What are some movies about sitting in front of the fireplace on Christmas eve?

What are some movies about sitting in front of the fireplace on Christmas eve?

is overwatch fun?


is sombra meta yet?

I don't know but I am pretty kickass with her.

If you're good with her, or anyone for that matter, then they're absolutely part of the meta.

I'm gonna be totally honest: I've never played a single minute of Overwatch, but I sure do love the porn and ecchi of the female cast members. It's like how I've never watched a single episode of Bleach yet I'm familiar with all the girls in it.

That's true. I've been using D.Va long before people started crying she's OP and I'll be using her even after they nerf her.

Is Reaper meta yet?

no its fucking trash unbalanced peice of shit,

What's the rest of the sentence?

They are very well designed characters so it makes sense that they have such great art. It's nice that the game is so popular since it led to this.

As for Bleach, the DS fighting games are way better than anything the show itself ever offered anyway. Even the plot is better.

>They are very well designed characters

oh no

oh no no

*breaths in*


He's right, you know.

he was gonna finish his sentence but now he's jerking it to overwatch porn

I have over 850 hours in Overwatch. Don't play it. It's imbalanced as fuck. It will bring you more frustration and anger than it will happiness.

Ah, I know the feeling.

Can we, you know, get some posted? Let's get on that.

>hates game
>plays it for 800 hours

>no good video games in the last 3 years
>try to play shit games like OW to understand the appeal
>realize the developers are slowly ruining their own game and move on


there's always a thread for it on /gif/

>needs 800 hours to decide he doesn't like a game

Can you handle losing? Can you handle bad teammates? If yes to both, play it. If not, don't

You know, if you have a problem with bad teammates, you can always play in a group with your friends. You do have friends, right?


>Can you handle losing?
>Can you handle bad teammates?
>You do have friends, right?
Welp, I guess no OW for me

What's this image from? Tried reverse searching it and just got a bunch of retards reposting it all over reddit or Sup Forums.

It's from Wilfred

Even if I had friends I'd lose them very fast cause I hate losing games, and I'd trash talk them because I am a toxic piece of shit

At least you admit it unlike the people who get banned from the game and then post it on the forums whining like everyone else is at fault.

Although, my brother trash talks the shit out of his friends constantly and he still has them, so maybe you just need the right friends.

How's the new Support character? Is she good? Her design, aesthethically, is awful. She's like an ugly librarian spinster

She's actually ridiculous and I love playing her. Her weapon is autoaim like Symmetra's and has infinite ammo, and her orbs automatically target anyone she passes by. I'm already used to her design and I actually think it's hilarious because she's a 48 year old weeb who runs like Naruto and has a Terminator eye. Her voice is actually very cool too but I always like Irish accents.

The boy in striped pajamas

i was going to ephasize my previous statement but i couldnt be arsed

Well now that you're here, do it.

ok, well i was going to say how the player base is also shit, and matchmaking is shit, you have to play meta combos to get anywhere, you get banned if you play one class becuase you get reported if you dont switch becuase some other cunt wants to play your character even if you are doing great with it.

The person who whined "I got banned for only playing Torb!" turned out to be a complete jackass who actually got banned for being a jackass.