I'm too stupid to understand

I'm too stupid to understand

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Oh fuck, I finally caught one of these threads. I can't post threads because of some stupid ISP/country ban, but I can reply to threads just fine, because this website is apparently moderated by retarded chimpanzees.

What didn't you understand? I've been wondering about a few things which I've been dying to post:

Who was the person with the gigantic head that Ulrich's mother saw in the forest?

Who the fuck was the priest? Was he the adult version of the Ferris Bueller kid he talks to in the car? I thought he was gonna turn out to be the adult Jonas, who keeps trying to find a way to fix the timeline without having to erase himself as well, and he could be seen as the Antichrist someone mentioned because he was born outside of the normal flow of time. It was kinda stupid that the Norman Reedus guy was his older self because the actors looked nothing alike, which was strange because mostly all the other match ups were pretty perfect.

How did that dog manage to just run through the tunnels and time travel when everyone else had to push open that fucking heavy door with the Latin on it?

What happened to Stiffler, the ginger kid who went missing in 2019? I think we see his charred face at one point but where was his body, did he get dumped through a portal 33 years after 2019 like what happened to Mads?

Why was the priest trying to create a new method of time travel when the cave thing existed? Why not just use that? It seemed like the chair was restricted to 33 year jumps as well, so the only difference is it kills people as well.

Why was the cop from 1986 obsessed with Satanism? Was it because he remembered Ulrich from 1953 and thought something spooky was going on? Is that why he had it in for 1986 Ulrich?

Where did the plans for the little ticking explosive box come from?

I hope most of these answers aren't relying on season two because I'm not watching it. I'm dropping this show before Netflix causes it turn into dragged out bullshit like Stranger Things.

pls respond


I recommend watching it with the dub, as painful as some of it is to listen to. Keeping track of names and faces while reading shit and having to look at who's talking at the same time just adds another layer of confusion to everything. For example there's a scene that's flicking through the young and old faces so you know who's supposed to be who, but I was reading the subs so I had to rewind it a couple times to see who's who.

>I recommend watching it with the dub

Of course, how else will we understand what they are saying?

>its an 80's horror netflix original

What was the point of the awkward lesbian stuff in 1953?

ginger kid and deaf boy were the bodies dumped in the 1953 pre nuclear power plant construction site.

1986 cop suspected satanism because around that time period the media made a big deal about supposed satanic cults and ritual killings. i think there is a case from around then where a whole class of kids claimed to have been involved in/witnessed a satanic murder ritual, but it was revealed that the interviewers asked very leading questions (pretty sure that mads mikkelsen movie where the loli mistakenly accuses him of being a pedo and somehow the whole class gets lead into saying he molested them too is based on this same case)

pretty sure its implied that the priest IS jonas' friend. he tells a story about a strange traveler staying with him when he was younger and how he would hear him talk during his nightmares. jonas' friend's mother is the owner of the hotel, and future jonas was staying at the hotel etc.

his wife going lesbian and leaving him is the reason the cop became an alcholic

ulrich did nothing wrong

shouldnt have cheated on his wife for that sneaky petty attentionwhore cunt tho

My only aim is to take many lives
The more, the better I feel

It gave us Faora

>Who the fuck was the priest?

unclear at this point but it seems pretty obvious hes the villain of the series. the discussions he has with helge in 1986 seem to imply hes some sort of antichrist figure possibly. hes also a clear reference to "night of the hunter"

>What happened to Stiffler, the ginger kid who went missing in 2019?

body was dumped in 1953 along with that of the deaf kid's. theres a scene of them discovering the bodies at the future site of the nuclear plant

>Why was the priest trying to create a new method of time travel when the cave thing existed? Why not just use that? It seemed like the chair was restricted to 33 year jumps as well, so the only difference is it kills people as well.

unclear and probably one of the overarching questions that will drive the series, or at least season 2. if he really is some kind of primordial evil its possible he could want to use it to travel far enough back in time to shape the world differently or something

>Why was the cop from 1986 obsessed with Satanism? Was it because he remembered Ulrich from 1953 and thought something spooky was going on? Is that why he had it in for 1986 Ulrich?


>Where did the plans for the little ticking explosive box come from?

given to the watchmaker guy in 1953 by future claudia

This shit is unironically kino and I can't wait for season 2.

