Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #902


also, where is the pateron user to give us tomorrow's strip?

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What's the point of claiming this thing is a robot if she's just a squishy person in a suit.

cause hes a hack

your tax dollars paid for that ass

they're totally gonna fugg

damn it Hack

give us some panel lines at least.

he has all of cyberpunk anime to rip off.

>your Patreon dollars paid for this ass


So how long before the outrage that she isn't fat?

Because she is a robot? Momo generally looks like a person, the blue one generally looks like a person despite us being told she has a crappy chassis, that's just how some robots are.

Because she's a synthetic person designed to be a soldier, working with and being relatable to human soldiers. It's reasonable for her to be human-shaped. There's a lot of issues with the comic, but that doesn't seem to be one of them.

A shame she isn't a midget, though.

I just don't understand what the purpose is in building her a artificial flesh body to then be laden with armor plating.
Which is then AGAIN wearing clothes.
Why did they even put tits on it?
Was this some kind of army 2 birds with one stone project? Half heavy armor assault mech, half comfort woman for the front liners?

>A shame she isn't a midget, though.

/sug/ pls

>good job taking down that tank soldier, but since your chassis has taken a real beating in the process you'll be on dick sucking duty till you're up and running again

>Why did they even put tits on it?

If I were working with a walking talking murder machine I would prefer that it has tits on it.

Has Faye shrunk.
Also that's the closest thing to a legitimate joke since lesbot was introduced.

so why did faye become so fat? she went from a bit chubby all the way to porker with a tiny head

I imagine one of her ears can be pulled like the cord on a lawnmower to start the dick sucking motor.

handstab adventures.

Feature creep is a hell of a drug.

tattoos take longer than that to heal. this bitch is wearing temps! she's a big fat phony!

Image source? Google and iqdb give nothing

3rd and 4th panel looks pretty awkward around the neck and trap area. One's neck is infront of their traps, but that looks like it's sitting on top of them. 2 and 5 look better. So... look forward to that being an inconsistent part of her design.

I do feel like this is a somewhat better job of drawing a muscular person than his last attempt, so that's something.

>faye didnt say "you're beautiful"

I think its the drawfag who used to draw soraka comics for league of legends


Why does a robot wear a leotard?

which character would be the most annoying in real life?

I for one am proud my tax dollars went towards thickening our military hardware.

Seven vaginas


If he did that, what would our noble hard working team of graphic editors have to do with their spare time?

so inspiring.

Quad 4's and common sense

Tai. Hands down Tai

God dammit, why does he occasionally make something amusing?!

If it just turned into complete fucking trash, I might be able to force myself to stop reading, but instead I just get constant disappointment interspersed with moments of fucking excellence.

God damn it, Jeph. YOU COULD BE GOOD!

Because she still needs to be able to work with soldiers in the field, and god damn if a little bit of nice booty doesn't improve morale.

Corpse Witch did nothing wrong and will forever be the only good character to come from this comic.

wasnt this comic about hipsters in a coffee shop? what the fuck is this bullshit?

We full Sup Forums now. Mahou Shoujo Bubbles

Momo, because she's cunty as hell and whatever brain mechanism that prevents me from attacking humans or cute animals won't be functioning with something on the wrong side of the uncanny valley what with the midget proportions, articulation seams, shiny plastic pieces, and funny sounding voice that requires alternative speech bubbles.

It might seem to be May but she's merely boisterous and crass, which is far more tolerable than what Momo is.

You must be new to QC. Every once in awhile Jeph gets bored and takes things on a random tangent.

after a whie doesnt the tangents become meaningless? Just end a thing and start a new project...

All i know this comic was Gen Zed Red head faggot and hipsters in a coffee shop drama

> tax dollars paid for it

god bless the united states military industrial complex

It makes him money.

Let's not pretend JJ is wasting his time and denying us his opus.

He tried that and we got Alice Grove, a "passion project" in which he didn't plan things out despite claiming to have been sketching it out for years. It rapidly fizzled out and is now in that zombie webcomic mode where updates take progressively longer and the "blog" phase of the website is well under way with regular, "updates coming soon guys I mean it!" type posts.

I don't think there are even 200 strips and the thing is almost dead. Nothing make sense, none of the characters have personalities or meaningful traits, and even though he releases only about 3 strips per month most are filler as he clearly stalls because he didn't start thinking about what happens next until he sat down to write it at 11:00 PM the night it's due.

