especially since there's no benefit to keeping them around anyways.

Why doesn't he wear a costume over his naked cyborg body?

Didn't they address this in the show?

I dunno OP? Why do you go full retard?

They already did it and it sucked. He never wanted to be half man or full robot.

He is "full Cyborg." A cyborg implies he's still part human.

Because western Culture has this tendency to go "but muh freedom, muh Humanity, muh Technology is bad because a sci-fi novel said so!"

Do you not know what a ‘cyborg’ is?

>He never wanted to be half man or full robot.

That's his fucking problem, because he'll never be full human ever again, may as well go full techno-organic ubermensch.

>he rejected that

fucking stupid. those parts looked bitchin cool.


I do feel he should have a full 'armored' mode to protect his fleshy bits tho.

The faceplate could be worked on or even swapped out depending on the battle.

you mean like what he's going to be doing in the JL movie?

>buhhh why doesn't X just get over [central conflict and conceit of their character]

Primitive robotics probably wouldn't simulate the "human experience." Maybe in like 1-2 thousand more years.

If cyborg went full cyborg he'd be an android, not a cyborg. Cyborg stands for cyber organic, and without the organic, you're just a man shaped machine, which is literally the meaning of android.

Why can't we have John instead?

he needs the fleshy side to hit those showers

Yep, besides there being a chance your eyeballs could be hacked or something being a cyborg would be fucking awesome

I guess?

God that CG looks bad.

I'm just saying that he's a bitch, I'd go full Space Pirate and mod my shit up if I had the opportunity.

If he went full cyborg... he'd still be a cyborg. He can still be Victor, except he'd leave the needless inferior human bits behind.

Closed system mode, or simply have organic backups in case they get cheeky enough to do that. Most fiction ignores that a very simple way to avoid getting your shit hacked in the first place is to close off any access points.

John wasn't in Justice League Origin, which was tailor made for a film adaptation such as this.

OP, imagine you yourself could undergo this full-tech upgrade

But, as is the nature with all super science experimental tech, there are no guarantees. You are the first person to try this tech. For all you know it could beat human performance by 1000% the first six months and then even with maintenance the software simply isn't to the point where it can continue to reliably interpret the brain signals

Do you really want to be the first person to buy the new iPhone? Without a warranty or exchange plan? Bugs and all? you want to be that guinea pig? I myself believe the digital upload is the inevitable future, but no fucking way am I gonna be gen 1.

Are you okay with a certain percentage chance that you will never be able to functionally achieve orgasm again? That your dick might get bricked and your old one has already been "recycled?" That's just one way this could be the evil you don't know

If you wanna take that plunge for humanities' benefit, go get 'em tiger. You're a hero.

But I get the feeling in reality you probably enjoy knowing you won't have to worry about being able to cum for another few-score years

Again, no human parts = android, not cyborg

I wouldn't be surprised if he's like Robocop, where any of the fleshy bits are just layers of skin over machinery.

Because that's his whole fucking point


The fuck? He's still Vic, he's just in a new and improved techno-organic body. Androids are humanoid artificial constructs built from the ground up to imitate humans.

>full cyborg

I'm going to assume you mean full cybernetic.
Because if he didn't have the conflict of humanity vs technology there would be absolutely nothing interesting about him at all.

>full cyborg

...do you know what a cyborg is?

>full cyborg?

He is a cyborg.
How can he go "full" cyborg if he is already a cyborg?

Unless you mean fully covered in robotic parts where you can't see his human bits. Or do you want him to turn into a robot?

Because his character begins and ends with >muh Jason's Ship

You don't seem to understand, no meaty bits means he's not a cyborg

>he's just in a new and improved techno-organic body.
>techno-organic body.

That'd be turning him into an android.

Wow, how have people not watched Stand Alone Complex on Sup Forums?

Full cyborg is a GitS term. It refers to a full prosthetic body. In this case, the brain is not included in the calculations as cyberbrains include original organic tissue.

Cyborg's prosthetics aren't extensive enough to qualify as a full body prosthetic afaik

are you literally retarded

>no meaty bits means he's not a cyborg
>meaty bits

Keep trying, you'll get it soon enough.

You don't 'turn' into an android, androids are artificial constructs from the ground up, right down to their behavior, made to, key word here, imitate humans. Victor still exists, even if it what is left of his original form is as big as a pea, his shell is just different.


>That fucking fleshy side of his face is creepy as shit.
You racist motherfucker.

Didn't he went full cyborg before though? He even had a snazzy new name and a gold paint job.

Ship of Theseus

I like the idea that we see is more like a plate, and underneath it is some nasty integrated metal skull shit.

techno-organic means machines that its made of little machines that emulate cells. they aren't actually living tissue

To remind himself he's still a human.