How did the kid survive such a beating? rock to his tiny little head repeatedly should have killed him?
I think charlotte may go back in time to rescue Ulrich or is Ulrich simply going to die in 1953?
Is Noah the villain or Claudia? i guess we'll find out next season, most people think Noah/claudia are both trying to find a way to time travel without the 33 year limitation.
Also this show should be watched with subs. Watching it once is not enough.

seems like his ear might have taken the brunt of the blows? i assume he had some brain damage, hence dementia when he's older, and the fact he was only able to be a low level worker at the power plant.

The beating did turn him into a brainlet.

He's already a brainlet before that. Although I could never do 2 by 1 multiplications myself at his age

>tfw we didn't get to see Claudia operating with her Dragnunov

He was already a brainlet so besides ruining part of his face/ear, that beating didn't do much?
hard to believe that desu.

>December 1
>Dark on Netflix
>December 22
>Bright on Netflix

>mfw most of the women were annoying bitches
I did like the police chief and and Jonas' grandmother.

>ginger kid and deaf boy were the bodies dumped in the 1953 pre nuclear power plant construction site.
I thought the kids dumped in 53 were a little boy and girl? The boy was obviously the deaf kid but wasn't the other a girl around the same age, or am I remembering that wrong?

>he tells a story about a strange traveler staying with him when he was younger and how he would hear him talk during his nightmares.
I actually thought that meant the priest was in a cell next to Ulrich in 53 and he was hearing him having nightmares, ie. losing his fucking mind.

Charlotte is indeed best girl. But why Noah has her watch, other than implying Noah has some interaction with her scientist father?

subtitles like a man

Why do Future Jonas and Present Jonas have different eye colors if they are supposed to be the same person?

>I thought the kids dumped in 53 were a little boy and girl?

nope, there was no girl. Just the two boys.

>given to the watchmaker guy in 1953 by future claudia
Yeah, but I was wondering how the fuck she got a hold of them. Thanks for other answers though.

I watched it with subtitles and it was a terrible experience, there are too many names and faces to connect to stop seeing who's talking. I'm gonna rewatch it with dubs and hopefully it isn't too terrible.


Why does this keep getting publicized as "Netflix's darkest series yet?" Besides the unnecessary animal gore scenes and a kid getting beat with a rock, the only slightly dark part was Jonas making out with his aunt, but what happened in Back to the Future was actually worse. And his mother having sex with Ulrich wasn't even incestuous because he just happens to be her stepfather.

because american's are typically large children. Anything that doesn't look like nascar or a sports team or some sjw sitcom is too dark and weird

My favorite show or movie in a long ass time. All the answers to the above questions are given by paying closer attention. (not being snarky just not wasting anymore time writing)

It was Netflix darkest series yet. It wasn't as dark as Mother, but it's not being compared to that. What Netflix series is darker?

Also, that rape-o room that the priest locked the boys in is dark as fucking hell. That shit haunts me.

>it's the obligatory faggot who thinks he knows everything but won't explain

I get that they were going for a time dilation effect but the words not matching their lips is just odd.

The fact that we didn't get to see any lesbo facesitting action is a fucking travesty

The questions above are all answered in this thread you fucking idiot. Plus I'm highly intelligent.

Elisabeth a cute!

There is no origin for the time machine box thing because it is a causal loop. The 2052 people only have it because the watchmaker guy made it and he only made it because they brought it back to him. Here's some Wiki for a better explanation. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_loop

gigantic head was probably the older time traveler kid wearing his big rain hoodie

I'm not gay but I'd let Oliver Masucci pound my boy puss.

Noah is as he says, a good man with bad methods. He is just trying to create a time travel device. Claudia is the true evil in this story, she is at fault for the creation of the time loop and deliberately lies or obscures information. Claudia gives Tronte Nielsen and Peter Doppler Noah's notebook (that she somehow got from Bartosz) but she tears many pages out to hide certain things from them. She designed the device, or possibly just gave the schematics to the clock maker, and instructed future Jonas to use the device and create the loop.

Noah = good, wants to control time travel or close it to prevent Claudia from controlling it
Claudia = bad, wants to control time travel and ensure that the loop stays open

fuck off

>The questions above are all answered in this thread you fucking idiot.
>unclear at this point
>unclear and probably one of the overarching questions that will drive the series
The questioner was right to question, some things don't have answers in the show and are overarching mysteries. If you stopped massaging your prostate with your tongue for long enough to actually read the thread then you'd know this.