Used to be about some indie young adults out of college trying to get by day to day sort of stuff. Also whatever happened to their bar buddy? I remember it was rrevealed he was a famous romance writer.

I can't be arsed to look it up but I wouldn't be surprised if bar buddy's Jimbo's last comic was in the #1500 range, back in 2009 or whenever.

He also removed the link from QC's main page, which is just one of the oddest choices I can think of.

Its not full frontal nudity, but ill take it.

No, no he couldn't.

probably not too hard to edit

it's just asking for that dick edit


That's pretty fucking old school.

I may at some point in the nineties almost said "why are there tits on a fucking killmech Shirow you fucking hack" but then I achieved enlightenment.

Eh, if you go with a human like skin layer anyway lines would be purely cosmetic. I'm wondering what Jeph's inpiration is here Far Cry nanosuit design still seems plausible, but Polity Golems ma be there too. Satanbot did feel a bit more Asher than Banks.

Lines could represent sections and panels that could be easily removable/replaceable. Also there should be ports that allow her to lock her armor into place and maybe add some functionality instead of just wearing it

I like some buffgal but Jeph should not be drawing the buffgal.

Oh dear something has happened to me

Claire would jump down your throat if you suggested you have suffered.

He really could, there are tiny kernels of corn in the turds he drops.

>your tax dollars paid for it


You are the gift that keeps on giving.

>giant muscle women is Jeph's latest fetish

It was just fat broads for the longest time, but I guess he's been foreshadowing this burgeoning new perversion for a while now

too problematic to have a white male in charge of writing erotic fantasy


dont you dare

god bless America

how does a robot blush?

It's a USB cord, I'll explain later.

I don't see a package, user.

you can make some special pigments change colors when you apply a small electric charge

I'm actually OK with it. You get an outer layer on top of the CNT muscles that provides a bit of padding and can look and feel like skin if desired. Could be active camo with olive drab default too.

Then any attachments could hook up to bone or just mate to the skin. It can look and feel like skin but have some very different properties.

You haven't signed the contract yet.

Thanks guys

why does it wear clothes if it is smooth like pepsiman

Yeah, there are currently phone peripherals that just require surface contact and no plugs, so there's no reason whatever future bullshit these robots run on can't do the same.

it's still lewd

Shut up and take my soul!

She might be uncomfortable. Or it's regs, she hasn't taken that armor off since she was in active service.

I need this fucking sauce, oh my god this robobooty

I sketched it this morning.

You ever think of doing boondocks again?

Nice btw

It needs a little more arm definition/size, she's fucking huge
Also her shoulders are bigger than that
basically you drew her too small

Yeah, I liked drawing boondocks stuff. A while back, I was going to make a strip with Faye and uncle ruckus sitting on a park bench around the time that I made that "I didn't even get to fuck the robot/human". Basically it was going ot go like this:

>Panel 1:
>Faye: (sobbing into her hands)
>Ruckus: (cocky and smug) Why helloooo thar robo-lesbo whyte woman! Are ya ready to make America great again?!

>Panel 2
>Faye: (exclamation) I never even got to fuck the robot!!!
>Ruckus: (still Smug from panel 1)

Panel 3
>Faye: (Goes back to sobbing in her hands)
>Ruckus: See! It's already happening!

You're a good person user

Understood. So more like this?

yeah that's pretty good
I believe it's customary at this point to shout UGGGH THICCCER but I'm not going to do that because I have restraint

Thanks for the useful feedback. I'll make the adjustments. Give me a few minutes.

Jesus Christ this comic fucking sucks.

It's better when he's doing things like this than when he's depicting the so called relationships that Martin or Dora have.

I don't blame you for giving her a girlier pair of shoulders, he drew her fucking huge.

No problem man. Here's what I have. I also made her a little darker in shade.

oh yeah that's good shit
did you make her butt bigger when you edited it? I don't think that was entirely necessary

you've struck gold again

Yeah lol I increased her buttocks a little to really give false something to grab on to. I can always cross-edit with the earlier version.


Here she is with the old butt. I kinda like it like this. Thanks user!

>be a robot
>have Fred Flintstone posture
who programmed this shit

Yes, he gave her a huge butt but that's only because she has absolutely MASSIVE shoulders. As it is she still has a very manly body for a female-coded robot.

I mean, if you think about it, it's basically making sure a piece of sophisticated heavy-duty machinery is ruggedized to be able to take an impact, so... good work military scientists.

Especially one with military training, imagine if her drill sergeant saw that!