What's the most preachiest webcomic and why is it The Oatmeal?

What's the most preachiest webcomic and why is it The Oatmeal?

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You mean subnormality

That's not how you spell "Least I Could Do". Shit went from purposely offensive to politically correct and preachy so fast.

You mean "Assigned Male".

I believe you meant "Assigned Male" comics.
But then again, tumblrina SJW comics are a low-hanging fruit.

as a creative person I relate to the image on the left more.
the brain on the right isn't 'creative' its 'peaking on psychedelic drugs'


Holy shit that is terrible.

You all spelled XKCD wrong.

This has to be terrible on purpose.

>eat vegans
>less vegans eat vegetables
>more vegetables for cows
>more cows

I dunno, is Hathor the Cow Goddess or whatever still running?

There's some spark of genius in it but I can't believe the anyone could have achieved it purposefully. It's bad in a perfectly balanced way. It's not so bad that it makes me angry or disgusts me or even so bad that it comes back around again and becomes funny, it just is. It's like negative humor, it takes away any and all emotion I have when reading it. After reading it I feel like I want to do data entry or some other bland soulless activity. If that was what the author was going for then they're the greatest mind of our time.

I went to go read it and when I went to go back to precious commercials, I got url missing errors. Just terrible.

Why does the ordinary people graph look like an outline of Europe?

>Brain on the left belongs to actual creative people, ravaged by constant retreading of ideas, extensive planning and self-judgement.
>Brain on the right belongs to a person on psychedelics, who's just blurting out whatever idea comes across.

Oatmeal is the worst; Zero artistic ability, and they got their start by shilling on reddit

Now this is a very special kind of bad. It's like the more I look at it, the worse it gets. Several small details you never notice until further viewings, and each one cringier than the last. It's actually genius. Can something like this even be done on purpose?

"why doesn't anyone take us, the vegan community, seriously"

Gee I can't possibly fathom. I'm saying this as a vegan too. I don't know why but every other vegan I've come across in my life has been fairly insufferable. It becomes like all they talk about. Shits annoying as fuck. I certainly didn't make the change myself because of shit comics like this and/or guilt trips, and I doubt anyone has, ever.

I don't believe so.

Only the delusionally self-righteous mind of an idiotic teenager girl could produce this kind of trash.

Ding ding ding, we have a winrar.

The one vegan I've met was the coolest motherfucker. Plus he was super jacked and energetic and happy all the time so he was a very good advertisement for the lifestyle.

That one that used to be on Cracked right around when I stopped going there was really goddamn preachy.

Nope. Creator tried a reboot/spinoff called "Mama Is..." are wrote a series of books, which are now all hidden away behind a paywall on her site due to the increasingly negative publicity she was getting.

Thank god.

Zen Pencils

>Zen Pencils

At least it allows for near Zyklon Ben levels of edit potential.

Categorically unfunny and a mating call for human garbage who pride themselves on being "superior" to others by virtue of having no sense of humor, yes.
Preachy, no.

I feel like after all of the travelling he would at least still hate the Jews.

>all the locations are poor and underdeveloped
racist author believes that there's only america and crapzahstan

god i hate web comics

It's not a graph; it's a picture of the Korean Peninsula when glorious leader loses his temper.

Kelly did it again. Oh wait.

>hate is caused by the uncreative
So says the letzte Mensch.

Hitler was an artist.

Godwin wins again.

I like that it's an edit done by an american
the problem isn't finding the same american fastfoods and american movies all around the world, no no no, it's race mixing that kills countries cultures

Hitler was a damn good artist. It's just that he exceeded in painting locations when the college that rejected him was looking for better portrait artists.

Seems like you're the racist.

Those are people with actual cultures that are based on ideas that predate modern technology. You can't seriously think that wearing a kimono means that you're poor.

Puh-lease. America has been race-mixing their entire life and they only turned to shit recently. Race-mixing a non-factor. And culture-clashing just breeds extremes (sometimes extremely good, sometimes extremely bad). What kills culture is that most decadent and degenerate of philosophies: equality.

>exceeding in painting locations
>with that skill in perspective
lmao okay

Given he hardly had any formal schooling on the basics, I'd say he had plenty of potential. But art schools look for people who are already well-trained so they don't have to spend a dime refining their talents.

