Ya at least gotta admit, this was the best scene

Ya at least gotta admit, this was the best scene.

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It was good. But Luke on the falcon was the best scene.

I liked when the Porg screamed on the falcon.

I tears at that.

It looks cool but destroys the setting completely.

I cried when the tiny alien gambler put coins in BB8.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

>inb4 brainlets come in and complain about it ruining the idea of space combat

Why didn't they just lightspeed an x-wing into the death star?

And that's the problem.

It looked like an effect you would see in an anime.

Also, favorite scene was right after Snoke bit it, and Rey and Kylo team up and fight the red rocket brigade together. Second favorite was when Luke made Kylo look like a retard for falling for that trick.

it had shields dawg

r u stupid?

Why didn't the first order ship in the OP have a shield?

So did Snoke's ship? Clearly it doesn't matter. Why didn't they hyperspace an asteroid into literally every Target in every movie? Especially when the separatists used Droid crews that we're totally expendable.

You're the brainlet, you stupid fucking faggot. Kys and rid us all of your stupidity.

You are a dumb nigger.

>It looked like an effect you would see in an anime.

And that's exactly the moment I realized that JJ and Rian are fanboys of it and had a bad feeling for the future of the franchise.

Jews are not black goyim.


Hope hannukah celebrations are going well, Canaanite.

umm no sweetie, it doesn't work against hyperdrive.

Don't fucking femsplain me


For the Chosen, all is...always.

>universe with laser swords and people using telekinesis
>people get upset at a ship hitting another ship

>calk yourself God's chosen people
>rejected Christ
Explain this


I'm pretty sure that the only retard here is you

It was. When I watched that I was genuinely surprised. It's head and shoulders above every other scene in the movie in terms of visual splendor and emotional impact despite the fact that it breaks the logic of every space fight that has happened or ever will happen in star wars. That they decided to keep it in the final cut of the movie honestly baffles me since the rest of the film is nowhere near the quality.

How would you know gaylord?


>emotional impact
the only impact is the lore breaking from it

watch TFA soytard

How did he die again?

AIDS contracted from traps

This all could be easily explained if they said that the light saber being split and exploding caused the shields or electronics to become disabled

on is way back to his home planet


nice. is The Thing an anti-Jew movie?

not a chance

The entire sequence where Kylo teams up with Rey and they kill Snoke and shit on a bunch of guards is one of the fucking best sequences in the entire series. Shame the rest of the movie is pretty garbo.


Yea. It was the worst scene if you didn’t check your brain at the door
Kinda checked out of the movie at that point

Snoke’s ship having fully operational shields is an explicitly established plot point, brainlet

The scene is indefensible

The last jedi not only ruins all future STAR WARS movies, it also retroactively ruins the past films and makes them all look like idiots.

>A New Hope - "Sir we've worked out the final plan for the assault on the death star and it will be risky and cost many lives but it migh-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it"

>Empire - "Sir the troops are ready for the ground assault on Hoth, walkers are ready to deploy" "Just Hyperspace-Ram the shield generator from orbit then Hyperspace-ram the rebel base. Boom. All the rebels will be dead before they can evacuate, war is over, and we never had to do a ground assault"

>Jedi - "Sir they built a new death star and it's even bigg-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it" "But sir it's surrounded by a shield from the Endor moo-" "Just hyperspace ram the endor Moon until you take out the shield generator, Ewoks are collateral damage, then hyperspace ram the new death star"

>Phantom Menace - "Annakin you have to take out that droid controller" "Just hyperspace ram it"

>Rogue One - "We have to take down that shield generator!" "Just hyperspace ra- actually you know what were going to just hyperspace ram the death star anyway so we don't even need these stupid plans. Lets get out of here everybody."

>TFA - My god they built an even BIGGER death sta-" "Just hyperspace ram it"

From now on, in every star wars movie ever made, every single time there is a massive fleet, large base or battlestation everyone watching will be thinking. "Why don't they just hyperspace-ram it". Johnson did this to the entire star wars cinematic universe, forever, for the sake of a ten second shot that "looked cool".

>Ya at least gotta admit, this was the best scene.


The correct answer is this

It's no glittering c beam

Star Wars The Last Jedi. Did you not see it yet?

t. look, I'm doing the thing where I reverse the thing!

My nigga.

Someone needs to edit Leia and the Flash scene together.

Would pay good money to see a film about Roys life...you know, one that does not have Kurt Russel in it and CLAIMS to be related.

>I couldn't believe my sides


It's a shit scene. You're just distracted by how visually pretty it is and ignoring how little story sense it makes. This is a world that has known space travel for thousands of years. If hyperspace ramming was possible at all, people would have tried it before this.

>[nasheed intensifies]

Sup Forums tier


Reminded me of the sonic charges from AotC

But it doesn’t make any sense

*cue American audience clapping and cheering

There is now no logical reason they can't just hyperspace an X-Wing into a key area of an enemy ship. New Death Star? No problem, point it at the enemy core and hyperspace.

They made out this was some dramatic and amazing scene, but it was actually dumb shit and made no sense.

It looked pretty that's about it

nice pasta

(I actually mean it. i do like this pasta)