There really is no good or evil, unless you're just going to believe everything Noah says. Everyone is just doing what they're predetermined to do to keep the timeline in order. This is pretty clear when Old Helge tries to alter the timeline by ramming Midlife Helge off the road, but it only leads to the same outcome. Nothing can be altered. So really, Noah and Claudia could be seen as the true protagonists, because they know exactly what's going on and what's expected of them and are playing along. People like Jonas are trying to throw spanners in the works by attempting to change things, but in the situation where Jonas was trying to bring Mikkel back to 2019, that could never have actually happened, because Jonas has always existed. Despite characters bouncing around to different points in time, there is only one continuous timeline, and their displacements are actually still part of it.

I thought it was Noah in his wide brimmed hat, when he looks down at the ground. But I don't think Ulrich's mother was that fucking stupid. Isn't there a scene where Mikkel or someone bumps into the big head dude in the forest and we can only see the lower part of his head?

This is the scene I was thinking of. He says Noah sent him. Can't tell if that's his hat or if his head is actually huge like the woman said. Also, apparently the deaf boy can hear what he's saying?

Truly best girl

>looks like a discount Mads Mikkelsen
>there is a character called Mads
>there is a character called Mikkel
This had to be intentional? Did Mikkelsen drop out or something?

>Who the fuck was the priest
probably the husband of the lesbian hottie, Tronte's father
>How did that dog manage to just run through the tunnels and time travel when everyone else had to push open that fucking heavy door with the Latin on it?
the dog was either rescued by Claudia herself (old) or the tunnels have alternative pathways, which seems reasonable since the humans made a path but it doesn't mean it's the only path
>What happened to Stiffler
he was one of the bodies in 1953, alongside the mute kid.
>Why was the priest trying to create a new method of time travel when the cave thing existed? Why not just use that? It seemed like the chair was restricted to 33 year jumps as well, so the only difference is it kills people as well.
there's a war between light and Dark. both are trying to make machine in order to control time travel, and the ones who break the loop and make the machine win.
>Why was the cop from 1986 obsessed with Satanism
I think the 1952 cop also spoke about satanists. if not, the 80s was big on ritualistic killings and satanism, could just be the culture of the time.
>Where did the plans for the little ticking explosive box come from?
what explosive? the time machine?

also it's fair to mention that Jonas has been in a future with technologically different gadgets, hence the lamp with censors.

>I think the 1952 cop also spoke about satanists.
That was the same cop. It's another predestination paradox in the plot of the show. In 1986 Ulrich is just a rebellious teen but the cop scrutinizes him because he strongly believes there's Satanism in Winden, and he thinks that because Ulrich hears the lyrics to his son's music in 2019 (my only aim is to take lives, the more the better I feel) which he repeats to the same cop in 1952, because he thinks it's ironic that he's being locked up again by him for no reason, which leads the cop to ask him if he's a Satanist, and never getting a clear answer makes the cop suspect for the rest of his life that there are Satanists in Winden, leading back to 1986.

I know it was the same cop, that's why I said it, if he said in 1953 then it's not the culture of the 80s

also why are you telling me all that, I know

It sounded like you thought they were different cops.
But you didn't have the correct explanation, you just went on about the culture of the Eighties which isn't the reason suggested by the show for why he really suspected Satanism.

To add to it, it also gives insight into Ulrich's opinion of the cop and why he thought he was an incompetent idiot who could never find his brother, and what Ulrich to become a cop. Ulrich is the one who made him fixate on Satanism and lead the cop to bark up the wrong tree. So Ulrich started his own chain reaction for becoming a cop.

Seriously not memeing here, what in the utter fuck was Hannah's problem? she decides to falsely accuse Ulrich of raping his girlfriend in the same week that his brother went missing and his life is spinning out of control.

Pretty much intentional

She saw the girl he was with and wanted to break them apart, she actually just explains this herself. She's just a terrible person, like everyone in this show.

So from what I can tell, there was a finite number of time jumps that took place, maybe 3 or 4 before we jump to the future?

>Keeping track of names and faces while reading shit and having to look at who's talking at the same time just adds another layer of confusion to everything
Amerimutt detected

>it’s impossible to alter timelines
>says the guy whose brother is his father

it's a pun. why would a German tv show cast a Danish actor?

>stranger things for people who think they're too smart for stranger things