Oatmeal really doesn't have any redeeming qualities.

>ordinary people: meteor brain
>creative people: gay brain
Really made me think.


>"Hey so have you had your fucking gross ass surgery where you have your dick cut off and rearranged to make it look like a horribly misshapen vagina yet?"
>"Don't be so fucking sarcastic when someone's just trying to learn about what you are you dumb he-bitch."

Oatmeal isn't preachy, it's just creatively bankrupt and run like a business rather than an artistic endeavor, dude is a millionaire from clicks on his shrieking dumb comics that appeal to normies

Oatmeal is a very Reddit comic, so it's not shocking that's where it got its start

Makes sense now that Oatmeal is shit if the author thinks creativity is sunshine and rainbows and """ordinary"""" people suffer stress and anxiety.

That picture misrepresents the actual context for the image. Which is actually just an extended preachy discussion of "make sure to question your believes."

does the artist intentionally make the characters look terrible and ugly?

The logic is faulty anyway. By not eating eating, we consing various animals we raise for meat to death since they have no other use to us.

SMBC was right! Meat is murder, but Veganism is Genocide!

this is previous "artstyle"

that made me laugh
it's good in my book

Fast food restaurants are different everywhere. If you think rhst, say, a McDonalds is the same in Mexico and the US, you need to go out more.

And it's not like american movies(especially these days) are made only by and for americans. You think Bollywood is concerned with american blockbusters? You think the spanish or the french are making less movies because of Transformers?

>literally just has to know what a vanishing point is
>easy as fuck to figure out
>instead manages to fuck up perspective so hard it looks half-cubist

Yeah sure, plenty of potential

That red head is into it, she's trying to taste the fart.

but you can't be trans(gendered) before the meat sculpture castration. You are merely a gay transvestite before.

Playing football, the authentic African experience.

jesus christ this person must have really loved shmorky

Never forget your Tocqueville:

"There is indeed a manly and legitimate passion for equality which rouses in all men a desire to be strong and respected. This passion tends to elevate the little man to the rank of the great. But the human heart also nourishes a debased taste for equality, which leads the weak to want to drag the strong down to their level, and which induces men to prefer equality in servitude to inequality in freedom."

>not SMBC

That's not the "joke" though, it's that the guy worded it in a really awkward way that makes no sense.

Why does that guy's shirt has a front pocket

You have a terrible sense of humor

Is this supposed to be humerus?

But if you eat a vegan you basically eat a cow.

Aren't those Antifa colours?

SMBC is still pretty funny.

I don't mind xkcd
Definitely isn't preach desu

>Least I Could Do
>politically correct
Fucking what? Part of me wants to see, part of me doesn't.

I mean, that's not the actual context the image was made in at all.

XKCD is smug as all hell, but I don't see it as preachy most of the time. Definitely not in ways that a lot of other comics are.

That's not the red head tranny who makes a comic getting angry at her grandpa's harmless joke

The thing that bothers me is that he makes a significant jump from discussing factual arguments, to value judgements, then back.

That is, he talks about historical facts about Washington's teeth.

He jumps to a study talking about Gay Marriage and Gun Rights, something of which a huge amount relies on purely emotional value judgements.

Then jumps to math, which is a different type of factual system anyway. Also, his counter argument to 1 + 3 = tacos is every mathematician says it is 4 which is an appeal to authority.

It just reads like some large mixed message made to make certain feel open-minded. People who consider themselves open-minded read it, and feel good about themselves. They then show it to people they disagree with to assert that maybe if they were more open-minded they would agree.

So what was supposed to be the message in this

Always compromise, even when you know the right answer?

>so they don't have to spend a dime refining their talents
I don't get this. It's a school, you pay them to make you better. Why would they cheap out on that?

It's part of a longer talk which basically says, "be open to new facts."


Not an unreasonable idea, but the way he presents it seems questionable to me. Also, reads more like virtue signaling than anything.

I'm not saying it's a great comic or anything, I'm just saying that it's kinda bullshit to judge it based on that "Creative vs Normal" bullcrap in the OP.

When you hear your pinky toe talking it means that the effect of the drugs is starting to wear off and you need another dose.

But it's not a fact

It's saying to value new information even if you know it to be factually inaccurate

He spent most of the comic making sure we knew that the newly provided information came from a non-reliable source

Yeah, I agree. The OP misrepresented what it was actually about. I just gave my opinions on the actual comic. I would post it, but he does that annoying thing of uploading his comics as 10 different images, even though they are a big vertical image.

Did the vegan not understand the joke?

Yes, part of the reason why he reasoning is questionable to me. One of his sources straight says evidence is inconclusive:


Which is interesting, because now he's basically showing the issue of throwing tons of links at people as evidence, knowing that most people can't actually read through it and determine if it is valid.

This is far worse than the edit.

Vegans not understanding human jokes is very common.

>''every mathematician says it is 4'' which is an appeal to authority
Is it?

Does it actually save any more cows? Whatever alternative I have to eating cows, that still not eating cows.

Yes It is. The non-appeal to authority would be to show the argumentation for how integer addition works.

We often use these types of appeals to authority in real life, simply because we don't have time to become domain experts in everything. But that's still an appeal to authority in a article discussing evidence based argumentation.

What's this trying to say?

I don't know dude

Seems to me there's quite a difference between ''you're wrong because the king said so'' and ''the entire scientific community opposes your claims''

>when my core beliefs are challenged, I imagine that challenge to be my toe spouting insane shit at me
>this leads me to listen and change
Fucking what? Surely imagining a challenge to your core beliefs being moronic emotionally-charged tinfoil nonsense is the LEAST likely thing to make you listen and change? What, does he now accept that 1+3 MIGHT equal tacos, or that it's a valid belief?

I think the idea is to let your doubt run its course in order to reaffirm your believes rather than pushing doubts to the back of your mind where part of you will continue to doubt your beliefs
or something, I'm really not sure
maybe the point of it is to confuse people trying to figure out what the point is until they realize it doesn't actually mean anything, creating a feeling of relief as they stop mentally exerting themselves over a nonsensical puzzle with no answer

Yeah, it is. Not that it's always a bad call, but its better to understand an idea for yourself than to take it on just because people with expertise believe it.

Especially when it's not stuff that's quantifiable; value judgements, for example.

Nah, your misinterpreting it. He's saying he imagines his visceral reaction to the beliefs being challenged as the toe. Not the challenge.

Sure, but that's still a heuristic we use in real life to get around the fact that we don't have time to learn everything. It is still an appeal to authority and a logical fallacy.

The problem is, nobody could be perfectly logical and still get anything done or survive even. Many things we care about as people are outside the realm of logic.

The issue isn't multiculturalism vs monoculturalism, it's top-down (manufactured) culture vs emergent culture.

Oh. Well in that case he probably should have made the "challenge to his beliefs" something a bit less universally accepted than basic mathematics. You can see why I presumed his belief would be that 1+3=4 rather than 1+3=tacos.

It also makes it look like your own beliefs are moronic and based on emotion and that challenges to them are reasonable and sane and based on logic. It could easily be the other way around.

Yeah, it's not a very well constructed comic.

>Hm, I could politely explain the slight faux-pas on a legitimate question
>Or I could act like a complete jackass

>You think the spanish or the french are making less movies because of Transformers?
Well of course they do. Do you think people have infinite wallets? You go see an US blockbuster, you don't see an euromovie instead.
Less entries = less money
Less money = less movies

Unless you think mangas aren't a thorn in Marvel and DC sides.

People who have to prove themselves as "creative" usually aren't even that creative tbqhf. Worst webcomic is Zen Pencils though. Seriously fuck that guy.

Cracked in general became way too frickin' preachy around 2014. Gamergate was the final nail in the coffin where they became full-on self-flagellating numales.

My problem with comics like XKCD and the Oatmeal is that their points are generally fairly cognizant (in this case, that a willingness to challenge and scrutinize your core beliefs is a good thing), but there's little understanding of how that process actually works. Here, the new information is taken on somewhat uncritically. Especially the idea that change in belief is always a good thing.

For example, lets say you live in a fascist society (or a communist society if you're a fascist lel). Would it be best to allow those you consider experts to form your beliefs whole-cloth?